EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index)


Lice - Lie, Lies


Lice See Louse


License, foul, idolatry opens the way for PP 335

mild, that some term liberty MM 142

mistaken for liberty: by Solomon PK 58

in France GC 282

never give, to licentiousness TM 454

wild, spiritual eyesalve as protection against 1SM 142

License, Licenses

License, Licenses, granted to liquor traffic, evil results of MH 242-4

liquor sellers granted, on plea that they bring revenues into public treasury MH 343

License law, License laws

License law, License laws, re liquor traffic MH 342-4

foster evil which they profess to restrict MH 342


Licensing, of liquor traffic, places it under protection of law MH 342

Licentious habit, Licentious habits

Licentious habit, Licentious habits, idleness produces 2T 349

society of person of, significance of choice of 5T 143

Licentious life

Licentious life, chosen by many people because it suits their natural and perverse inclination 5T 141

Herod Antipas degraded by DA 730


Licentiousness 5T 137-48

anything savoring of, abhor 5T 129

apostles of: how to keep from being infatuated and deceived by 5T 141

ministers guilty of being 5T 142-3

will multiply as end nears 5T 141

working of, to corrupt other people 5T 142

became national sin in Israel AH 326-7

bewitching power of, how mind is affected by 5T 142

Bible contains many warnings against 5T 145

binding people as captives 3T 473

cider drinking leads to 5T 357; Te 92-3, 277

conscience confused and stupefied by 5T 140

Corinthian believer’s AA 303-4

corrupting power of, terrible effects of falling under 5T 143

deceivers seducing God’s people into, warning against 5T 142-8

disregarding God’s law leads to SD 54

enemy weaves spell of, around soul not barricaded by Christ’s grace CT 257

erroneous definitions of 5T 143

evil associates instruct youth in PP 595

fostered and indulged in synagogue of Satan MYP 278

God does not give license to TM 454

God’s judgments brought upon Israel because of AH 326; 2T 451

great delusion re 5T 144-5

Greeks especially given to AA 192

gross and unwonted, in kingdom of Israel PK 282

incalculable unhappiness and degradation results from 5T 144

increasing steadily and fearfully 4T 647

intemperate men transmit, to children 4T 30

Israel seduced into, before being led into idolatry PP 458

many Israelites fell into, at Baal-peor AA 316; PP 453-61

many of God’s people will fall through 5T 601

many souls ruined by MM 193

ministers should strictly guard against TM 427

Nathan Fuller’s 2T 449-59

noted, east of Jordan PP 453

obedience to God’s law would save men from Te 228

persons practicing, God’s wrath will be visited upon 2T 454

steadily increasing in number 5T 146

physical constitutions ruined for life by 3T 561

physician should tell persons given to, that suffering is result of sin 7T 74

practiced among: boys and girls 2T 481-2

children 2T 481

“electric physicians” 5T 198

first-day Adventists 2T 449

God’s people, rebuked AH 327; 2T 449-59

magnetic healers 5T 198

spiritualists 5T 198

prevails to alarming extent 3T 561

prevalent in: institutions of learning 3T 149

nominal churches 2T 449

society, cause of GC 584-5

registered against some of God’s people TM 146

sacrificial system was corrupted by PP 364

Samson was ensnared by 2BC 1008

Satan seeks to destroy God’s people by AH 327

secret, as species of witchcraft 5T 142

practiced as virtue by deceived souls 5T 142

sin of, God’s word plainly rebukes and condemns TM 437

sister of intemperance and profanity CH 441; Te 198

slaves to, intoxicating liquor makes Te 36

men who are Te 274

Sodom was especially given to GC 269; PP 156-9

Sodom’s, manifested in France GC 269-70

special sin of this age 2T 346

spell of, persons around whom Satan will weave a CT 257

teachers warned against temptation to CT 257

turn from seducer tempting you to 5T 146

unhappiness following, cannot be estimated 5T 144

warnings against 5T 138-41

we live in age of MYP 85; SD 232

when basest, does not appear sinful AH 58

why, is seen in church TM 162

wine drinking leads to 5T 357; Te 92-3, 277

youth taught lessons in, by evil associates at school FE 99

See also Adultery; Corruption; Fornication; Immorality; Lasciviousness; Lewdness; Self-abuse; Secret vice

