EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index)


Word of God, Words of God (Part 2 of 3)

groundwork and subject matter of education CT 16

guide in home CG 509

lamp to our feet CS 18; 2T 396; 4T 616; 5T 559

man of our counsel CW 157; ML 25

practically applied MYP 61; 1T 302

supreme 6T 402-3

well of water springing up into everlasting life 8T 193

should be our: counselor in every difficulty CG 509

daily monitor 5T 329

director FE 463

educator 3BC 1146

guide and counselor in teaching health reform 9T 162-3

lesson book MM 59; SD 81; 9T 166

rule of life CG 65, 67; 2T 396; TM 452

standard in every practice CG 509

study COL 109

weapon of warfare AA 307; Ev 489

should be our guide FE 463, 482; GW 394; 6T 160; TM 452

in all things CH 423

in deciding what is highest and best in all cases 4T 541

in education FE 184

should find place in every room of house ML 89

should have first place in every system of education FE 542

should lie at foundation of: all education CT 208

all work in intermediate schools CT 203

simple, has great power to convince of truth Ev 540

simple explanations of, are better than argument 4T 260

simple prescriptions of, conform your life to TM 456

simple statements of, are food for mind 2SM 14

simple trust in, fasting will not take place of CD 189

simplicity of, eloquence found in SD 70

some people who study, live in direct opposition to its plainest teachings 2T 455; 5T 663

soul must feed on, to have spiritual strength 7BC 941

speaks life to soul DA 282

specifies distinctly our duty to Him and fellow man LS 199

Spirit educates by means of CT 171

Spirit enlightens persons who study COL 36

Spirit gave Ed 188-9; SC 109; 5T 703

Spirit helps the sincere to understand GC 526-7

Spirit illuminates 2SM 39

Spirit impresses mind with SD 30

Spirit is given to open, to man’s understanding MB 112

Spirit is promised to give efficiency to TM 199

Spirit is withdrawn from persons who reject EW 45; GC 431

Spirit makes, powerful 8T 55

transforming power in life of receiver COL 414

Spirit’s ministry in opening, to man’s mind GC 9

Spirit’s power makes, effective COL 64

efficacious and powerful 2SM 18

Spirit’s work upon the heart is to be tested by 1SM 43

spiritual life is sustained by DA 390

standard for youth who would be loyal to Christ is ML 315

standard of character is GW 250

statute book in judgment of the wicked EW 291

storehouse of, draw fresh supplies daily from SD 325

strengthens intellect (mind) CSW 40; CT 460

stronger weapon than ax is Ev 587

student of, learns that human intellect is not omnipotent CT 53

studied gives light and understanding to the simple TM 95-6

studied and obeyed: is our spiritual guide and instructor SD 347

reflects light to world 1SM 416

studied and practiced ennobles whole man DA 612

studied as it should be: gives breadth of mind, nobility of character, and stability of purpose CT 460

