The American Sentinel 8


September 14, 1893

“Editorial” American Sentinel 8, 36, pp. 281-283.


BY proofs abundant it has been shown in these columns, and demonstrated in their own actions, that the professed Protestant churches of the United States are completely apostate, and are joined in principles and in practice to Rome. AMS September 14, 1893, page 281.1

THIS is the literal truth in regard to these churches. It is true of them as churches as they stand, in organizations, in influence, in leadership and in management. There are however noble instances of individuals in those churches who have refused to go to Rome, and have protested and still continue to protect against this apostasy. AMS September 14, 1893, page 281.2

THUS there are in those churches individuals who still remain Protestant and Christian, for which we sincerely thank the Lord. And as these churches, in their leadership and management, have not only gone over to Rome, but have actually carried the United States Government with them and propose now to use the power of the Government to compel all others to pay honor and allegiance to Rome too, it is evident that as these individuals remain Protestant and Christian their protest will become more decided and more emphatic and consequently their numbers will certainly grow. And for this too we sincerely thank the Lord. AMS September 14, 1893, page 281.3

IF these church misleaders and mismanagers had carried only the churches with them in their apostasy, this in itself would have been bad enough; but when this was made the means of subverting the Government of the United States and carrying it also over to Rome, the evil of their apostasy was infinitely increased. Because they are not the only ones who will now use the power of the Government for the purposes of religious oppression and despotism. If they were the only ones who would use the governmental power for such apostate purposes, this would be bad enough, in all conscience; but having delivered the Government over to Romish principles, Rome herself, too, will use the governmental power for purposes of oppression. She will not only use these professed but apostate Protestants as puppets to accomplish her ulterior purposes, but as occasion demands, she will act directly and with her old-time energy. AMS September 14, 1893, page 281.4

THAT it may be further seen how directly opposed are the principles of Rome and those of the Government of the United States as the Government was made and as it was intended by our fathers to remain, we cite here three “errors” which are condemned under “anathema” by the “infallible” decree of Rome speaking, ex cathedra, through Pope Pius IX. One of these “errors” is that— AMS September 14, 1893, page 281.5

Every man is free to embrace and profess the religion he shall believe true, guided by the light of reason.—Rome and the Newest Fashions in Religion, by Gladstone and Schaff, p. 113. AMS September 14, 1893, page 281.6

Now, although this is a condemned error by Rome, yet everybody knows that this very thing is one of the very fundamental principles of the Government of the United States. AMS September 14, 1893, page 281.7

ANOTHER of these “errors” is that— AMS September 14, 1893, page 281.8

The Church has not the power of availing herself of force, or of any direct or indirect temporal power.—Id., p. 115. AMS September 14, 1893, page 281.9

Everybody, even Rome herself, knows that this, too, is one of the very foundation principles of the Government of the United States as our fathers established it. AMS September 14, 1893, page 281.10

Yet another of these condemned “errors” is that— AMS September 14, 1893, page 281.11

The Church ought to be separated from the State, and the State from the Church.—Id., p. 123. AMS September 14, 1893, page 281.12

It is hardly proper to say that this is a fundamental principle, it is THE fundamental principle, the very foundation of the foundation of the Government of the United States as it was originally established. And it was made so with the direct purpose of keeping away from Rome. For the makers of this Government said that— AMS September 14, 1893, page 281.13

To judge for ourselves, and to engage in the exercises of religion agreeably to the dictates of our own consciences, is an inalienable right, which upon the principles on which the gospel was first propagated, and the reformation from popery carried on, can never be transferred to another. AMS September 14, 1893, page 281.14

And they further said:— AMS September 14, 1893, page 281.15

It is impossible for the magistrate to adjudge the right of preference among the various sects that profess the Christian faith without creating a claim to infallibility which would lead us back to the Church of Rome? AMS September 14, 1893, page 281.16

