EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index)

God (Part 7 of 9)

confidence of, rewarded; way to throne is open TDG 199:2

consecration of, purpose in leaving Egypt Con 25:2

considering yourself among, without His power TDG 294:5

Cornelius sent to, because they were responsible to share TDG 342:3

covenant relation of, obligation to represent God OHC 368:3

crosses not to be made for UL 169:4

danger of, in following world despite great light TDG 199:6

Daniel’s life an example today for OHC 249:2

defense of, is living connection with heaven HP 348:4

deliverance of, not far distant UL 262:4

demoralizing people who appear to be; falsehood 3SM 417:0

(denominated) in Rev. 22:3,4 OHC 345:6

desire to be with, winning souls VSS 305:2

destruction of,

planned by wicked in time of trouble LHU 347:5

Satan claims right of Mar 213:4

Satan will influence Mar 213:2

threatened in time of trouble 3SM 427:5; TDG 69:5

difference of,

from religionists FLB 304:2

from world, Satan seeks to remove HP 309:3

discouraged by enemy when determined to follow light TDG 309:2

discoveries of grace for, by Ellen White while preaching 3SM 76:1

dishonesty of, hurts the truth 2MCP 437:3


by character as well as example TMK 317:2

by Him, if molded by His Spirit TDG 258:2

from all others AG 249:5

from sinners UL 244

distressed while wicked mocking and ready to destroy Mar 209:3

doubts about whether we are the special 1MCP 95:4

Ellen White,

saw material on Jeremiah as important for 3SM 107:5

would bear messages for, until end of life TDG 76:2

enemies not to be told perplexity or prosperity of, anciently 3SM 300:4

erring, not forsaken HP 119:2


of, only inspired writers to expose 3SM 344:1

of, should not have been made public 3SM 343

will come to lead, astray RY 21:1

evil powers unite against God in the person of 3SM 416:3

experiences of, to be remembered; history repeats PM 175:3

extremity of, is His opportunity,

during time of national apostasy 3SM 388:5

to show rulership Mar 179:4, 189:4

Father sets His love on OHC 77:3

feelings of, not to be against those bitter against them TMK 183:4

few in time of trouble Mar 209:3

firm position to be taken by UL 262:3

follow the Lamb HP 298:2

free from the wicked at end of time 3SM 430:1

fruit to be borne by UL 188:4

fury and lies against, because of doctrines TDG 371:2

future of, lies in the present RC 236:6

gatherings of, important to attend 2MCP 624:1

given white robes at end of time 3SM 430

glorify His name; reprove unrighteousness AG 333:2

granted good in world if uplifting humanity CME 22:3

guarded by Him still Mar 203:4

hatred against,

not reason to seek easy time 3SM 401:1

sympathy for those with TMK 183:4

He has highest claims on HP 169:3

heaven not closed against UL 96:6

helped in response to prayer HP 351:5

heritage of, seen through faith in His Word FW 115:1

hiding places of, statements condemning the wicked found in Mar 290:4

high calling of, as Christ’s representatives TMK 151:3

holiness to be maintained by TDG 294:6

Holy Spirit lacking in 3SM 202:0

Holy Spirit’s control shown in lives of HP 368:2

hostility against, for denouncing evil UL 262:4

humiliated by representing them as worldlings 2MCP 559:1

idolatry cut from heart of OHC 114:5

improvement is life work of RC 157:2

influence of,

could be grateful; God would have saved Sodom for ten 2MCP 434:1

if faithful HP 104:5