gives light and knowledge MM 88

studied carefully and prayerfully furnishes man to all good works 2T 121

study COL 109

as never before FE 200

carefully GC 520

daily with ever-increasing interest 1T 441

diligently PP 460; 2T 313

for yourself DA 141

in light of Calvary 5BC 1137

in light streaming from cross of Christ SD 221

more FE 110

more constantly Ev 180

prayerfully GC 488; MYP 61; SC 35; 2SG 264; 1T 163, 302; TM 452

thoroughly 2T 337

to trim your own ideas TM 467

with earnest prayer for wisdom 7T 214

with humble heart CW 36

with humility of heart GC 520

with prayer MH 359

study and practice, for it is your life CSW 44

study conditions laid down in, for our salvation 5T 543

study utterances of Scriptures as 5T 704

studying and obeying, blessings of FE 457

subject of Christ’s teaching and preaching was COL 39; MH 21

subjects found in, for deepest thought FE 85

subjection to, means restoration of one’s self TM 396

sufficient to enlighten most beclouded mind 2T 454-5; 5T 663

surface of: fear to skim 6T 407

little good is accomplished by skimming over 8T 157

penetrate deeper and still deeper beneath 9T 151

sword of Spirit is AA 502; AH 180; 1T 469; 4T 441

take: as He has given it to us CW 158

as His voice to us CSW 72

as it reads CT 353

as rule of life FE 128

as your guide CT 30

as your lesson book 1SM 242-3

as your textbook 2SM 88

for your rule, instead of human opinions 5T 337

teach, in same simple way that Christ taught it Ev 474

to children in simple lessons CT 109

teach children to respect CG 539

teach people to study, diligently GW 364

teach youth to give close study to CT 121

teachers of, should not shun mental discipline Ev 648

teachers should take, as their lesson book CT 372

teaching children to study Ed 251

teachings of: cannot be mistaken Ev 271

lean implicitly on 5T 427

make practical use of plain, re salvation 2T 694

plain, must not be spiritualized away 1SM 170

Spirit’s teaching cannot be contrary to GC 7

why human ideas re science often contradict 8T 258

test every spirit by GC 396-7

test for distinguishing false teachers from true ones is MB 145

test of all inspiration is GC 193

Testimonies were given to: attract minds to 2T 606

direct men to 1SM 46

exalt 2T 606

Testimonies were not given to: belittle 2T 606

take place of Ev 256

things that are not chargeable to 5T 701-2

thousands seen opening, to families 9T 126

threatenings of, are needed CH 459; 5T 198

three books in which, is found COL 125

thunders of, startle man from his lethargy 4T 14

to live by, means surrender of whole life to Him Ed 258

to study, is to eat of leaves of tree of life Ev 138

too serious in import to be disregarded CS 137

torchlight glimmer of earth not needed by, to make its glories distinguishable COL 111