NOW, although the principles of Rome and the principles of the Government of the United States are directly opposite to each other; although the fundamental principles of the Government of the United States are condemned as “errors” under “anathema” by Rome; and although the Government was established upon these principles for the direct and expressed purpose of escaping and keeping away from Rome; yet, in spite of all this, the professed Protestant churches of the United States have subverted the principles of the Government of the United States, and have adopted and forced upon the Government and people of the United States the principles of Rome. These churches have adopted Rome’s view that the Church has the power of availing herself of force and of direct temporal power, and they have asserted this power and have availed themselves of this force. Instead of maintaining the American and Protestant and Christian principle that “the Church ought to be separated from the State, and the State from the Church,” these professed Protestants have adopted Rome’s principle and have joined the State to the churches to do their bidding and to enforce their decrees even by armed force. They have also required the Congress of the United States to adjudge the right of preference between different sects that profess the Christian faith, and this, too, in spite of the warning given by our governmental fathers that it “is impossible” to do such a thing without leading “back to the Church of Rome.” They have set up and accepted the Congress of the United States as authoritative interpreter of the Scriptures, in spite of the faithful warning bequeathed by the sufferings of ages that “the establishment of a tribunal charged with the interpretation of the Bible had ended only in the subjection of man to man in that which should be most unfettered—conscience and faith.” They have abandoned every Protestant and Christian principle and have adopted the principles of Rome instead. Their apostasy is complete, and there remains only the appearance of the bitter but inevitable fruits of it. AMS September 14, 1893, page 281.17

AND not only the appearing but the gathering of the bitter and destructive fruit of this apostasy is at the threshold. That this may be plainly seen by all, let us glance at the situation as it is to-day. This step was taken, this act was done, and this interpretation of the scripture, was made by Congress, at the dictation and under the threats of the professed Protestant churches of the United States, aided by the Catholic Church, in this controversy between Protestant sects, as to which day is the true Sabbath. Those who keep Sunday demanded that Congress should decide in their favor and fix in the law of the land their interpretation of the Sabbath commandment. Congress yielded to their demand. And now they have declared that this “settles the Sabbath question.” They were able to make their influence felt in Congress in a sufficient degree to accomplish their will in this matter; and having accomplished their purpose, they now declare that that question is “settled.” AMS September 14, 1893, page 282.1

BUT all the questions between Catholics and Protestants are not settled yet. Now suppose some question arises between the Catholics and these same Protestants, and suppose the Catholic Church is able to exert sufficient influence to secure the decision of Congress in her favor. What, then, can these Protestants say? If they propose to deny the right of Congress to decide any such question, the Catholics can simply tell them: “You did not deny the right of Congress to decide a controversy between you and other Protestants. So far from denying the right of Congress to do this, you demanded it. If Congress was then competent to decide a controversy between Protestant sects, it is now competent to decide between Protestants and Catholics. When Congress decided in your favor there, you gladly claimed the decision and declared that that settled that question. Now Congress has decided this question in our favor, why does not this settle this question? If a decision of Congress in your favor settles a question, why is it that a decision of Congress in our favor does not settle a question? Then Congress adopted your view and fixed it in the law; you said that was right, and we say so too. Now Congress has adopted our view and has fixed it in the law; and we say this is right. You did that with our help. You said it was right, and we say so too. We did this without your help, and we say it is right. And you cannot deny it.” AMS September 14, 1893, page 282.2

WHAT can these Protestants answer?—Not a word. Their mouths will be completely stopped. And just then they will find out how completely they have sold themselves into the hands of Rome, in the doing of this which they have already done. AMS September 14, 1893, page 282.3

NOR is such a controversy a far-off thing. It is at hand in more shapes than one. One point is already raised. It came about in this way: In 1885, by a scheme of the Catholic Church, the Catholic Church and about fourteen professed Protestant churches secured donations of money from the treasury of the United States to aid them in carrying on their missionary work among the Indians. And at the very first move the Catholic Church obtained more money than all the Protestants put together—the Catholics $118,343, and all the others together only $109,916. The second year the Catholics got $194,635, while all the others got but $168,579; the third year the Catholic Church got $221,169, while all the others got only $155,095; the fourth year the Catholic Church got $347,672, while all the others together got but $183,000; the fifth year the Catholic Church got $356,967, while all the others got only $204,993; and the sixth year the Catholic Church got $400,000, while all the Protestants together got but the same, $204,993. Thus starting almost even, in only six years the Catholic Church succeeded in increasing her portion of the public money to almost double that of all the others together—and this while the others were increasing theirs all the time too. AMS September 14, 1893, page 282.4