Licentious person, Licentious persons

Licentious person, Licentious persons, churches should give no place to 5T 146

conversion of, Spirit’s work in Ev 288-9

creep into respectable families 5T 140

deceptive wiles and intrigues of, lead astray the conscientious 5T 140

deliberate plans made by, to separate husbands and wives 5T 140

loathsome diseases often transmitted to children by PP 561

physicians’ duty to MH 114

should know that suffering results from sin MH 114

unholy desires of, often bequeathed to children PP 561

whom Paul did not rebuke directly AA 272

would intrude into SDA churches 5T 146

Licentious practice, Licentious practices

Licentious practice, Licentious practices, Canaanites’, Israelites forbidden to follow MH 280-1

Licentious revelry

Licentious revelry, Israel’s, in worship of golden calf PP 317

Licentious rite, Licentious rites

Licentious rite, Licentious rites, made part of heathen worship PP 337-8

Licentious worship

Licentious worship, Israel participated in, at Mt. Peor PP 455

of Baal and Ashtaroth PP 451, 487


Lichen, clinging to rock, God’s superscription may be seen on Ed 100

clinging to roughness of rock 4T 196

Lichtenstein, Marcus

Lichtenstein, Marcus 3T 192, 205-6


Lie, better to hunger than to 4T 495

physician should never MM 38

Lie, Lies

Lie, Lies, Ananias and Sapphira told a 1T 221

believed and practiced, becomes truth to some people TM 364

children who tell, mistake of parents in dealing with CG 195

church members who are living a COL 279

conscientious belief in, judgment will not condemn men for PP 55

cords of, person whom Satan binds in his service with SD 336

deliberate, Gehazi told Naaman a PK 251

direct, flattering excuse that was not 2T 388

faith in, has no sanctifying influence 2SM 56

father of, Satan as PP 58, 685; 5T 638

goes round world while truth puts on boots 1T 463

gospel workers who are constantly living a TM 159

great original, spiritualism is founded on 1T 301

told by Satan to Eve 1T 342

infamous, originated by Satan 6BC 1116

King Saul uttered, to Samuel PP 630

living, life of nine tenths of devotees of fashion is MYP 359

ministers who are TM 427

never tell a, in precept or example ML 331

no, is of truth SD 196; 1SM 194

of self-interest, uttered in buying and selling 4T 335

of vanity, men who love to appear what they are not utter 4T 335

one of Satan’s, idea that outward display gives influence is MM 160

people love and make 2T 111

person who will cherish, as truth 6BC 1112

Peter acted, in trying to conceal his relationship to Christ DA 712

power of, Satan started rebellion in heaven by using 6T 190

refuge of: for covering up sin must be torn away TM 182

God will strip, from soul TM 182

Samuel swept away King Saul’s PP 631

with which men have sought to deceive God’s people TM 414

Satan first gained control over man by means of COL 37

Satan’s, Adam and Eve believed 5T 625

against God’s government 7BC 952

slight, do not allow ML 331

spiritualism is founded on PP 685; 1T 301, 344

told by Satan to Eve, is basis of ancient witchcraft PP 685

is basis of modern spiritualism PP 685

you cannot hide behind, from God’s wrath TM 182

See also Deception; Falsehood; Lying;

Misrepresentation; Prevarication


belief in,

of Satan, opened floodgates of woe 2MCP 562:1

sanctification is not achieved by FW 122:2

believers of, defeated; apostasy ended 3SM 393:3

never make HP 179:3

preference for, anxiety of Ellen White over those who have TDG 141:2

Satan served by those who make FLB 69:4; HP 179:3

Satan tries to lead people to live TDG 312:3

testifying to, by word, act or silence HP 179:2

turning from truth to, under entrancing power of Satan 3SM 416:0

See also Deception; Falsehood; Liar