instruction from Testimonies not followed by 3SM 358:2

interest of,

may be distracted 3SM 23:2

to be guarded PM 230:1

Israelites in Egypt shown to be CC 89:4

kindness and peace with Him pledged to secure TMK 262:4

lawsuits hurt 3SM 305:3


by Him HP 87:5

they hear His voice FW 56:1

to positions where motives are revealed OHC 162:2


not given to, to be kept only for themselves HP 317:6

not sent by miracle to; they must want it TMK 154:3

of God’s Word to be diffused by HP 67:5

lights amid darkness of sin UL 177:5

like a river, not a stagnant pool UL 131:4

mark of the beast not received by TDG 114:5

marked today as blood marked Hebrew doors TMK 211:3

marriage may separate from TSB 117:3

message of mercy to be proclaimed by PM 281:4

misrepresentation of, determined by Satan TDG 325:2

missionary work glorifies Him in LHU 123:7

mocked in time of trouble; smallness of numbers 3SM 428:0

motives of, misinterpreted UL 177:3

moving so far below their privilege TDG 15:3

needs (wants) of, He sees clearly in darkness TDG 199:2

needy neglected by some claiming to be OHC 190:3

not forgotten; mercies still reach them TDG 364:4

not half awake RC 240:2

not left in shame; He will finish His work TDG 193:4

objective of,

joy of our Lord entering heaven 3SM 431:2

salvation of souls PM 119:2

opposed by,

Satan’s hosts in these last days OHC 347:2

union of powers; Sabbath is issue 3SM 392:5

oppression coming for 3SM 414:2

order should be the law of CET 195:3


meaning of being HP 167:2

See People, peculiar

perplexities of, discussion and prayer in 3SM 301:1

persecution of, See Persecution

perversity of, dealt with in love TDG 247:5

place for, in this world, to reflect light TDG 114:5

plan of salvation draws gratitude of TMK 263:2


from above to possess, considering future 3SM 385:4

of, in Sabbath as a sign in closing scenes TDG 69:3

powers given are to be developed by 2MCP 436:0

praise of, for Christ will warm hearts in need UL 362:7

prayer and watching, duties of CC 115:4

precious in His sight HP 344:6

preparation of,

as colaborers and for heaven 3SM 283:1

for a special work RC 185:5

for future events; trouble in cites CL 10:3

for translation OHC 323:3

to bear fruit to His glory TDG 342:8

professed, did not recognize gift of Christ TMK 58:3

promises for, now need to claim HP 264:3


at end of time while they are loyal 3SM 429:4

from Satan as they cling to Jesus OHC 92:5

in time of fierce trial, not all in one place HP 264:2

purification of,

for the judgment 1MCP 239:1

provided for TSB 86:3

purposes for,

but they worked against Him PM 354:2

earnest labor required to carry out HP 338:2

raised to be part of Christ Mar 301:5

reject light in not studying Testimonies 3SM 358:2

rejoicing over, in heaven OHC 53:4

remembered in their oppression SW 41:1

required to come out and be separate TDG 248:6

retreat for, in strength of hills TDG 241:5

reveal Him RC 217:6

revenge against, less by not condemning government TDG 250:5

rule of righteousness revealed in TDG 78:2

rulers moved on in behalf of CC 263:4


a sign of, 3SM 318:2; LHU 139:2

crisis of, calls for action and prayer 3SM 388:4

is a sign of the loyalty of Mar 238:2

test on, comes before the sealing of Mar 164:4


and witnessing expected of TDG 53:5

by obedience needed by, for Him to work TDG 341:5


helped by humans in bruising UL 82:3

seeks power over, by uniting with unbelievers TSB 19:1