IN 1889 an effort was made by the Harrison administration to stop all such appropriations of public money; but it was obliged to confess openly on the floor of the United States Senate, by Senator Dawes, that it “found it impossible to do that.” When it was found impossible to stop it, it was next proposed to stop as much as possible, and allow no increase to any, over that which they had received the year before. With this the Protestants were content. Not so the Catholic Church, however. She wanted more, and more she would have, and more she got. But how could she get more when the administration was opposed to it? Oh! that was no particular hinderance [sic.] to her. She simply ignored the administration altogether and went into the House of Representatives in Congress and got $32,000 added to her share of the year before; and when the bill went to the Senate she went there too, and got $12,000 more added, making $44,000, which she secured that year in addition to her share for the year before, and this in spite of the administration, and in spite of the “protests” of all the Protestant churches engaged in the matter. For, as soon as these churches learned that the Catholic Church was getting all this increase while they were getting no increase, they all began to “protest” against it. But their protest amounted to nothing, because they were taking money from the public treasury at the same time, and they protested only because she was getting more than they were. But they kept up their “protest” and succeeded in reducing the appropriations to themselves to the amount of $48,647, and to the Catholic Church to the amount of only $31,432, so that for the year, 1892, the Catholic Church got $369,535, while all the others together got only $156,346—the Catholic Church is now getting more than two dollars, to one dollar paid to the Protestants. AMS September 14, 1893, page 282.5

WELL, the Protestants seeing that the Catholic Church was beating them at every turn, even when they had the whole Harrison administration on their side, have now taken another tack and propose to take no more public money at all. The Methodist, the Episcopalian, the Congregationalist, and the Baptist churches have all refused to take any more; and leading men in the Presbyterian Church are trying to get that church to refuse likewise. The object of this is to have all the Protestant churches refuse to receive any more public money, and then together raise one united cry against any appropriation to the Catholic Church. But here again they will find themselves defeated and sold into the power of Rome by the selfish blunders which they themselves have already made. AMS September 14, 1893, page 282.6

First, when they declare it wrong to make appropriations of public money to churches, the Catholic Church can reply: “You yourselves took public money in direct appropriations for from six to eight years straight ahead. If it is wrong, why did you do it? We all began it at the same time. If you have since found out that it is wrong, it does not follow that I should acknowledge it to be wrong. Even if you do think it wrong, I am not obliged to accept your view. I do not think it wrong. The Catholic Church says that it is right that the State should support the Church.” And what answer can the Protestants make?—Just none at all. AMS September 14, 1893, page 282.7

Again, the Catholic Church can argue thus: “The Supreme Court of the United States has unanimously declared that ‘this is a Christian Nation.’ As the starting point and leading proof of this, the court has cited ‘the commission to Christopher Columbus,’ prior to his sail westward, from ‘Ferdinand and Isabella, by the grace of God, King and Queen of Casteile,’ etc., which recites that ‘it is hoped by God’s assistance some of the continents and islands in the ocean will be discovered.’ Now the religion intended to be propagated by Ferdinand and Isabella was the Catholic religion. The religion which Columbus revered and which he hoped to be the instrument of spreading abroad, was the Catholic religion, and that alone. Therefore, as this royal document is adduced as evidence that this is a ‘religious people’ and ‘a Christian Nation;’ as the only religion contemplated or considered in connection with the document or its purposes was the Catholic religion; as all but Catholics are heretics and not Christians; it follows that the religion of this Nation is the Catholic religion, and that this is a Catholic Christian Nation. It is therefore perfectly proper and right that the Catholic Church should be supported, and the Catholic religion propagated, under national authority and from the national funds.” AMS September 14, 1893, page 282.8