transforms man’s nature and re-creates his soul Ed 126

treasures in, help youth to see Ed 248

treasures of, all eternity is needed to unfold glories of 6BC 1107; 7BC 919

hidden, long buried beneath rubbish of error and tradition FE 171

treat, with reverential awe CT 427

true science and, have same Author 8T 258

truest and most exalted knowledge is found in SD 70

trust implicitly in, or you are lost FE 189

truth is found in 8T 192

truth of: evidence of, is in word itself 8T 157

fossils that mutely testify to Ed 129

how to prove, for yourself SC 111-2

nature testifies to CT 189

persons who have plenty of room for disbelief in 1T 377

student may have clear and accurate ideas of CT 434

truths in, educate children in COL 109

truths of, how to acquire power to comprehend MYP 65-6

truthfulness of, established by testimony that appeals to reason Ed 169; SC 105

it is not enough merely to assent to 5T 533

turn to, with reverent attention FE 473

unchangeable and eternal Ev 236

understanding of: correct, pastor needs 4T 260

earnest and taxing study is essential to CT 483; 8T 157

gospel workers are not all alike in 2SM 155

human theories and speculations never lead to COL 110

is better than all other knowledge 4T 27

mere intellectual, is not sufficient to influence habits of life CSW 37

persons growing in grace are constantly obtaining clear 5T 706

persons having any desire for it may have 5T 663

right, illumination of Spirit is essential to 3BC 1152; COL 113; SC 109; 5T 703

thoughtful investigation is essential to CT 483

unerring light shed on pathway of life by 5T 247

utterances of men as 1SM 21

value of 8T 192-4

walled in with Testimonies 2T 606

warnings of, are needed CH 459; 5T 198

water of life is found in TM 390

ways in which people willfully pervert GC 521

we only half believe 1SM 93

whatever contradicts, proceeds from Satan PP 55

whatever is built on immutable, will stand forever GC 288

whole treasure house of, key that unlocks Ed 126

why, have been written out for man EW 220

why human ideas of science often contradict MH 462

why men do not obey 5T 234

why men reject DA 587-8

why many people hate 2BC 1036

why many people set aside, as lesson book in education CT 393

why skeptics and infidels reject SC 108

will judge us at last great day 4T 584

will stand fast forever as unalterable as His throne PK 187

wisdom and power of, used by Christ as defense against Satan GC 51

wisdom to understand, pray for GC 530

works and CT 453-9

works like leaven WM 161-2

written: given through Hebrew prophets PK 686

is our only safety 1SM 158

makes us acquainted with Him PP 599

most clearly reveals knowledge of God COL 126

preserved miraculously through ages PK 627

your opinions, ideas, and doctrines are to be tested by CW 36

your thoughts, words, and deeds are to be tested by 2T 295

youth do not study, as they should 8T 319

youth must take, as their guide 1T 497

youth need to be armed with ML 315

youth should study 1T 503

carefully 4T 441

closely Ed 190

youth who enjoys reading, God’s blessing on SD 136

See also Scriptures


Abraham’s life signalized by regard for CC 49:2

acceptance of,

and impart to the world HP 67:5

as it reads UL 144:3

in simplicity OHC 207:2

prepares for counsel from God 3SM 33:1

strength from application and FLB 22:6

(take) simply UL 346:2

acknowledging but not recognizing its claims RC 55:3

acquaintance with, to be better FLB 8:5

actions are to agree with HP 159:5; UL 363:4

acts of sympathy prepare hearts to listen to RC 246:2

actuated by UL 171:3

afflicted ones have fortress in OHC 317:6

aim of, to inspire hope and lead heavenward OHC 71:5

all specifications of, to be followed TDG 128:7

all things seen in the light of UL 187:4

anchor self to TMK 210:4


attend those,

searching 1MCP 92:2

teaching SW 51:1

care of, for humans taught by many stories in HP 103:2

desire to see us value RC 250:2

rejoice as one searches, in order to do right TDG 160:4

wait to go with those witnessing with UL 91:2

apostasy demands repudiating truth of Mar 204:3

appeals by,

not relished by many; reproofs TMK 118:2

with power to choose; it warns 1MCP 92:2

appearance of sanctity while not doers of FW 116:2

application of,

personal UL 371:3

to suit own ideas 1MCP 43:3

wrongly when reproved by testimonies 3SM 82:1