Satan’s rage against, as truth spreads 3SM 407:5

Scriptures to be searched by CC 115:4

sealed when they attain Christ’s character OHC 150:6

seen through Christ with inexpressible love HP 48:6

self not honored by, in full service OHC 345:2

separate from the world OHC 305:3; TMK 308:3

separation of,

by threats from apostate powers Mar 204:3

from evil; Isa. 60:3-5 HP 313:6

from world’s spirit and influence RY 183:1

sin(s) of,

in failing to appreciate His blessings TDG 50:3

unconfessed bring His frown TDG 134:4

will be discovered where least expected 3SM 407:2

sneering at, is sneering at God 3SM 398:2

sorrows of, God cares about UL 364:6

souls drawn to Christ by, as powerful agencies TMK 151:4

spared in time of trouble LHU 347:4

specialness required of, more than many realize TDG 248:6

spectacle FLB 304:3

spiritual freedom comes to UL 91:9

spiritual stupidity not to be among Mar 148:3

stand on living Word in closing scenes TDG 69:3

stones prepared for His temple UL 373:3

strength of,

in distinctiveness SW 17:2

to increase UL 123:6

subject to one another; He leads TDG 295:5; UL 300:6

suffer affliction after the voice of God is heard Mar 279:6

temple of Holy Ghost; they are to realize it 3SM 211:2

temptation of,

and dark chapters ahead 3SM 407:2

on weakest points CC 115:3

to doubt whether they are true OHC 85:3

tender to one another HP 287:5

tested in Minneapolis to reveal true characters 3SM 176:1

testimony of,

soon to be given before rulers Mar 253:2

to be borne at this time of evil HP 347:4

tests coming for; we do not need to add more 3SM 254

theories will be presented to; new forms PM 176:0

three angels’ messages not felt so important by 3SM 405:2

time of trouble about to come upon HP 344:3

treasure Satan would seize; secured by God OHC 22:4


reveal faith of TDG 142:7

to be met by, cheerfully HP 120:2

triumph of, more glorious,

by revelation of Satan’s character 3SM 414:2

through Satan’s last efforts Mar 110:5

trouble for, coming soon enough; avoid provoking TDG 250:5

trust needed by, instead of looking for easy way in future 3SM 398:3


not accepted and shared by, with self-confidence RC 290:5

not magnified in, because not in experience 2MCP 557:4; TDG 231:5

to be borne by, unfolding His purposes TDG 308:6

uncertain through false theories from Satan TDG 325:2

unity of,

against foes of God and truth 3SM 20:1

in seeking Him; He will reveal Himself TDG 10:4

threatened by Satan HP 309:2

unmoved in time of trouble; war stirs nations TDG 69:5

vindicated at end of time by voice from heaven 3SM 429

walking of, in light,

from throne at end of time FLB 340:4; TDG 69:3

they have; will yet shine TDG 67:5

warn the wicked with tears in time of persecution Mar 213:6

way for spread of pure gospel to be prepared by TDG 195:4


for the meek to help build up 2MCP 636:1

leads to building up of, not pulling up tares TMK 179:2

witness of loyalty on earth by, in Rev. 22:4 OHC 345:6

work of,

as appointed UL 60:5

is giving message TDG 221:3, 282:2

retarded; counsels not followed FLB 288:2

to restrain evil and elevate humanity AG 124:3

together, although in different ways TDG 221:3


criterion not to be followed by TDG 284:5

not to corrupt principles of 2MCP 559:3

should see living testimony of HP 347:4

See also Christ, purchased; Church; Churches; Church members; God, messengers of; God, sons of; People, commandment-keeping; Remnant; Righteous; Saints; Zion