And, again, what can the Protestants answer?—Just nothing at all. AMS September 14, 1893, page 282.9

The fathers of this Republic told them long ago that “the same authority that could establish Christianity in exclusion of all other religions, could establish with the same ease any particular sect of Christians in exclusion of all other sects.” For this reason the Government was forever forbidden to recognize any religion. This wisdom these Protestants disregarded. They asked for years that the Christian religion should be recognized as the national religion. They rejoiced when this Supreme Court decision did establish the Christian religion as the national religion in exclusion of all other religions. And now when it results in establishing the Catholic sect of the “Christian religion” in exclusion of all other sects, they can have but themselves to blame for it. AMS September 14, 1893, page 282.10

They cannot deny that such an argument by the Catholics upon the Supreme Court decision would be strictly logical. Neither can they call in question the rightfulness of the decision itself, for the reason that they themselves have already used that decision to their own advantnge [sic.] in influencing Congress to recognize Sunday as the Christian Sabbath, and to fix in the law their interpretation of the word of God. Having used this decision, and claimed it as certainly right, to their own advantage, and to sustain and fix in the law their own views in matters of religion, they have forever cut themselves off from calling in question either the decision or the use of it, when it is employed to their disadvantage, and to fix in the law Rome’s views in matters of religion. AMS September 14, 1893, page 282.11

Thus completely, and by professed Protestants, has this Nation been sold into the hands of Rome. Thus completely has the new order of things been reversed and the old order of things restored, and Rome knows it. Rome’s knowledge of this and the use which she is even now making of this knowledge, will be related next week. AMS September 14, 1893, page 284.1

A. T. J.

“Back Page” American Sentinel 8, 36, p. 288.


THE Consolidated Street Railway Company of Worcester, Mass., recently did some Sunday work on their tracks, upon which an indignation meeting was called by the ministers of that city to protest against a recurrence of the “desecration.” AMS September 14, 1893, page 288.1

IT is a little surprising to read that “Mgr. Satolli’s recent visit to Cincinnati was not made without danger of attack at the hands of sectarian cranks.” He was constantly attended by a body guard. But where one “sectarian crank” may have been ready to attack him, ten thousand milk-and-water Protestants(?) were ready to fawn upon him. AMS September 14, 1893, page 288.2

GOVERNOR ALTGELD, of Illinois, has gone on record as saying that in all America there are not more than fifty anarchists. The Governor evidently forgot to count the American Sabbath Unionists, who, by threats and intimidation, compelled Congress to violate the fundamental law of the land in the passage of the Sunday-closing proviso. AMS September 14, 1893, page 288.3

AN effort was made to induce Judge Ewing, of Chicago, to set aside Judge Goggin’s order continuing for sixty days the proceedings in the Clingman injunction, but on the 6th instant His Honor denied the motion, on the ground that it would be a breach of judicial courtesy for him to take jurisdiction of the hearing. It now seems certain that the Fair will remain open on Sunday until the gates are finally closed the last of October. AMS September 14, 1893, page 288.4

THE Christian Statesman says that Sunday closing of the World’s Fair has been “practically achieved,” nevertheless the number of paid admissions on Sunday, September 3, was 25,439, of which 24,284 were adults who paid full price, while only 1,155 were children at twenty-five cents per head. The receipts for the day were, therefore, $12,307.75, beside the percentages received from concessionaires. If this sort of Sunday closing satisfies the Sunday people, it must be because they are so accustomed to frauds and fakes that they would not know a genuine article if they were to see it. But no wonder, a counterfeit Sabbath naturally blinds them to every thing else. Moreover, they all want to go to the Fair, but they pledged themselves not to go unless the gates were closed on Sunday; but now that the dates are not closed, nor are they likely to be, the Sunday close their eyes instead to the open gates and visit the Fair just as everybody knew they would, notwithstanding all their bluster and pledges. AMS September 14, 1893, page 288.5

THE Christian Advocate of the 24th ult., referring to mob violence in the South and West, says: “The cords that bind society together are being snapped at a fearful rate.” It is too true; but what can we expect when the churches of the land set the example of mob law by overriding the fundamental law of the Nation in compelling Congress by threats of political boycott to enact unconstitutional laws? AMS September 14, 1893, page 288.6

