The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, vol. 79


July 22, 1902

“The Petaluma (California) Camp Meeting” Advent Review and Sabbath Herald 79, 29, pp. 17, 18.

THE camp meeting at Petaluma, June 5-15, was good from beginning to end, from the first meeting to the last. This meeting was held for the benefit particularly of those in the northern bay district, including San Francisco, Oakland, and the Sonoma and Napa Valleys. It was also hoped that it might be the means of renewing and building up the work in Petaluma itself. Petaluma was the first place in California in which the third angel’s message was preached, having been visited by Elders Loughborough and Bourdeau immediately after landing in San Francisco from a voyage by way of Panama before the first railroad was finished across the continent. It was a pleasant thing to have Brother Loughborough with us throughout the meeting, and to hear him tell the experiences of the Lord’s plain leading in those earliest days. ARSH July 22, 1902, page 17.1

Before the meeting some were thinking that the meeting would be rather small—perhaps an attendance of three hundred at most. I set my mind on five hundred at least. And the attendance was more than five hundred. This is not to say that there were more than five hundred people in attendance all the time; but there were more than five hundred who attended the meeting: some spent part of the time at the meeting, and then went home that others might come; others spent the first part of the meeting in camp, went home, and returned to the last part. There were about four hundred who encamped. There were nearly two hundred present at the very first meeting, on Thursday evening. ARSH July 22, 1902, page 17.2

The first three days were spent upon the great truths of the forgiveness of sins; the conversion of heart, soul, and life; receiving and knowing the righteousness of God; and receiving the Holy Ghost. Monday and Tuesday were spent in the study of Christian education and its practical recognition in our homes, our churches, our publishing houses, our sanitariums, and our colleges. Wednesday and Thursday were spent in the study of the medical missionary work, and the practical recognition of it in our homes, our churches, our schools, our colleges, and our sanitariums. Friday was spent in the study of the publishing work—tract society and canvassing, distributing the soul-saving literature of the third angel’s message everywhere. The Sabbath was a blessed day, a great day of consecration of person and occupation, of life and employment, of spirit and work, to God, for the honor and glorification of his church as the pillar and basis, the support and stay, of the truth in the world, which is the dearest object of his affection, and which he is so soon to present to himself a glorious church not having spot nor wrinkle nor any such thing, but holy and without blemish. ARSH July 22, 1902, page 17.3

In addition to the meetings of the whole assembly, there were regular daily meetings of the young people and the children. ARSH July 22, 1902, page 17.4

The city of Petaluma was districted, and people, young and old, from the camp regularly and systematically visited the people of the city to get acquainted with them, to invite them to the meetings, and to show Christian kindness in any other way that circumstances might present. ARSH July 22, 1902, page 17.5

One result of this was that throughout the meeting there was a good attendance from the city,—the assembly pavilion being crowded every night,—and an excellent interest on the part of all who came. And though we were told, when pitching the tents, that there was an exceedingly rough element in Petaluma that would let us have no peace, I never saw a quieter time in any meeting than we had here day and night throughout. ARSH July 22, 1902, page 17.6

Another result was that so many people expressed the wish that the meeting could continue beyond the time set to close, that a nice lot in the most central and best place in the city was easily obtained, the meeting tent was removed to that place, a good company of workers remained, and the meetings were continued, and are still going on; and the report, so far, is that though the attendance is not a great crowd, it is good, as to numbers; the interest is great, and the attendance regular. ARSH July 22, 1902, page 17.7

Yet another result of this systematic visiting of the city’s people by those in the camp was the good spirit of real Christian work that was developed in our own people, which could easily be continued wherever they might be after the meeting had closed. For when they found the people here so ready as they were to receive in such an appreciative way their kindly visits and Christian attention, they were encouraged to think that the people in other places, even right around their own homes, might do so also. And this is what all our people need to discover; and it can be discovered in the same way; and it is perfectly easy. ARSH July 22, 1902, page 17.8

The rich blessing of the Lord was received abundantly throughout the whole meeting. The entire absence of gossip and mere visiting was so marked as to be distinctly noticed and remarked upon. Instead, there was a deep interest in the truths presented, an earnest spirit of study and inquiry to know the good way and to walk in it. And so, over the grounds it was easy to hear frequently such remarks as, “What a splendid camp meeting this is! “What a peaceful place this is!” “This is the best meeting that I ever attended.” “O, I shall be sorry when we have to break up!” “I just wish that every Seventh-day Adventist in Northern California were at this meeting,” etc., etc. ARSH July 22, 1902, page 17.9

Of course in such an atmosphere the social meetings were really social and full of expressions of gratitude and praise to God. In one of the early morning meetings where were nearly a hundred and fifty people, with only the simple usual opening exercises of singing a hymn, reading a few verses of Scripture, and a prayer, and with not a word said by the leader of the meeting specially to direct the thought of the meeting toward praise, every person in the meeting spoke, and the only note struck, the only thought expressed, was of clear, distinct praise to God. When all had so spoken, I called attention to the fact; and we all rejoiced together, and praised God anew, that God’s people have reached the point where they have really received and are wearing “the garment of praise.” ARSH July 22, 1902, page 18.1

The book sales amounted to more than five hundred dollars; the donations were liberal; and by there being presented to them so fully the respective branches of the cause—the evangelical, the educational, the medical, and the publishing—the people departed to their homes with a better understanding of the unity of the great movement which we represent, and a more intelligent mind to the work than ever before. ARSH July 22, 1902, page 18.2

And for it all we sincerely thank God, and pray that he will keep it upon the hearts of his people forever. ARSH July 22, 1902, page 18.3