Lt 118, 1909

Lt 118, 1909

Marrow, James

South Lancaster, Massachusetts

June 24, 1909

This letter is published in entirety in 8MR 19.

Mr. James Marrow
Orange, California

Dear Brother:

I understand that you have an automobile that you desire to place where it will be of service in the Lord’s work. I know of no place where it could render greater service than at the Paradise Valley Sanitarium. This institution is situated six miles from the city, and an automobile would furnish a convenient and pleasant means of transportation for our workers and for the patients. 24LtMs, Lt 118, 1909, par. 1

If an automobile were owned by the sanitarium, it should be cared for and operated by men who are capable and trustworthy. Otherwise it might be unsafe and might involve large expense to the institution. But if proper caution is observed, an automobile would be a blessing to the Paradise Valley Sanitarium; and if you feel impressed to present your machine to the institution, it would be greatly appreciated by the managers, and also by the patients. 24LtMs, Lt 118, 1909, par. 2

Yours very truly. 24LtMs, Lt 118, 1909, par. 3