The American Sentinel 14


August 24, 1899

“Front Page” American Sentinel 14, 33, p. 513.


CONFEDERATION represents the highest power of man, but it never represents the power of God. AMS August 24, 1899, page 513.1

THE devil never engineers one of his worst deceptions without first transforming himself into an angel of light. AMS August 24, 1899, page 513.2

THE greatest deception of the age is that which leads Christians to look through the gateway of politics for the coming of the kingdom of Christ. AMS August 24, 1899, page 513.3

EVERY effort of the civil authority to settle a religious controversy, only makes the controversy rage more fiercely. AMS August 24, 1899, page 513.4

THE declaration made by Jesus Christ before Pilate, “My kingdom is not of this world,” is equivalent to a declaration that he is not in politics. AMS August 24, 1899, page 513.5

CIVIL government cannot concern itself with sin without forming a union of church and state; for under any union of church and state, all that the government undertook to do was to punish sin and repress heresy. Moral grounds, therefore, cannot be considered by civil government in determining what acts shall be prohibited; for if immorality is a sufficient cause for prohibition in one case, it is in all cases, and the government would be logically bound to prohibit everything immoral, which would simply amount to a prohibition of sin. When the civil authority gets off on this path it will only entangle itself in hopeless difficulties. The true question and the only question for the civil authority is that of preserving rights. Whatever invades the natural rights of the individual citizen, is a proper subject for prohibitive legislation. AMS August 24, 1899, page 513.6

IN true republican government, all individual citizens are represented but not any institutions of individuals. Therefore only individuals—only “we, the people”—can rightfully go into politics. When a trust or a church goes into politics, and influences elections and legislation, something is represented in the government which has no just claim to representation there, and the government is no longer truly republican. AMS August 24, 1899, page 513.7

“The ‘Mission of Liberty and Humanity’” American Sentinel 14, 33, pp. 513, 514.


IN a speech made at the Catholic Summer School grounds at Lake Champlain, the 15th inst., the President said with reference to the American flag: “Rebellion may delay, but it never can defeat its blessed mission of liberty and humanity.” This was an allusion to the present “rebellion” in the Philippine islands. AMS August 24, 1899, page 513.1

The American flag, in the President’s view, is in the Philippines on a “blessed mission of liberty and humanity.” Is it then a fact that the American flag, floating over the armed hosts of the nation, the symbol of the force of the civil power, represents the true “mission of liberty and humanity” in this world? Is civil government, even in its best form, the true preacher of “liberty and humanity” to the race? AMS August 24, 1899, page 513.2

There is a square contradiction between the view that the American flag in the Philippines represents the “blessed mission of liberty and humanity,” and the statements of Scripture. AMS August 24, 1899, page 513.3

The Scripture says that Jesus Christ the true messenger of “liberty and humanity” for the human race anywhere and everywhere in the earth. No one can deny this; and no one can deny either that the American flag in the Philippines, at the head of the forces dealing death and destruction to their opponents, does not represent the cause of Christ. The Saviour did not go about shooting people down who refused to be “benevolently assimilated” into his kingdom. His mission was not to overcome any man by force. He came to manifest the love of God, and sought by self-sacrifice to draw all men to himself. AMS August 24, 1899, page 513.4

He charged his disciples to go forth into all the world, proclaiming his gospel. He came to “preach deliverance to the captives,” to “set at liberty them that are bruised.” He came to teach men to “love one another.” That was a mission of “liberty and humanity,” and his followers were commissioned to carry this message to all people and fulfill his mission in the earth. Is this the truemission of liberty and humanity,” or is it not? AMS August 24, 1899, page 514.1

This is the vital question. What is the true uplifting, liberty conferring, love producing power in the earth? Is it the gospel? or civil government? Love? or force? The principle of self-sacrifice? or the principle of self-supremacy? The sword of the flesh? or the “sword of the Spirit”? If the Bible is true, it is not the former, but the latter. AMS August 24, 1899, page 514.2