perfection of,

little understood; also presence and power 3SM 311:3; UL 340:3

represented by doing good work TDG 32:6


issues in world deny that the Creator is TDG 273:4

not intangible like a perfume TDG 273:5

personality of,

not for speculation UL 326:4

revealed in Christ, not in nature UL 334:4

surmisings valueless concerning UL 334:2

petitions heard and situation understood by UL 369:2

Pharaoh not prevented by, from turning to light 2MCP 724:4

philosophy of, revealed in the experience of Israel UL 341:6

pity of,

greatest for those called to carry heaviest burdens HP 120:2

help for our weakness because of TMK 304:3

in our weakness and sorrow HP 14:5

place of, taken by,

assuming authority over others PM 134:4

human minds; leaders to act like Christ 2MCP 558:4

places us where we are to work TMK 331:2

plan(s) of,

all essential HP 242:4

all fulfill assigned place in, by wisdom or folly TDG 352:6

always best OHC 313:3; UL 109:4

blessing from following FLB 323:5

carried out by good and evil people CC 371:2

confused with own plans TMK 249:4

cooperation with, TDG 90:3

in accepting retirement RY 77:2

features of, may seem unimportant HP 150:4

hard to accept UL 318:2

institutions to follow UL 23:4

not counterworked by true religion HP 202:2

not to be blended with human UL 310:2


necessary to one another in OHC 182:2

spreading light of truth in TDG 51:2

roles in, which lives have prepared to fill CC 371:3

study Christ’s life to work out UL 200:4

successful while our plans fail OHC 318:3

workers in San Francisco area to solemnly follow PM 178:0

See also God, ideas of


of, more earnest than a parent TMK 262:3

of, to accept mercy TDG 278:4

with, by saints in time of trouble 3SM 427:5

with, for transforming power TDG 334:2


blessedness in voice from RC 249:6

secures everything the soul requires TDG 47:6

pleasures of the world leave no time to contemplate RC 247:4

pledge of, to retain kindness and peace in love TMK 262:4

position assigned by (unlike world), to be taken at any cost 2MCP 559:1

power of,

and fidelity to His word, known by Noah RC 323:5

assumed by Moses UL 299:5

awaits our demand HP 236:4

believers possessing, targets for Satan’s hosts AG 333:2

better to consider, than the faults of others OHC 248:3

came on group studying Scriptures future passing of time CET 193:3

Christ endured temptation by resting upon TMK 33:2

claim, closing ears to complaint TDG 347:6

combines with human effort to rescue lost souls UL 127:3


each family member may daily have TMK 143:2

Ellen White shown need of, for families TDG 307:3

must be upon our hearts RC 22:4

could dissolve nature UL 340:7

delusions of Satan appearing as 3SM 389:1

denied saying that matter not created with earth 3SM 307:2

displayed in heavens OHC 193:6

element in obtaining victory AG 319:3

enables one to become subject of Christ’s kingdom 1MCP 14:3

evident to Ellen White in her work TDG 76:4

exercised more if we had more faith UL 346:5

exerted for those who fear Him; Isa. 40:28-31 3SM 310:1

explained away by natural laws LHU 61:5

for conversion needed daily UL 351:3


for working out salvation LHU 216:7

to prepare worker RC 358:2

gospel work to stand in, not in human wisdom VSS 323:2

helpless without UL 128:3

in meetings on righteousness after 1888 3SM 160:6

inspires awe and sometimes terror OHC 146:4

keeps us UL 207:2

lessons in, which helped Israelites TDG 77:4

lessons learned by those kept by TMK 276:4

look for, in lives, rather than for imperfections TMK 182:6

lost by ministers in sin; message not blessed TSB 195:1

majesty and, described in Isa. 40:12-22 3SM 309:1

move every day under; more faith needed 3SM 201:3

nature shows glory, love and TDG 273:2

needed to arouse from devotion to ornaments PM 381:2

not in noisy meetings after 1844 Mar 234:4

not the theme of Christ’s discourses HP 10:2

only power to make us steadfast HP 179:5


of all ages taught of UL 341:4

of God reveal UL 65:5

reached and hearts broken only by TDG 119:2

pioneers who saw RY 17:1

praised by Nehemiah TMK 88:3

promised Joshua as he maintained trust RC 168:4

restricted by our unrighteousness UL 356:3

revealed through us RC 217:6

Sabbath shows, through His Word and works Mar 238:4

sanctification thought to be in some who do not know 3SM 204:1


in His created works HP 9

more on hearts when trust is more 3SM 201:3


by character changed by truth RC 287:4

by nature UL 294:5

in early SDA movement; strait places PM 30

strength of nations and individuals all comes from TDG 352:2

surrounds us UL 276:3

sustained by, in time of loud cry 3SM 425:4

talk of; sing of His goodness TDG 338:5

thoughts refined and purified by 1MCP 69:2

