The American Sentinel 13
April 7, 1898
“Editorial” American Sentinel 13, 14, p. 209.
ENFORCED idleness is not rest. It is unrest. AMS April 7, 1898, page 209.1
THE pedigree of the “civil Sabbath” is wholly religious. AMS April 7, 1898, page 209.2
LAW furnishes nobody with the power to obey its requirements. AMS April 7, 1898, page 209.3
“RELIGION is the best armor in the world, but the worst cloak.” AMS April 7, 1898, page 209.4
“MEN will wrangle for religion, write for it, fight for it, die for it,—anything but live for it.” AMS April 7, 1898, page 209.5
A FORCED uniformity never does anything to promote unity. The one is directly contrary in spirit to the other. AMS April 7, 1898, page 209.6
UNION of the state with religion, means a state conscience in religion, by which the individual conscience is to be superseded. AMS April 7, 1898, page 209.7
“TO render good for evil, is God-like; to render good for good, is man-like; to render evil for evil, is beast-like; to render evil for good, is devil-like.” AMS April 7, 1898, page 209.8
RELIGION cannot be made a department of civil government without losing all its goodness; and politics cannot be made a department of religion without destroying civil government. AMS April 7, 1898, page 209.9
EXPERIENCE with a strict Sunday law in the large cities proves conclusively that in such places at least the measure does not lessen crime or promote the safety of life or property. AMS April 7, 1898, page 209.10
THE man who believes he ought not to keep Sunday, and has the courage of his convictions in the face of all opposition, is of more value to his community and to the state than the one who believes likewise, but has not the courage to do what he thinks is right. AMS April 7, 1898, page 209.11
“Civil Government and the Gospel” American Sentinel 13, 14, pp. 209, 210.
“THE powers that be are ordained of God.” Romans 13:1. “The powers that be” represent civil government. In a fallen world, civil government—a government of force—is a necessity. AMS April 7, 1898, page 209.1
But civil government is not the only or the most important thing ordained of God for this world. Before civil government arose, it was ordained that fallen man should be restored to his lost estate by a plan of redemption—the gospel. AMS April 7, 1898, page 209.2
This was because “God is love,” and the salvation of man—the object of that love—was in the sight of God the thing of primary importance. AMS April 7, 1898, page 209.3
There are then, in the world, two governments, both ordained of God; namely, civil government—a government of force—and a government of love, which is operative upon the earth through the gospel. AMS April 7, 1898, page 209.4
The government of love is God’s government; for “God is love.” This was ordained of God from the beginning, and must always continue, so long as the character of God remains what it is. Civil government, being not of love but of force, was not thus ordained, but became a necessity on account of sin. AMS April 7, 1898, page 209.5
These two governments being in the world, both ordained of God, it is evident that in the purpose of God they are to operate in harmony with each other. AMS April 7, 1898, page 209.6
The gospel—the government of love—demands that pardon be accorded the penitent transgressor. The government of force demands that the transgressor be punished, whether penitent or not. It is evident therefore that if these two governments are made to cover common ground, they will come into immediate conflict with each other. AMS April 7, 1898, page 210.1
This is why it is that civil government and religion must be kept separate. When civil government is carried into the sphere of religion, it begins at once to antagonize the work of the gospel. AMS April 7, 1898, page 210.2
God wants every person on the earth to form an upright character. And as character stands for free personal choice, it is necessary that man should not be coerced into the path of uprightness, but should be left free to choose between right principles and those of a contrary nature. AMS April 7, 1898, page 210.3
It is not the business of civil government, therefore, to coerce men into doing right; to force them into the paths of morality. In so doing it would only antagonize the gospel. Its sphere is limited to that of natural rights. To protect these is the only prerogative of force. AMS April 7, 1898, page 210.4
“Christians and War” American Sentinel 13, 14, pp. 210, 211.
TWO bishops of the M. E. Church have given assurances that if war should come the Methodists will be “ready to answer the call as in days gone by.” AMS April 7, 1898, page 210.1
How anybody can profess to be a Christian and profess to know the Scriptures, and yet talk war, is a mystery exceedingly difficult to explain. AMS April 7, 1898, page 210.2
The direct command of God, which all Christians who know the Bible profess profoundly to respect, is “Thou shalt not kill.” Now how can any man sincerely respect that command and at the same time go to war. War means the killing of people. In war it is intended to kill people. In war every possible effort is made to kill people. Then, of all people, how much does a professed Christian who goes to war really believe in the command “Thou shalt not kill”? AMS April 7, 1898, page 210.3
Again: When John the Baptist came as the forerunner of Christ, preaching to people that they should believe on Christ when he should come, he was asked by those who were already soldiers, “What shall we do?” And the answer came direct, among other things, “Do violence to no man.” Now how can any man go to war, and yet do violence to no man? War in itself is violence and only violence. War seeks only to do violence to men. Christians profess to be loyal to the principles of Christianity. One of these fundamental principles is “Do violence to no man.” How then can by profess Christian be loyal to his profession and yet go to war, which does violence and only violence to man. AMS April 7, 1898, page 210.4
Again: When the perfection of Christianity was ushered into the world by the birth of Jesus, the word which accompanied it was “Peace on earth, good will to men.” War is not good will to men. It does not intend good will to men. When these promised Methodists go to war, they do not go to preach peace on earth, nor good will to men. These bishops in promising Methodists for war are not preaching unalloyed peace: true they use the word “peace,” yet it is always peace with a “but.” And peace with a “but,” is about the same as war with a “but.” AMS April 7, 1898, page 210.5
Again: One of the Lord’s disciples in a perfect crisis, drew a sword to make war. Jesus said to him, “Put up thy sword.” How then can any man really respect the word of Christ and yet take the sword and go to war? How can any man really respect this word of Christ, and yet promise that his brethren shall take the sword and make war? AMS April 7, 1898, page 210.6
Again: When two of the disciples of Jesus thought that some people ought to be wiped off the earth, he said to them, “Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of; for the Son of man came not to destroy men’s lives but to save them.” War means the destruction of men’s lives. War cannot be made without destroying men’s lives. War is intended to destroy men’s lives. But this is not Christianity. Christianity is not to destroy men’s lives; but to save them. How then can any man have respect to Christianity or loyalty to its principles, and yet make war? AMS April 7, 1898, page 211.1
We are not here discussing any question as to whether there ought to be war between the United States and Spain. That is a question to be decided altogether by those who bear the sword and in whose province all such things lie. We are simply calling attention to the words of Christ and the principles of Christianity, and the contrast between these and the words and actions of professed Christians who talk war and promise to engage in it. AMS April 7, 1898, page 211.2
Christianity is one thing; war is another and far different thing. Christians are one sort of people: warriors are another and far different sort of people. AMS April 7, 1898, page 211.3
A. T. J.