The Change of the Sabbath


Presumptuous Claims

“He shall speak great words against the Most High.” Here are pretensions seen nowhere else. He either calls himself, or is called by his votaries, “Lord God the Pope,” “Christ’s Vicar or Vicegerent on earth,” “A very God on earth,” “with power to open and shut heaven at his pleasure,” and “ability to forgive sins,” “even to grant indulgences.” ChSa 169.2

He “shall wear out the saints of the Most High.” Behold the millions of martyrs whose blood has been shed in crusades, in massacres, in horrible dungeons, torn upon racks, and burned at the stake. This power has caused the death of more people for conscience’ sake than all other political powers together which have ever existed on this earth. Surely this power fulfils the statements of the angel to the prophet. The best-informed Protestant historians have estimated his victims at upwards of fifty million. Kind reader, think of it, nearly as many people as live in these United States of America to day, put to death for religious opinion! ChSa 169.3