The Filipinos need to be uplifted, enlightened, brought into a condition where they can enjoy the privileges and blessings to be realized on the higher planes of life. What is to confer this benefit upon them—the gospel of love? or the gospel of force? AMS August 24, 1899, page 514.3

The Government is answering this question. It has sent its forces to the Philippines, equipped to enforce submission upon the natives. It has assumed that this is fulfilling the “blessed mission of liberty and humanity” to those people. Is this assumption correct? AMS August 24, 1899, page 514.4

No! a thousand times no! If it is, the gospel is false. Under it, the Filipinos are having the blessedness of liberty and humanity shot into them and burned into them and beaten into them, while their hearts are filled with rage in their country with desolation and sorrow. Far otherwise the results which come through the agency of the gentle yet all-powerful message of the Prince of Peace. AMS August 24, 1899, page 514.5

Let the gospel supplant the Government as the agency of missionary work in the Philippines. Let us have Christian savages, in the place of the dreadful spectacle of savage “Christians.” AMS August 24, 1899, page 514.6

“The Conquered is Conquering” American Sentinel 14, 33, pp. 514, 515.


IT is a familiar remark in history that Rome was conquered by those whom she had conquered: that while Rome conquered the East by her arms, Rome herself was conquered by the vices of the East. Even a Roman writer of the time noted:— AMS August 24, 1899, page 514.1

“Luxury came on more cruel than our arms,
And avenged the vanquished world with her charms.”
AMS August 24, 1899, page 514.2

This fact of the conquerors being conquered by the conquered, though perhaps not identically the same way, seems certainly to be repeated in this modern great republic. AMS August 24, 1899, page 514.3

Of all the accepted family of nations Spain is the one to which in principles of government, the United States was the most extremely opposite. AMS August 24, 1899, page 514.4

In Spain, the most subservient to Rome, and the “home of the Inquisition,” was the most thorough union of church and state. In the United States, by the fundamental principles and the supreme law of the nation, there was the most complete separation of church and state. In laying down these principles and words it was expressed that Rome and the Inquisition for the ragged rocks of warning which induced this total separation of religion and the state. AMS August 24, 1899, page 514.5

Now the United States has conquered from Spain her colonial possessions, almost solidly Roman and inquisitorial in religion. Before this Rome and her religion was occupying no small place in the affairs of the national Government. Is Rome’s influence in and upon the national Government likely to be lessened when in dealing with these colonies, the Government must necessarily deal directly with Rome? Is it not certain that through this vast opportunity Rome will enlarge her influence, and fasten her power, more and more, upon the Government of the United States, until she shall actually dominate—if not clearly, yet just as certainly—by the balance of power? And thus the conquered may be, yea, almost certainly will be, the conqueror of her conqueror. AMS August 24, 1899, page 514.6

Nor is it only in this that Spain is likely to conquer. Civilly, it is likely to be so also. This phase of this thought has been so well put by Professor Sumner of Yale, that we cannot do better than to quote:— AMS August 24, 1899, page 514.7

“The Americans have been committed from the outset to the doctrine that all men are equal. We have elevated it into an absolute doctrine as a part of the theory of our social and political fabric. It has always been a domestic dogma in spite of its absolute form, and as a domestic dogma it has always stood in glaring contradiction to the facts about Indians and negroes, and to our legislation about Chinamen. In its absolute form it must, of course, apply to Kanakas, Malaya, Tagals and Chinese just as much as a Yankees, Germans and Irish. It is an astonishing event that we have lived to see American arms carry this domestic dogma out where it must be tested in its application to uncivilized and a half civilized peoples. At the first touch of the test we throw the doctrine away, and adopt the Spanish doctrine. We are told by all the imperialists that these people are not fit for liberty and self-government; that it is rebellion for them to resist our beneficence; that we must send fleets and armies to kill them, if they do it; that we must devise a government for them, and administer it ourselves; that we may buy them or sell them as we please, and dispose of their ‘trade’ for our own advantage. What is that but the policy of Spain to her dependencies? What can we expect as a consequence of it? Nothing but that it will bring us where SPAIN IS NOW.” AMS August 24, 1899, page 514.8

A. T. J.

“The Insular Commission’s ‘Insult’” American Sentinel 14, 33, p. 515.