time (nearly) to be revealed HP 345:2

to destroy what humans have made 3SM 312:2

to keep, UL 206:6

has not decreased HP 120:5

seen as you resist evil HP 231:5

through Christ, give thanks for OHC 326:4

to save, revealed UL 149:4

transforms the entire person HP 22:5

understood makes us despise claims of “great” people 3SM 308:3

unlimited LHU 54

vacuum from overcoming pride filled by HP 147:4

Word of God is, for humans 1MCP 98:2

words to feel influence of TMK 137:5

working independent of, which brings success 2MCP 736:2

power with, meek and quiet spirit gives 3SM 249:0


of entire being claimed by UL 105:6

owed to, as a debt; Christ to be represented 1MCP 162:1

praise from, for commandment keepers UL 333:4

praise to,

and go forward TDG 9:6

duty as is prayer UL 61:3

every day for His grace TDG 58:4

feeling not to be a condition for (by Ellen White) OHC 266:5

for becoming our Saviour AG 319:5

for His favor choosing us to be saved OHC 77:2

for nature, but humans talk of what they make TDG 86:2

from morning to night UL 289:2

He has given tokens of His love TDG 241:5

(His name) would kindle love OHC 10:4

important CC 241:5

in the family AG 325:3

look on the bright side TDG 234:3

more AG 325:4

more with every reason for TDG 39:5

near death UL 377:2

prepares for the society of the angels RC 28:6

privilege OHC 333:4

reasons for UL 37:5

Satan repulsed and complaints expelled by HP 288:4

strengthens best traits of character HP 275:6

with Christlike life has power for salvation RC 220:6

with lips HP 177:2

words of hope and comfort spoken to others as TMK 219:2


answered by, in His own way OHC 313:3

heard by, of those abiding in Him OHC 147

in difficulty answered by UL 362:6

of children delight; they should should be told TMK 149:4

of contrite children heard by HP 79:4

prayer to,

addressing Him as Father; by Ellen White OHC 146:4

(cry) for consecration and His image; by Ellen White RC 350:5

not to humans RC 65:4

remember, in daily service HP 226:6

(speaking with) privilege for sinful mortals TDG 27:2

predicted rise and fall of kingdoms UL 96:2

preparation to meet, only by looking to and following Jesus TMK 364:3

prerogatives of,

lessons given to those who assume UL 131:2

not for speculation UL 326:4

Satan usurps Mar 191:2

presence of,

act as if in UL 114:2

can constitute a church UL 315:5

carried everywhere RC 218:7

cleanliness required for, in battle 3SM 273:2

conditions for sensing TDG 22:5

conviction of, in individual experience TDG 82:3

cultivate the thought of TMK 328:3

denied by loud, boisterous laughter TMK 138:2

Enoch lived in, for 300 years TDG 275:4

familiar by faith TMK 257:4

feeling, always TDG 37:4

felt by Ellen White during sickness in Australia OHC 325:3

fitness for UL 68:2

future events give sense of, when kept in mind RC 318:2

glory because of, at meeting 3SM 261:2

in and around those with Christlike love TDG 272:7

in hearts of those who fear His name TDG 24:4

in the heart gives power for self-control AG 278:3

in the pillar of cloud and fire TDG 237:2

in weakness assured HP 75:4

known by faith by Ellen White when cloud settled TDG 213:5

live as in OHC 324:5; TMK 257:4

looking to humans brings loss of sense of LHU 76:4

made familiar by faith OHC 324:5

meditation on His ideal lifts you into HP 161:6

mirthful (silly) ones banished from HP 245:3


encouraged by assurance of HP 241:3

sensed UL 111:3

nothing can replace favor and TDG 153:2

parents to pray for HP 90:6

Paul kept a sense of, even though busy CC 353:2

power for good UL 206:5

pray for OHC 150:4

preparation for, through the sacrifice of Jesus 3SM 154:1

privilege of coming into, to get light TMK 230:2

promised, FLB 62:3

to those who advance at His call UL 362:2

when we work for Him TDG 209:2

recognizing, in every room of SDA church office PM 59:4

seek earnestly for; realize solemn truth TSB 106:2

sense of, LHU 284:8

important for those in corruptions TSB 107:1

in institution PM 43:3

in trial of faith HP 176:2

needed by priests and rulers TDG 275:4

when heart is pure VSS 21:2

solemnizing every mind and gladdening every soul OHC 281:6

strong enough to carry Moses through greatest trial UL 111:4

surrounds us UL 276:3

terror to those not in faith and purity TMK 250:4

thought that we are in, in His world lifts us 1MCP 94:5

thoughts of, lift the soul above fear OHC 285:5

truth triumphs only when workers have sense of TDG 13:2

where even a few claim promises RC 207:6

where two or three are gathered UL 315


His people in trouble UL 101:5

His people represented by the ark PM 217:0

those who love Him HP 32:2

See also God, shut in with

