The Bible Echo, vol. 13


October 3, 1898

“Filled with the Holy Ghost” The Bible Echo 13, 40, p. 318.


IN the time of the “early rain” of the gospel year, the believers were more than once “filled with the Holy Ghost.” BEST October 3, 1898, page 318.1

On Pentecost “they were all filled with the Holy Ghost.” BEST October 3, 1898, page 318.2

There was in Jerusalem much, and powerful, opposition to the gospel and to the preaching of it. BEST October 3, 1898, page 318.3

Therefore “the priests, and the captain of the temple, and the Sadducees” arrested Peter and John, and “put them in hold.” BEST October 3, 1898, page 318.4

The next day Peter and John were brought before the national council, and were questioned as to what they had done. BEST October 3, 1898, page 318.5

“Then Peter, filled with the Holy Ghost, said unto them, Ye rulers of the people, and elders of Israel,” etc. BEST October 3, 1898, page 318.6

However, the council, after inquiry and answer and consultation, let them go. BEST October 3, 1898, page 318.7

“And being let go, they went to their own company,” and prayed. “And when they had prayed, ... they were all filled with the Holy Ghost.” BEST October 3, 1898, page 318.8

We are in the “time of the latter rain,” when we are to ask for rain. The message of God now is, therefore, “Receive ye the Holy Ghost;” “Be filled with the Spirit.” BEST October 3, 1898, page 318.9

Have you received the Holy Ghost? Have you been filled with the Spirit? If not, you are losing everything. BEST October 3, 1898, page 318.10

But even thou you have received the Holy Ghost, even though you have been filled with the Spirit, please do not think for a moment that that is the end and all. Please do not settle back contentedly folding your hands and saying, Now I have got it, and that is all. BEST October 3, 1898, page 318.11

No; even to you the message still is, “Receive ye the Holy Ghost.” “Be filled with the Spirit.” There is more than one filling with the Spirit. Go on unto perfection. BEST October 3, 1898, page 318.12

“Ask, and it shall be given you.” “Receive ye the Holy Ghost.” “Be filled with the Spirit.” BEST October 3, 1898, page 318.13