appreciation for,

grows with its study HP 135:3

lost by one pursuing own way TSB 64:3

teachers with UL 103:5


brings joy of Christ HP 144:4

knowing you are right with God HP 144:2

to self TMK 216:3

assurance from,

in the life UL 78:4

rather then from feelings TDG 223:3

to believers TDG 75:3


drawn by, from temporal to spiritual TDG 30:2

not to be diverted from UL 371:3

authenticity of, ones quibbling over, not influence VSS 315:1

authority for many early Christians UL 158:4


and earnestness should be shown toward HP 134:2

in opening, in study after 1844 CET 192:4

balance kept by UL 21:5


for those believing in the Saviour TDG 292:4

set before us TDG 46:4

barricaded by,

against attack at weak points OHC 307:4

against temptation HP 215:5

beauty, truth, tenderness, etc. in, impresses mind LHU 127:6

belief in,

and application is a shield from Satan Mar 156:6

and reliance TMK 245:5

basis for genuine religion RC 77:4

in certainty 2MCP 677:2

is eating and drinking Christ’s body SW 52:1

looking constantly to Christ 3SM 204:4

looking to Jesus instead of mourning TDG 89:3

shown by works TDG 50:5

believers to be interpreters of UL 136:4

better than studying infidel authors 1MCP 196:0

blessings for those observing conditions in TDG 341:5

blessings to be claimed believing every word of TMK 226:2

boasting of light while opposing, is presumption TMK 206:2

book for study 3SM 338:2

book of books OHC 205:2

books to help in understanding, make good gifts PM 345:4

brain should not be fed anything that brings mist to 1MCP 92:1


of heaven RC 37:5

of life HP 134:6; UL 125:5

bring creed to; years in belief does not make truth FW 77:1

broken by some who cannot subvert it UL 35:5

build on, rather than demanding more evidence 2MCP 679:2

burdens not to prevent study of TDG 150:5

bypassing, in attempting to know God’s will Mar 233:6

canvassers and office workers to follow PM 297:4

careless and unashamed ones warned through TDG 278:3

casual reading of, is unsafe 1MCP 95:2

censuring is different from speaking, faithfully UL 366:2

certainty from experience to be shown in presenting TDG 72:3

changes in, attempted RC 113:3

channel of communication with the living God FLB 8:4


detected by FLB 18:3

developed by studying and obeying HP 148:3

imperfections of, discovered by TMK 199:3

revealed as standard in LYL 25:1

tested by, showing disease and remedy OHC 36:2

traits of, subdued by study of AG 223:6; HP 21:5

transformed by treasuring and obeying TMK 199:2


marking narrow way TDG 247:4

showing truth LHU 130:4

cheap knowledge of, in churches TDG 112:3

cherish, sacredly; faith gives power to live it TDG 285:3


cannot study, in public schools 3SM 211:3

have Christ kept before them by hearing HP 209:5

taught to obey, teach others unconsciously TDG 307:4

who accept, safe from skepticism RC 168:2

choose truth of, over trusting supposed great people TDG 319:6

choosing to search, when opportunity PM 68:2


charms of, seen in HP 354:3

child interpreted, to rabbis TMK 28:3

declared by TMK 70:4

explained, clearly LHU 90:7

gave example in studying OHC 59:4

made plain UL 52:4

met Satan’s attacks with TMK 32:3

must control workers who teach TDG 297:4

opened, giving sacred hope and joy Mar 249:3

proved Himself to be; He recovered lost truth LHU 259:4

rejected by those trusted to teach UL 80:3

seen in all the HP 134:4

speaks through, to show truth FW 86:2

spoke, as he had to the Old Testament prophets HP 134:4

subjection to, by cherishing HP 190:3

Christ will open meaning of, in higher school TDG 145:7


fail to be doers of 1MCP 50:0

textbook of TMK 194:5


stamped upon soul by TMK 94:4

to be in those who claim to believe TDG 201:2


example followed in using, not opinions LHU 134:6

flesh and blood consumed by following TDG 120:2

presence in, speaks as water to the thirst RC 109:4

weapon was, Satan’s was falsehood RC 60:5

church lacks power and godliness by not following RC 208:2

church members may know God’s will from TDG 82:2

churches accountable for light on, not cherished RC 114:2

clarified through testimonies 3SM 31:3

clarity of, too much for some OHC 354:2

cling to, not to customs and sayings FW 86:1; TDG 148:4

come to,

faith needed to rely on Christ FW 66:4

intelligently taking God at His word OHC 119:6


