Young’s Literal Translation


Psalm 76

1 To the Overseer with stringed instruments. — A Psalm of Asaph. — A Song. In Judah [is] God known, in Israel His name [is] great.

2 And His tabernacle is in Salem, And His habitation in Zion.

3 There he hath shivered arrows of a bow, Shield, and sword, and battle. Selah.

4 Bright [art] Thou, honourable above hills of prey.

5 Spoiled themselves have the mighty of heart, They have slept their sleep, And none of the men of might found their hands.

6 From Thy rebuke, O God of Jacob, Both rider and horse have been fast asleep.

7 Thou, fearful [art] Thou, And who doth stand before Thee, Since Thou hast been angry!

8 From heaven Thou hast sounded judgment, Earth hath feared, and hath been still,

9 In the rising of God to judgment, To save all the humble of earth. Selah.

10 For the fierceness of man praiseth Thee, The remnant of fierceness Thou girdest on.

11 Vow and complete to Jehovah your God, All ye surrounding him. They bring presents to the Fearful One.

12 He doth gather the spirit of leaders, Fearful to the kings of earth!