The Bible Echo, vol. 14


September 18, 1899

“Walking Now with Angels” The Bible Echo 14, 38, p. 307.


Ministering Spirits—The Unseen Multitude—Blind Eyes Opened—A Divine Revelation

IN the third chapter of Zechariah, one was seen who was “clothed with filthy garments.” BEST September 18, 1899, page 307.1

To those who stood before him it was said, “Take away the filthy garments from him.” BEST September 18, 1899, page 307.2

Then to him it was said, “Behold, I have caused thine iniquity to pass from thee, and I will clothe thee with change of raiment.” BEST September 18, 1899, page 307.3

The prophet then said, “Let them set a fair mitre upon his head.” BEST September 18, 1899, page 307.4

Then “they set a fair mitre upon his head, and clothed him with garments.” BEST September 18, 1899, page 307.5

“And the angel of the Lord stood by.” BEST September 18, 1899, page 307.6

Then said the Lord to the one who had been clothed with the garments, “If thou wilt walk in My ways, and if thou wilt keep My charge, then ... I will give thee faces to walk among these THAT STAND BY.” BEST September 18, 1899, page 307.7

AS IT WAS THE ANGELS OF THE Lord that stood by, this is but to say that to all such He will give places to walk among the angels of the Lord. BEST September 18, 1899, page 307.8

And this is not only to be so in the world to come; it is so now. BEST September 18, 1899, page 307.9

To every one who is reconciled to God, there is given “the ministry of reconciliation; as every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” BEST September 18, 1899, page 307.10

Thus to every Christian there is given the ministry of salvation. BEST September 18, 1899, page 307.11

The angels also are ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation. BEST September 18, 1899, page 307.12

And this is true not only of some of the angels, but of all the angels of the Lord. BEST September 18, 1899, page 307.13

“Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth?” etc. BEST September 18, 1899, page 307.14

And how many are there of the angels?—There are “ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands.” There is “an innumerable company” of them. BEST September 18, 1899, page 307.15

There are certainly many times more of the angels of the Lord than there are of the inhabitants of the earth. BEST September 18, 1899, page 307.16

And as they are all sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation, it is certain that there are many of the angels where there is one individual who is an heir of salvation; there was a “mountain full” of them round about Elisha. And did not Jesus say of His little ones, “Their angels do always behold the face of My Father”? BEST September 18, 1899, page 307.17

Therefore, when we are ministering for them who shall be heirs of salvation, and the angels of the Lord—all—are ministering for them who shall be heirs of salvation, and when there are many more of them than there are of us, then are we not walking among them EVEN NOW? BEST September 18, 1899, page 307.18

Certainly we are; that is just as plain as that two and two make four. BEST September 18, 1899, page 307.19

That we do not see them with our natural eyes, as we walk and work among them, is nothing against the fact. BEST September 18, 1899, page 307.20

Elisha’s servant did not see them until his eyes were opened. But they were there just as really before his eyes were opened as they were afterward. And he was among them, he was walking among them, and did not know it. BEST September 18, 1899, page 307.21

Elisha was walking among them, too, and knew it. He saw them, though they were invisible. BEST September 18, 1899, page 307.22

Therefore it is true that as certainly as we are ministering for them who shall be heirs of salvation, so certainly we are walking among the angels of the Lord; for they “all,” “an innumerable company,” are also ministering for them who shall be heirs of salvation. BEST September 18, 1899, page 307.23

This is true whether we recognise it or not. BEST September 18, 1899, page 307.24

Then let us have the benefit of this blessed truth as we walk and work among the angels of the Lord. Let us not be as Elisha’s servant, who walked among them, and did not know it. Let us rather be as Elisha, the servant of the Lord, who walked among them, and knew it. BEST September 18, 1899, page 307.25

We do know it; for the Lord says it, and it is so. Then let us enjoy it as we go. BEST September 18, 1899, page 307.26