present your case before, pleading Christ’s blood FW 106:0

prevailing with, power through them Holy Ghost for OHC 21:4

principle of, revealed in business and social dealing HP 154:4

promises of, See Promises

promising to follow TMK 268:3

property of,

all people and things are TDG 132:3

by Christ’s purchase TMK 83:2

care for yourself as OHC 43:2

creation and redemption make us AG 58:4; UL 107:2

dishonesty in UL 360:2

hoarding, as the unfaithful servant TDG 208:4

only lent by providence; no merit by our gifts FW 21:0

others are AG 65:5

our talents, property, influence and self are RC 138:6

ransomed by the Son of God HP 192:3

realization of being, by one open to the Word TMK 251:3

stewards over HP 165:4

universe with all the people is TSB 73:1

you are; have fixed principles TDG 367:3

your soul, body and spirit—mind, too 2MCP 708:4

protection of, See Protection

providence of, See God, leading of;Providence

provisions of,

for every satanic attack RC 129:5

minds need expansion to comprehend OHC 364:2; TMK 302:2

punishment by,

Children of Israel received, when contrary to His word TDG 254:4

falsely declared impossible; mercy claimed RC 323:5

for those who oppress or mislead His people UL 364:5

purchase of, even if you perish TDG 367:4


of, keeps Him from looking with favor on iniquity UL 16:4

of, righteousness and, transfigured by beholding TDG 50:2

requires being like-minded with OHC 142

purpose(s) of,

character change needed by many to fulfill SW 18:0

concealed now FLB 42:5

counteracting, means losing chance for strength PM 134:3

discerned by obedience to His law TMK 294:3

discerned both now and hereafter by obedience 2MCP 563:0

experience of each individual planned to fulfill AG 311:3

for humans, carried out knowing they would defect AG 129:2

for leaving humans on this earth TMK 358:4

fulfilled by,

all as by Annas, Caiaphas and Pilate CC 371:3

bearing fruit AG 285:2

emptying self and depending on Him AG 230:2

He sees the ultimate outworking of TMK 366:4

many cause trials walking against TDG 221:5

marriage to rebellious one defeats LYL 54:4

mystery in; often UL 102:4

mystery in; we will understand later 2MCP 463:3

powers to be used in accordance with TDG 318

preparation daily to work out UL 274:2

revealed according to what we should know LHU 361:5

souls linked with, abide forever TDG 352:7

toward humanity fulfilled in Christ’s daily life FLB 114:3

unfolded boldly TDG 308:6

will and, unfolded in Old Testament TMK 38:3

working as hands of angels for HP 102:5

purposes (human) and capabilities directed by TMK 53:6

questions all open to UL 44:4

reaching out to,

in secret prayer TMK 272:4

needed UL 333:6

reason for direction given by HP 226:2

rebellion of children of Israel in spite of leading of RC 353:3

rebuke of, for not helping with means TDG 349:5

receives, See God, acceptance by

recognize, and honor His law before great people TDG 114:5

reconciliation to,

and God to humanity; perfect sacrifice FW 72:1

by the cross of Christ OHC 46:2

desire for assurance of HP 16:2

mind made cheerful by assurance of HP 245:2

of penitent believers by the cross TDG 176:3

requires repentance and faith Con 73:2

refuge for His people OHC 251:4

regard, as a tender, merciful father TMK 263:2

rejection of, by the world at the time of trouble Mar 275:3


in, for a pleasant atmosphere LHU 185:2

of, over changes made by grace 3SM 240:0

relation(ship)to / connection with,

anxiety hinders HP 113:4

appetite must not endanger 3SM 283:2

as children, Christ took as a human 3SM 135:4

as Creator shown by Sabbath 3SM 256:1

as Enoch’s CC 29:3

as with His own Son TSB 107:3

blessed despite apparent lack of ability TDG 26:2

by eating bread that came from heaven LHU 109:6

by having His qualities 3SM 310:3

by one in association with Christ TMK 124:4

Christ taught what to do in TDG 108:2

cleansing temple of humans without PM 135:1

close, bound up with Christ TDG 120:2

constant and close OHC 151:4

description of those having HP 95:5

destroyed by known sin or neglected duties FLB 138:2

developed by daily prayer and consecration RC 121:5

differences between people avoided by RC 300:2

duty fulfilled by TMK 90:5

emotions not evidence of OHC 119:6

experience offered to lift from earth to RC 205:6

father with his children represents HP 32:2

for resisting temptation OHC 15:4

gives wisdom to match Satan’s subtlety FLB 312:6

grandeur of nature gives longing for closer TMK 146:4

He tries to correct, so we may be blessed TMK 332:3

importance of UL 202

insanity not to have good OHC 202:5

intimated by accepting Christ LHU 297:2

Israel’s, explained at Sinai TDG 237:3

known through sincere prayer TDG 315:2

