The Bible Class


LESSON LII. Third Special Message

Questions to Lesson 52*

The third is the final separating message. It is the last test of submission which God offers to rebellious man. It presents to him a final choice, a choice which when once fully determined decides his eternal destiny. It draws a straight line-on the one side is the commandments of the beast, or anti-Christ, on the other, the commandments of God-and calls upon all to take sides. If we submit to God and keep his commandments, we must brave the wrath of the dragon spirit which speaks through the image; for all will be required to worship him under penalty of death. If we submit to the beast and his image by keeping their commandments, we must drink of the wine of the wrath of God without mixture, which is soon to be poured out in the seven last plagues. BIC 122.3

This message is now being fulfilled. The solemn sound is now going forth. Our ears have heard it; and to deny it, is to deny the faithfulness of God, which is pledged to guard, and to fulfill the prophecies. It is connected with such a chain of fulfilled events, and attested by so many signs, in heaven above, and on earth beneath, that if it fails to produce faith, it seems that God can do no more. BIC 123.1

No one can obey this message without admitting the fulfillment of the first and second; for the faith of Jesus, as well as the commandments of God, forms a part of it. This faith believes that the hand of God has been in the work of fulfilling this chain of prophetic messages. It believes that our great High Priest did enter upon the work of cleansing the sanctuary at the time appointed; and that that decisive, judgment work is now progressing. It believes that Babylon is fallen-that the time has come when the great mass of professed Christians have a form of godliness, but deny the power of it, and that it is duty from such to turn away. BIC 123.2

The object of these messages is, to bring out the remnant of God’s people from the confusion of sectarianism, which has resulted from the great papal apostasy, the leaven of which was at work even in the days of the primitive church; to fix them firmly upon the apostolic platform-the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus; to vindicate, through them, the righteousness of those judgments which he is about to bring upon the earth; and to prepare them to be translated-caught up from among the living to meet the Lord at his coming. BIC 124.1

The third message requires faith in all revealed truth, and obedience to all moral law, and to all acts of obedience of faith taught by Christ and his apostles. It is the restorer of primitive faith and practice. To reject it is death, to obey it is life and peace. For those who suffer for the truth in this evil world, a crown of glory is in reserve, that fadeth not away. Blessed be God for his unspeakable gift! BIC 124.2