THE Catholic Review complains of Protestant missionaries, that “in India, China and other parts of Asia, in Central Africa, with the help of British officers, they are exterminating the native Catholics and banishing priests and native rulers.” The Independent takes this as an evidence that the missionaries are meeting with success in their work. They certainly are, but if the Review states the case correctly, it is certainly not Christian work. AMS September 14, 1893, page 288.7

A SUNDAY law paper remarks that “the decision rendered by Chief Justice Fuller, of the Supreme Court of the United States, has served to encourage and embolden the lawless, godless element of this country and their abettors, the Seventh-day Adventists, in opposing the Sabbath.” It has done nothing of the kind. Chief Justice Fuller’s decision had nothing to do with either Sunday or the Sabbath. The only question before Judge Fuller was the right of the United States to assume jurisdiction over the Fair grounds and usurp the powers both of the State of Illinois and of a corporation created under the laws of that State. So far as the fling at Seventh-day Adventists is concerned, it is true only in this, that they from the first consistently opposed any governmental interference in the matter, because it was a purely religious question, and legislation upon religious matters is forbidden by the Federal Constitution. Seventh-day Adventists respect that instrument as it reads. AMS September 14, 1893, page 288.8

THE Nebraska City Evangelist says:— AMS September 14, 1893, page 288.9

Chief Justice Fuller, in his famous decision in regard to Sunday opening of the Columbian Exposition, has published to the world that a contract has no moral binding force. He does not say this in just these words, but it is evidently implied in what he does say. AMS September 14, 1893, page 288.10

The Evangelist ought to remember that whatever may be true of contracts, the ninth commandment is still of binding force. Even religious papers have no right to bear false witness. Chief Justice Fuller’s decision was simply to the effect that the United States had no jurisdiction over Jackson Park, in the city of Chicago, in the State of Illinois. The suit was not brought to enforce a contract, but was brought on the assumption that the United States had control of the Fair. There is no excuse for lying about this matter. AMS September 14, 1893, page 288.11

“THE Turkish authorities,” remarks the Mail and Express, “have promised to protect American missionaries in that country. It is hoped that the State Department officials at Washington will insist on this promise being kept. If any thing happens in this country to the subject of an inferior nation, the diplomats get to work immediately, and we are called on for explanations or reparation. Let us give other countries some of their own medicine and show to the world our disposition, and if necessary our ability to protect the God-fearing men and women who have abandoned the comforts of home to spread the light of the gospel among the ignorant.” AMS September 14, 1893, page 288.12

This is a strange mixture of religious cant and of irreligious bullying. It is the duty of the Government to protect its citizens everywhere, whether missionaries or not, but it is not Christian to “give other countries some of their own medicine.” The Christian rule is, “All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them.” But governments are not Christian; they are simply civil, and hence properly use force in perpetuating themselves and in defending their subjects, but they have no more duty in this respect toward missionaries than toward any other persons entitled to their protection. AMS September 14, 1893, page 288.13

“ANOTHER instance of courtesy from Protestant pastors to the Roman Catholics,” says the Independent, “has occurred at Harrison, N. J., where the pastor of the Knox Presbyterian Church offered that church to Father Kernan for the use of his newly organized congregation until they could arrange for their own building.” What would sturdy old John Knox say to this were he still in the flesh? AMS September 14, 1893, page 288.14


Set for the defense of liberty of conscience, and therefore
uncompromisingly opposed to anything tending
toward a union of Church and State,
either in name or in fact

Single copy, per year, - - - $1.00.

THE Evangel and Sabbath Outlook very pertinently remarks that the “growth of Roman Catholicism in New England is well known to those who study current events. Neither is it surprising when one remembers that `Church authority’ forms so large a part of the basis of Protestant faith. The end is not yet and Protestants must open their eyes to these facts or suffer the defeat which always accompanies blindness, whether induced by indifference or disobedience.” AMS September 14, 1893, page 288.15