from speaking words of HP 188:4; TDG 329:6

to be shared UL 379:8

commandment keepers distinguished if they listen to TDG 258:2

commentaries about, disagree UL 52:3

communicated only by those who eat and drink it VSS 42:1

communication with God through HP 161:5

companies to assemble to study, and to pray TDG 11:3

comparison of, to human words TDG 292:5; UL 96:5

comparisons in,

to know truth for ourselves LHU 114:2

verse by verse UL 52:5


and judgment clear in those who study 1MCP 95:1

of, See Word of God, understanding

compromise not in, allowing conformity to world TDG 251:5

concentrate on one verse of LHU 111:7

conditions for eternal life plain in, if error not chosen FW 42:2

confidence in,

as truth TMK 210:3

destroyed by criticism and doubt HP 105:2

important for worker in Sydney TDG 29:6

confirmation of, not understood by professed believers TDG 361:5

confused minds brought to, receive lifeblood 2MCP 783:1


does not question, when a sure guide 1MCP 325:2

not to be consulted in place of 1MCP 322:4

tested by OHC 143:2

to be compared to 1MCP 323:5

considered unreliable; it condemns LHU 124:4

consistent, but meaning perverted by human doctrine TDG 164:3

contentment with knowing only a little about TMK 10:2

continual contact with, to live a powerful sermon VSS 303:1

contradicted by sophistries UL 278:2

conversation (impure) to be judged by TSB 104:2

converted person finds joy and consolation in HP 135:3

convicting power of LHU 229:2

correction of, tried by those who trust intelligence UL 101:3

corruption of, unless personal error is corrected 1MCP 49:3

counsel from, OHC 319:3

keeps on the right path OHC 36:4

counseling ability lacking in some who know CL 26:4

counselor, UL 35:4

of early Christians UL 158:4

creation account only in; study it in our schools 1MCP 351:4

crisis, readiness for coming, requires study of Mar 253:4

criticism of, as inconsistent; human doctrine TDG 164:2


life in home to reveal HP 208:4

searching of, needed to avoid deception FW 45:2


protected against by knowing, well FW 56:0; HP 348:2

with, when testimonies disregarded 3SM 83:4


against Satan’s lying wonders 3SM 407:6

of one doing God’s will TDG 259:5

dependence/reliance on,

and enjoying His blessing FW 109:0

as dependence on Him for every breath PM 156:0

by institutions and workers PM 109:1

Christian growth in proportion to TMK 193:2

desire for, never lost by Ellen White since tasting OHC 325:2

destiny (eternal) depends on effect of TDG 120:2


ideas regarding, but not in opposition 1MCP 54:0

writers for, as He wanted PM 100:2

digging required in, not just glimpsing TMK 198:3

diluted with human imagining is not safe guide UL 371:2

directions of, needed to walk the narrow way UL 379:2

directory of heaven for humanity TDG 188:3

disbelief in, duty regarding HP 320:2

discernment from familiarity with OHC 31:4

disciples of Christ hold fast to TMK 163:3

discipline of TDG 73:4

discouraged ones need us to read, to them CME 23:0

disregard of,

given in testimonies caused judgments PM 172:5

on dress standards 3SM 247

distinction between those standing on, and on tradition OHC 328:5

distrust of, dishonors Him OHC 85:2; TDG 156:6

divine origin of; essence of education 3SM 227:2

doctrines of,

anchor to be in TMK 129:3

are precious UL 214:6

unfold in the church OHC 172:2

See also Doctrines

doers of,

all who enter heaven will be TDG 94:3

blessed UL 35:6

love their brethren TDG 356:4

persecution cannot shake UL 315:7

understanding infused into hearts of TMK 118:5


as criterion when we cannot see TDG 213:4

in part, places feet on sliding sand OHC 210:4

it can sanctify and make useful TDG 204:5

leads to doubting God LHU 60:3

spoils blessing of prosperity 3SM 310:3

study (food for brain) not to cause RC 286:3

duties shown in, as well as privileges TSB 82:1


to follow, implicitly UL 375:4

to receive and impart correct knowledge from TDG 43:3

ears closed to all that is forbidden by OHC 334:4


spiritual muscle and sinew strengthened by TDG 292:6

to make it part of life 3SM 203:2

educate ourselves to believe HP 126:7


essence of, for all our schools 3SM 227:2

people with formal, not easily reached by TMK 189:2

science of, in, for those submitted to God 1MCP 194:1

through, but other books placed before it TDG 127:3