REPRESENTATIVES of the papacy in this country have not taken kindly to the report of the United States Insular Commission on Porto Rico. It was not to be expected that they would be pleased with a report drawn up by Protestants, but neither was it anticipated that their sentiments on the point would be expressed in a tone of bitter hostility, as was the case. For example, note the following from the Catholic Standard and Times, Philadelphia:— AMS August 24, 1899, page 515.1

“Nothing could well be more offensive toward Catholic sentiment than the tone of the Insular Commissioners’ report; nothing possibly more asinine than its recommendations to the Government on the subject of its relation for the Catholic Church in Porto Rico. The suggestion to absolve priests and nuns from their vows, in order that they might be at liberty to follow the example of Luther and Catharine von Bora, so stupid yet withal so full of wanton malice, transcended all the bounds of rational conception of a process of severance between church and state. It simply destroyed its own pretext of action. It recommended the state to interfere, willfully, impertinently and wickedly, with the lawful concerns of the church. This recommendation, if we are to trust the report now in uncontradicted circulation, has been repudiated by the President, and the gentlemen who made it had been rebuked for their arrogance and ignorance in making it. Should this turn out to be the case, we are sure the fact will be hailed by many as a most gratifying one. It would be quite in keeping with what we already know of the President’s disposition. His disapproval of religious intolerance was markedly shown last year in the Washington sermon affair. We may easily believe that he is a man of liberal mind himself, and we may also conclude that his public experience would cause him to shrink from the indorsement of insult to any religious body in the country as very bad politics indeed.” AMS August 24, 1899, page 515.2

What is the trouble? Has the Government been recommended to force Catholics in Porto Rico to do something contrary to the papal religion?—No; not at all. The recommendation made by the commission was, “That priests and others who have taken vows of celibacy be permitted to renounce said vows and enter into marriage relations, the same as other people.” They are left perfectly free to do in the matter as they choose. They are not to be bound in the matter by the law of the land. AMS August 24, 1899, page 515.3

Under Spain, they were bound by the civil law, for breaking such vows could be punished as criminals; for under Spain, with its union of church and state, the laws of the church were, in most things, a part of the law of the land. The United States, as represented by the commission, simply does not propose to maintain this arrangement in force. But the Catholic Church regard such things as sins if you will; the Government will not for that reason treat them as crimes. AMS August 24, 1899, page 515.4

The papacy complains of being “insulted” by this recommendation, yet in its very complaint it makes a fling at the great Reformer and his wife, which might with much more reason be taken as an insult by Lutherans and other Protestants; for “the example of Luther and Catherine von Bora” was not meant in any complimentary sense. AMS August 24, 1899, page 515.5

This papal authority hopes that this recommendation, representing only the American principle of severance between church and state, “has been repudiated by the President,” and that “the gentlemen who made it have been rebuked for their arrogance and ignorance in making it.” This is bold language,—the language of one who sees Protestantism and American principles of government far on the decline in the United States. This is the significant feature of the matter. AMS August 24, 1899, page 515.6

“Rome and the Calendar” American Sentinel 14, 33, pp. 515, 516.


