The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, vol. 78


July 2, 1901

“The North Pacific Camp-meeting” The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald 78, 27, pp. 428, 429.

THE North Pacific camp-meeting was held from May 23 to June 2, at Sunnyside, near Portland, Ore., in a beautiful grove of magnificent firs. Sister White and Elder W. C. White attended the meeting from the beginning until the close of the first Sunday. Elders Knox and Schultz and I were there Monday morning, May 17, until the end. ARSH July 2, 1901, page 428.1

The same good Spirit and His cheering and encouraging liberty that was manifested in the General Conference, and was continued in the Indianapolis meeting and in the Upper Columbia meeting was here also to lead in all the work, all the way. Both ministers and people were ready to receive the instruction of the Lord, and to enter heartily into the work of reorganization, beginning with the individual experience. This meeting therefore, like the others before it, was full of blessing from beginning to end. ARSH July 2, 1901, page 428.2

The instruction was plain and positive, that each member, so far as he is concerned, is the Conference and the cause wherever he is; and that Christ is indeed the Head of every man. As the people began to practice local self-government, they met some unexpected trials, but they were taught to hold fast the expected trials, but they were taught to hold fast the principle, to trust God, and to pray to Him to lead them out, and He did it most triumphantly, causing all to see eye to eye, and to stand together as one. The experience was an invaluable educative experience; and all rejoiced at the victory, and in the better acquaintanceship with God in His gentle power and bountiful working. ARSH July 2, 1901, page 428.3

The attendance from without was good, of an excellent class of people who manifested a positive interest in the truths which were presented. Indeed, the interest was such that a tent was pitched in Sunnyside to meet it, and, so far as possible, carry it to conclusion. ARSH July 2, 1901, page 428.4

The first Sunday, at the after noon service, in response to an appeal in behalf of the work in the South, a cash donation of about five hundred dollars was made by the congregation. Later, nearly five hundred dollars was given to other parts of the work. Brother F. S. Bunch was ordained to the gospel ministry. ARSH July 2, 1901, page 428.5

The following named persons were chosen to carry the responsibilities of the Conference for the coming year:— ARSH July 2, 1901, page 429.1

President, Elder W. H. Decker. Executive Committee: J. L. Wilson, S. W. Nellis, Dr. W. R. Simmons, H. J. Schnepper, J. F. Hanson, F. S. Bunch. Trustees of Northern Pacific Church Extension Society, first five members of the Executive Committee: Treasurer, Church Extension Society; Secretary of Conference and Sabbath-schools, Edith Starbuck; Missionary Secretary, T. H. Starbuck; State Canvassing Agent, W. B. Scott; Corresponding Secretary, referred to Conference Committee. ARSH July 2, 1901, page 429.2