through, is most potent TMK 8:3

Ellen White, books of, witness to, after her death PM 358:5

fed on, as God showed her things while preaching 3SM 76:0

had more light on (1900) 3SM 90:4

endorsement by, blessings claimed because of TMK 226:2

enduring as eternal throne OHC 210:4


can save UL 125:4

shared by those who have received it HP 67:5

enriches intellectually and spiritually HP 139:4

enthusiasm of personal experience in administering VSS 225:1

essential knowledge AG 303:2

essentials for entering heaven provided by OHC 207:6

established through experience with Holy Spirit HP 350:3

establishment in the faith from searching OHC 37:2

eternal life to the receiver OHC 277:4

evidence from,

baffles the educated Mar 252:6

instead of feeling; on our condition HP 126:4

evils in church and family eliminated by applying 1MCP 96:3

exaltation of, in worship services LDE 93


doubt in light of, then pray TMK 227:3

for ourselves; learn reasons of our faith 1MCP 92:2

own heart in the light of TDG 83:4

to see if your lives harmonize with FLB 293:7

examples of lives in, as well as principles OHC 249:2

excitement for the imagination replacing HP 309:2


of partaking of RC 107:3, 128:5

perfected and joy brought by HP 134:6

to be guided by TDG 254:3

explanation of,

by living preacher; literature not enough PM 308:2

by the Bible itself LHU 115:7

Christ’s way of, impressed hearers TDG 283:3

farfetched UL 86:3

quietly with success TDG 115:2

through human assertions is a mistake TDG 127:2

exposition of, for character development RC 111:6

extremes need not be feared by close student of TMK 178:2

eyes closed to teachings of; the cross is in the way FW 41:2


in God means believing FW 122:1

in the divinity of 3SM 307:3

must be founded on TMK 229:3

(principles of) supported by UL 371:4

profits by HP 23:2

works to rely on naked TMK 226:3

faith in,

and power of Christ to transform life TDG 285:3

cultivated LDE 68

firm as errors abound TMK 188:5

needed UL 369:5


ideas from first impressions from TDG 43:3

theories bewilder without 1MCP 96:4

theories blended with 2MCP 774:0

theories met with 1MCP 41:3

feeding on,

and living it protects from worldliness 2MCP 561:1

as we learn of Christ HP 123:5

entrance to the city of God requires FLB 365:3

good works from FLB 8:4


and actions toward one another regulated by TDG 238:4

and impressions to be analyzed by 1MCP 318:1

fiction compared to, inflames rather than soothes OHC 275:5

fictitious stories cause neglect of TMK 318:2

field of revelation OHC 205:4

flaws picked with OHC 37:3

flesh and blood of Jesus TDG 46:4; TMK 94:3

following, See Word of God, obedience to


for the soul UL 174:3

spiritual FLB 20:2; LHU 106:4; RC 111:2

force sought by those without, to sustain false sabbath 3SM 384:2


for all study 1MCP 89:1

for building; lessons from Christ TDG 292:3

for God’s people in closing scenes TDG 69:3

for hope; feelings are unsafe HP 106:2

for hopes and confidence TDG 156:6

friend, chart, guidebook OHC 31:3


pluck His promises 3SM 325:4

promises are as flowers FLB 9:2; TMK 213:3

promises in; pick roses 3SM 163:4

to those who love Christ PM 69:1

gems from, to be laid in store PM 205:1

gentleness of inspiration of, brings kingdom of God TDG 193:5

gift of explaining, to become a power for God TDG 26:4


as guide FW 33:1

for all UL 52:4


shown in, TMK 342:4

as calling erring ones by tender love TMK 263:4

understood through HP 11:2

gospel made known in believers who hear and obey TMK 345:3

grace brought to youth when we follow HP 215:6


for written UL 52:2

to be expressed for the light of TDG 242:6

group study of,

one person’s opinion not to distort CET 193:2

small groups TDG 11:6

suspended when opinions differed CET 193:3

guide/guidebook, UL 87:3, 178:5, 371:6, 379:1

acceptance as, instead of judging it LHU 106:3

and perfect rule LHU 291:8

for activity UL 178:4

for daily life for all who believe in Christ HP 293:5

for resolving problems UL 187:3

for safe paths if obeyed UL 371:2

for us, just as it reads 1MCP 93:2

for youth UL 138:3

human opinions are not 3SM 204:2

in education of children OHC 263:4

in everything; LYL 25:1

“The Lord is in his holy temple” TDG 78:5

to all, in warning world TDG 100:4

to be only; obey it whether inclined or not TDG 355:2

to daily thoughts and life CC 344:5