“THE Pope in Error” is a heading which appears in a leading Protestant journal in this city, as if a papal error were a thing rare enough to call for comment. The pope is charged with being in error regarding the calendar:— AMS August 24, 1899, page 515.1

“Certain forthgivings from the Vatican seem to imply that the pope thinks the next century begins with 1900 instead of 191. The Times, commenting upon this, says: ‘It is a fact beyond intelligent doubt or argument that the next century begins Jan. 1, 1901. Of course this is a point which involves neither doctrine nor dogma, and therefore the venerable head of the Catholic Church might be mistaken about it without throwing any light on his claim to infallibility. But still in so simple a matter no mistake should be made by anybody, and least of all by a man with a mind as keen and quick as that of Leo XIII.’” AMS August 24, 1899, page 515.2

If the pope is in error over the calendar, it need not be thought a strange thing, for it would not be the first error that the papal church has made in her reckoning of time. There are a number of these that stand charged against her, and have stood so for centuries. AMS August 24, 1899, page 515.3

The pope reckons the beginning of the day at midnight. In truth it begins at the setting of the sun. AMS August 24, 1899, page 515.4

He reckons the year as beginning January 1, in midwinter. In truth it begins with the awakening of Spring. AMS August 24, 1899, page 515.5

He believes that Jesus Christ was born as the babe of Bethlehem on December 25. In truth no person knows the day of Christ’s birth, but all evidence is against December 25 as the date. AMS August 24, 1899, page 516.1

He reckons the day of Christ’s resurrection as falling always on the first day of the week; which is as obviously false as to suppose that the day of Christ’s birth would always remain the same day of the week. AMS August 24, 1899, page 516.2

Calendar error, indeed, is a “strong point” in the papal church. These errors have a purpose to serve; and it may be there is a purpose to be served in making 1900 the first year of the new century. AMS August 24, 1899, page 516.3

“Back Page” American Sentinel 14, 33, p. 528.


THE papacy stands for a union of church and state. Its adherents claim to be good citizens of the state, and are such, no doubt, in many cases. But they can be good citizens and at the same time good Catholics, only in a state which is united with the Catholic Church. Roman Catholics can be good citizens of the United States only to the extent that they repudiate the principle of church and state union. AMS August 24, 1899, page 528.1

THE Christian Statesman, organ of the “National Reform” movements, says that “The most enthusiastic admirer of the United States will not claim that, in the deepest sense of the words, we are a nation in true allegiance to God and Jesus Christ.” This is what the AMERICAN SENTINEL has always said; and it follows that since the nation if not Christian in the deepest sense, it is not really Christian at all; for in our relation to God, nothing but truth in the “deepest sense” is acceptable. His actions have all the “deepest sense” of their meaning for us, and we likewise must manifest the deepest sincerity towards him. AMS August 24, 1899, page 528.2

The National Reform Association hopes however to make this “a truly Christian nation.” That is its avowed object. But to secure this the association is not working to convert individuals to the Lord, but to secure “a wide range of reforms” by legislation. It looks to the national and state legislatures, and to other political bodies, to secure what it wants to make the nation “truly Christian.” Possibly it will succeed in getting all the legislation it desires; but even should this be so, its task will remain unaccomplished; for reform legislation is one thing, and the reform itself is quite another thing. The latter by no means necessarily follows as a result of the former. AMS August 24, 1899, page 528.3

Faith is the one sure means of genuine reform. It is the one sure means of moral purification. This is God’s means of reforming all that can be reformed in the world. If legislation could bring the needed reform, God could legislate and enforce it too, far beyond any thing that man is able to do. But he works by faith in the individual heart. Whatever is capable of exercising faith in Christ, can be reformed according to God’s idea of reform, and nothing else can be. As for the world and all that is of the world, the only thing that awaits them is the coming day that shall “burn as an oven” (Malachi)—that day of fiery destruction foretold by Peter, when the very elements shall “melt with fervent heat.” That is the only kind of reform that awaits this world. AMS August 24, 1899, page 528.4

IT was better in the Creator’s view than sin and death should enter an mar the universe, than that His creatures should be deprived of the liberty to do either right or wrong. What higher testimony could be given to the value of absolute religious liberty? AMS August 24, 1899, page 528.5

PEOPLE who enact a Sunday law bind themselves with the chain they forge for others. AMS August 24, 1899, page 528.6

RELIGION mixed with politics makes a mixture good only for political purposes. AMS August 24, 1899, page 528.7