lacking if enmity aroused when He is mentioned FW 55:2

learned in the school of Christ FW 64:1


by wandering from Christ’s side OHC 30:3

distrust and crime at end of time 3SM 418:1

made right to reflect His glory RC 258:5

miracles seen when life is in 3SM 38:1

necessary for fruit bearing OHC 144:2

needed, AG 232:3

by those wanting knowledge and skills UL 47:4

for strength and responsibility RC 208:6

to teach about Jesus 3SM 187:3

new, brought by conversion OHC 215:2

nothing to interfere with OHC 324:2

obedient holds as vital, as does the Son to the Father TMK 159:4

opens and sharpens understanding TDG 361:4

preserves from harm HP 241:5

privilege of; (connecting) UL 270:4

promise of, very valuable HP 32:4

requires realization of incompetence UL 361:3

results in talking of Him and heaven TMK 119:4

righteousness requires PM 128:1

senses kept sharp and clean for a right HP 170:2

showing, to the world 3SM 202:4

shown by characters and affections RC 306:3

study Daniel’s plan to learn UL 253:4

sustains for representing Christ UL 320:2

to be questioned UL 202:3

understanding of,

for all 1MCP 188:4

important, RC 138:6

stop ears to gossip UL 237:3

worry about, like taking about deformed plants 2MCP 807:1

See also God, closeness to; God, unity with; Religion

relationship among Christ, Lucifer and, revealed RC 58:7

reliance on,

gains respect and exerts influence for good TDG 178:4

instead of infatuation LYL 83:3

or trying to come in own righteousness 3SM 149:5

Pacific Press to be independent with PM 155:2

saves from power of Satanic agencies HP 349:2

remember work of, for you UL 71:4


by, every hour; cherish His love UL 20:6

through natural calamities UL 65:2

remembers believers who meet to worship Him TMK 154:5

repentance from, as well as pardon; He does not wait for us FW 73:2

representatives / agents / ambassadors of,

although He is the Master Worker PM 305:3

as His adopted sons and daughters TDG 372:5

bless one another by feeling you are TDG 95:4

by converting power of Holy Spirit RC 130:3

by representing Christ 3SM 170:4

humble servant is made TMK 88:4

independence from, wrong; His word is trustworthy TDG 193:2

invested with the goods of heaven TDG 228:4

Israelites prepared to become TDG 77:2

light communicated by TMK 274:3

must be one in heart UL 268:2

obedient ones to be HP 189:5

sacred influences of, always strengthen TDG 170:3

to hold a living connection UL 76:3

truth needs to be understood by TMK 340:3

reproach on, excusing defects brings 3SM 179:4

requests to, neglected because we expect so little HP 257:5

requirement(s) of,

abilities developed to understand and do TMK 124:4

appear burdensome by our sadness HP 326:2

avoid considering, as restrictions VSS 121:2


taught UL 302:3

to love and reverence TDG 264:2

clear; conform to the standard FW 97:1

come in humility to find out PM 171:3

depend on light given FW 122:3

Enoch would be true to, if here today RC 307:4

first; we are to be separate from the world FW 41:1

law said not to be, in our day FW 32:2

liberality toward, despite Adam’s failure TMK 313:2

little digressions from TMK 252:2

made in wisdom; obedience enlarges mind TMK 121:5

mind trained to disregard TDG 87:4

ministers’ words cannot change FW 122:2

New Testament defines more distinctly OHC 268:2

plain; will we comply? TDG 94:2

possible HP 61:2, 338:1

power given to perform UL 159:2

questioning AG 150:2

regard for, shows how people would regard them in heaven PM 112:0

revealed in His communications UL 144:2

same for all, that each fulfill his calling TDG 166:4

Satan tried to make Christ believe,unnecessary Con 38:2

seen to be far reaching FW 54:0

sense of sacredness of, lost by indulgence TDG 237:5

vessels to be full but capacity different TMK 329:4

willing obedience to, reflecting Christ RC 41:3

resentment and taunting not expressed by UL 298:2

resources of, cannot be exhausted; we may have daily supply TMK 170:4

response of,

only to those who respond to His grace LHU 221:4

to Daniel’s prayer in sending messenger TMK 271:4

responsibility to, See Accountability

rest in, See Promises

restrains His,

own attributes HP 345:5

power UL 41:2

restrictions of,

because He sees end from beginning LYL 83:3

happiness without shame from Con 73:0

returning to,

attitude when TSB 179:1

help and pity for those who attempt LHU 206:5

we are His by creation and redemption 1MCP 154:3



and yourself when you hold fast to Christ HP 24:2

as you work to answer your own prayers UL 256:5

at height of perversity UL 334:7

if we want to serve Him; He wants to bless TDG 71:2

His love although not His workings now FLB 42:5

revelation of,