The Bible Class


LESSON XLVII. Signs in the Heavens

Questions to Lesson 47*

The faith of Jesus embraces the whole plan of salvation. It is a belief of what God has done, what he is now doing, and what he has promised to do hereafter, for the salvation of men. What he is now doing in fulfillment of the prophecies is present truth. The prophecies which are now being fulfilled are signs of the second coming of Christ; and as the Jews were tested, and the believing separated from the unbelieving by the fulfillment of the prophecies at the period of the first advent, so the last generation of professed believers in Jesus will have their faith proved by the fulfillment of the signs of the second advent. BIC 110.1

Some say that we can know nothing of the time when Christ will come. But did not his disciples ask him, What shall be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the world? Matthew 24:3. They did. Did he answer their question by giving them signs? He did. And he also laid a command upon those who should see the signs, to know that his coming is then near. Said he, So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. Verse 33. BIC 110.2

“But,” says one, “it makes no difference to me when Christ will come if I am only prepared.” How do you expect to be prepared? Do you expect to be saved in unbelief? You say you believe in Christ; but do you believe his word? When the signs which he gave of his coming are fulfilled, do you believe without a doubt that his coming is near? If not, how can you say that you believe that Jesus is the Son of God? If he is the Son of God, the signs will not be seen till his coming is near. So you see that present truth will test your faith in Christ. Those Jews who did not believe when the prophecies were fulfilled were not believers in the prophets. How then can you claim to be a believer in Jesus, while you dare not trust his word, and believe that he will soon come, since the signs, which he gave of his coming, are already fulfilled? BIC 111.1

Said Jesus, The sun shall be darkened and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars of heaven shall fall, and the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken, and then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory. Mark 13:24. The sun and moon were darkened in 1780, and the stars of heaven fell in 1833; and can we doubt that the powers of heaven will soon be shaken, and the Son of man appear, and still believe the word of Jesus? Certainly not. So we may try ourselves whether we are in the faith; for if we admit that his word may fail, it will do us no good to say that we believe. BIC 111.2