to eternal life 1MCP 98:1

without guesswork TMK 210:2

habits ensnare the soul without guidance of HP 170:4

harmony with, truth brings whole person into FW 116:4

haven and tower of strength UL 125:4


abuse makes, appear as idle tales OHC 266:3

counsel in 3SM 283:2

hearers only of, have no grateful response RC 55:3

hearing and doing, of vital consequence TDG 244:3


cut into by UL 16:6

filled with UL 332:3

opened to receive; leaves of tree of life LHU 252:2

reached by; preach with meekness VSS 220:3

softened and soothed by OHC 275:5

heaven connected with human minds by studying OHC 35:4

hide, in heart for time of opposition OHC 37:2


from Creation to Paradise restored TMK 197:2

of world, creation and the fall in 2MCP 742:2


firmly to HP 260:4

to plain; He will bless 3SM 319:2

Holy Spirit,

agrees with HP 144:5

always leads to TMK 195:2

enables searcher to find gems in RC 128:2

gives understanding of; prayerful study OHC 205:4

guided writers of, telling about Christ 3SM 137:2

impresses student of HP 171:6

interprets HP 139:2

led Ethiopian’s mind to UL 130:3

must inspire reader of LHU 111:6

opens, to the convicted soul 3SM 137:3

placed truth in, and stamps it on soul TDG 346:4

reveals, to convicted soul RC 132:5

speaks to converted ones through HP 135:3

transforms through TDG 186:3

work of,

clearly taught in TDG 252:3

is always in harmony with TDG 252:4


life to be controlled by teachings of 1MCP 163:1

success by cherishing beauty in RC 185:2


by Christ; no new truth aside from it FW 88:1

by practical life UL 89:6


for both white and colored races SW 46:1

is to be often gathered from promises of HP 299:2

how to study OHC 205

human productions are inferior to TDG 127:5


cannot improve upon HP 49:4

(words of) compare as chaff to RC 128:6

humble student of, finds truth with the Spirit OHC 207:4

humility needed in searching; Ellen White distressed in 1888 3SM 165:3

hunger for knowledge of, by converts TMK 216:4


not settled by, not to be harped on 2MCP 499:1

(positions) sustained by, in public labor 3SM 29:3

presented which make, of none effect PM 102:3

(strange) in spite of UL 51:4

ignorance inexcusable because we have; of God’s will OHC 68:4

ignorance of,

cannot be afforded UL 52:5

claiming sanctification NL 55:2

in other churches; give simple lesson VSS 345:2

opens to deception by infidels Con 24:3

regarding salvation is without excuse TDG 18:5

through negligence is inexcusable RC 101:4

illustrations that cheapen; belittling; comics PM 217:3

immutable UL 16:5


of knowing RC 101:3

of; own ideas and opinions mislead other TDG 369:5

of studying, to meet the wily foe OHC 93:4

impressions given for questioning 3SM 232:3

increasing rays from, to be reflected TMK 98:5

indifference to; minds taken up with trash TDG 131:2

infallible, HP 137:4

remedies of OHC 36:2

infidels study, to discredit; Christians ignorant Con 24:3

infinite UL 371:2

influence of, on words and actions when in the life AG 248:5

inheritance of, calls for responsibility 3SM 339:1

inspiration of,

questioned UL 370:3

seeds of infidelity sown regarding TMK 345:2

seen by studying 3SM 359:2

instruction in,

for those studying in unity 3SM 171:1

keep close to, avoiding side issues TDG 205:6

keeps minds of construction workers sweetened with grace TDG 29:6

life and, harmonious with truth OHC 36:4


culture is best from RC 163:8

culture not the chief aim of TMK 192:2

power attained through studying OHC 355:4

intelligent acceptance of God’s promises in OHC 119:6

intercourse with God by reading TMK 196:3

interest in,

awakened by unselfish ministry CME 29

hurt by most periodicals of the day PM 376:2

lost through story reading OHC 275:3

(searching) reveals Jesus TMK 161:2

interpretations of,

beyond its meaning TDG 43:2

differing, should not cause bad feelings 3SM 166:1

evil taught by UL 43:5

from itself OHC 207:5

minor importance of some CET 193:2

not accepted until you can see it yourself FW 77:3

strange; also of Testimonies 3SM 376:1

wrong, UL 316

by trusted teachers UL 80:3

discernment to reject TMK 346:5

in our day as in Christ’s UL 368:3

investigation of, put off worldly interests for HP 133:2

invitation given in, but also by those who believe FW 64:5

isolation prepared for by studying FW 56:3; OHC 37:2
