EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index)

Mind cure - Mining stock

Mind cure

Mind cure MH 241-58

1. Evil

2. Evil (science of)

3. Right kind of


1. Evil MH 242-3

mind subjected to, never again strong and reliable MM 116

one of most effective agencies for evil MH 242

one of most dangerous deceptions practiced MM 116

temporary relief found in MM 116

used by persons ignorant of its real nature and tendency MH 242

See also Clairvoyant; Electric physician; Hypnosis; Hypnotism; Magnetic healer; Magnetism, animal; Mesmerism; “Sympathetic remedies”

2. Evil (science of)

based upon false principles MH 242

be afraid of MM 116

dangerous to tinge minds with MM 112

foreign to Christ’s nature and spirit MH 242

God has forbidden His people to use MM 111

leads to patients’ destruction MM 113-4

most awful science advocated MM 116

one of Satan’s greatest sciences MM 114

physicians forbidden to use MM 111, 113-4

physicians should not study or teach 2SM 350

physicians warned re 2SM 349-50

principles of, never to be brought into SDA institutions MM 116

Satan devised 2SM 349

SDA health institutions should not employ MM 113-4

warning against dabbling in MM 112

3. Right kind of MH 241, 243-58

must be free from all human enchantment MM 110

only safe and true, covers much MM 112

sanctified, sanitarium patient who needed CD 293; MM 108


Satan takes possession of mind and heart through OHC 109:3

Mind-cure science

Mind-cure science, EGW had to contend with, in beginning of her work MM 113

Mine, Mines

Mine, Mines, Australian, unsuccessful investment of means in CS 244

deepest, resurrection of righteous dead from lowest recesses of 7BC 909

investment of money in CS 238

knowledge of God compared to ML 108

of truth: go deeper into TM 123

never exhausted, Scriptures are 5T 266

promise for all who dig in 1SM 404

should be worked 1SM 359-60

sink shaft deep in CW 41

strangely neglected CG 72

yet to be discovered by earnest seeker 5T 704

take shares in greatest, ever worked CS 243

wealth of, is God’s OHC 251:2

yielding rich profits in silver and gold, persons interested in CS 125


Miner, cabin of, Luther (Martin) was born in GC 171

digging deep for golden ore, illustration of COL 113

digging for gold, illustration of CT 461; Ed 189; FE 307; MYP 261

digging for gold or silver, illustration of GC 69

digging for precious ore, illustration of MYP 259

exploring earth to find gold, illustration of COL 111

finding precious metal underground, illustration of SC 91

searching for gold and silver, illustration of 8T 157


Bible student is like, in finding hid treasure OHC 205:2

Mineral kingdom

Mineral kingdom, poisonous preparations in, warning against use of 4aSG 140

Mineral spring, Mineral springs

Mineral spring, Mineral springs, physicians often advise patients to go to MH 240

Mineral world

Mineral world, God’s wisdom revealed in PK 33


Miniature, Garden of Eden was heaven in 1BC 1082

Miniature model

Miniature model, of heavenly sanctuary, Moses was presented 4aSG 5; SR 151

Miniature representation

Miniature representation, of heavenly sanctuary, Moses was given PP 343


Mining, ministers’ duty re interests in 5T 530

some people try, in search for wealth 5T 261

Mining business

Mining business, believers who would get rich by, warning to CS 238

Mining enterprise, Mining enterprises

Mining enterprise, Mining enterprises, investment of means in CS 242-4

ministers should not urge men to invest in GW 341

not a dollar of God’s money should be invested in CS 243

Mining stock

Mining stock, burying God-given capital in, mistake of CS 244

do not invest means in CS 242

persons who would get rich quickly by investing in, warning to CS 242