The Change of the Sabbath

The Sabbath in the New Earth

We will quote one text more concerning the time the holy Sabbath will continue, with which to close the Biblical argument of this question: “As the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before me, says the Lord, so shall your seed and your name remain. And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one Sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, says the Lord.” Isaiah 66:22, 23. The new heavens and the new earth are created a thousand years after the coming of Christ. 2 Peter 3:8-13; Revelation 20:4-15; 21:1. The new earth will be the abode of the saved to all eternity. The holy city, the New Jerusalem, will be in it, and there, also, will be the tree of life, bearing its twelve manner of fruits, and yielding its fruit every month. Revelation 22:2. To this blessed metropolis of the new creation will the saints of God come each month, to partake of its fruits, and each week, on the holy Sabbath, to worship God. ChSa 76.2

That blessed day which God set apart at creation to serve as a memorial of the works of the Creator, will be still more gladly kept when sin and the curse have been forever abolished. Why should not this blessed institution forever exist as a reminder of the glory of God in creation? Nothing could be more fitting. The word of God positively declares that the holy Sabbath, that Sabbath with which the prophet Isaiah was well acquainted, will be kept in the new heavens and the new earth. ChSa 77.1

What, then, is the conclusion which the Scriptures compel us to make in reference to the continuance of the Bible Sabbath? The great majority of Christians admit that for four thousand years the seventh day was the only weekly Sabbath. Here we find the same day being kept in Eden restored, continuing to all eternity. Can we suppose that an intermission of about two thousand years occurred between these two eternities? And that another Sabbath was set up to take the place of this great memorial of the work of Christ and Jehovah, which God has ordained to be kept in the eternal world? Can we think such an event probable? Such a conclusion would be unphilosophical, absurd, preposterous. ChSa 77.2

The prophet of God in holy vision beholds the Sabbath of the Lord carried far beyond this world of sin. Thus the Holy Scriptures place the seventh day Sabbath like a grand arch at the beginning of the race of man, spanning the six thousand years of human probation, and reaching into a renovated world after sin is forever destroyed. No place is left for another weekly Sabbath to come in. Few realize the vast importance of the Sabbath institution. It is the golden clasp which binds man to his Maker. It keeps in memory the true God as the creator of all things. Had man always observed it in the true spirit, idolatry could never have had an existence. ChSa 77.3