The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, vol. 75
September 27, 1898
“Editorial” The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald 75, 39, p. 618.
THE gift of the Holy Ghost is to all believers alike. ARSH September 27, 1898, page 618.1
The gifts of the Holy Ghost are diverse, “to every man severally as he will.” ARSH September 27, 1898, page 618.2
For in the gifts of the Holy Ghost, “to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit; to another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit; to another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues; but all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will.” ARSH September 27, 1898, page 618.3
But how can the Spirit in his gifts divide to every man severally, unless every man severally has first recognized and received the gift of the Spirit? ARSH September 27, 1898, page 618.4
This word “severally” signifies “separately,” “individually.” Therefore the gifts of the Spirit are given to every man individually. ARSH September 27, 1898, page 618.5
And as the Spirit can not in his gifts divide to every man individually, unless men individually recognize and receive the gift of the Spirit, it is clear that both in the gift of the Spirit and in the gifts of the Spirit, it is altogether an individual matter. ARSH September 27, 1898, page 618.6
The Holy Spirit is never poured out on companies, except as he is poured out upon individuals in the companies. ARSH September 27, 1898, page 618.7
The Spirit was poured out upon the whole company, more than once, as recorded in the book of Acts; but this was only because he was poured out upon each individual in the company. Each individual was ready to receive the Spirit; and being poured in his fulness upon each individual in the company, in the nature of the case he was poured out upon the whole company. ARSH September 27, 1898, page 618.8
If in a company of people there were one person who was not prepared to receive the Holy Spirit, and the Spirit were poured out upon that company, in that case the Spirit would not be poured upon that individual. ARSH September 27, 1898, page 618.9
The Spirit could be poured upon the company, only by being poured upon the individuals of the company, and could extend only so far as the individuals were ready to receive him. ARSH September 27, 1898, page 618.10
Since, then, the receiving of the gift of the Holy Ghost is altogether an individual matter, and as it lies altogether between the individual and the Lord, it is plain that the gift of the Holy Ghost can be received by the individual just where the individual is, whenever the individual is ready. For on the Lord’s part the gift is free. And “now is the accepted time.” ARSH September 27, 1898, page 618.11
“Ask, and it shall be given you.” “Receive ye the Holy Ghost.” “Be filled with the Spirit.” ARSH September 27, 1898, page 618.12
“Hebrews 1” The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald 75, 39, p. 618.
IN the first chapter of Hebrews the great subject is Christ; and in the second chapter the great subject is Christ. ARSH September 27, 1898, page 618.1
In the first chapter it is Christ in contrast with the angels; and in the second chapter if it Christ in contrast with the angels. ARSH September 27, 1898, page 618.2
In the first chapter it is Christ higher than the angels; in the second chapter it is Christ lower than the angels. ARSH September 27, 1898, page 618.3
In the first chapter it is Christ higher than the angels as God; in the second chapter it is Christ lower than the angels as man. ARSH September 27, 1898, page 618.4
In the first chapter it is Christ as much higher than the angels as God, because he is God; in the second chapter it is Christ as much lower than the angels as man, because he is man. ARSH September 27, 1898, page 618.5
In the first chapter of Hebrews, Christ bears the name of God because, by nature he is God; in the second chapter he bears the nature of man because, by nature, he is man. ARSH September 27, 1898, page 618.6
In the first chapter he is one of God; for it is written: “Thy throne, O God, is forever and ever: a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of thy kingdom.” “And, Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of thine hands: they shall perish; but thou remainest; and they all shall wax old as doth a garment; and as a vesture shalt thou fold them up, and they shall be changed: but thou art the same, and thy years shall not fail.” ARSH September 27, 1898, page 618.7
In the second chapter he is one of man; for it is written: “We see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, ... that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man.” “For both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one: for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren, saying, I will declare they name unto my brethren, in the midst of the church will I sing praise unto thee.” “Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself, likewise took part of the same.” “For verily he took not on him the nature of angels; but he took on him the seed of Abraham. Wherefore IN ALL THINGS it behooved him to be made like unto his brethren, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people.” ARSH September 27, 1898, page 618.8
This is Christ our Saviour—flesh of flesh, nature of nature, with man; Spirit of Spirit, substance of substance, with God; and so, able to save to the uttermost all who come unto God by him; and able to bring completely to God all who come to him. ARSH September 27, 1898, page 618.9
Bless his name. Believe it, and so be saved; be saved; and so be happy. ARSH September 27, 1898, page 618.10
“Editorial Note” The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald 75, 39, p. 618.
A CORRESPNDENT of the Outlook asks that paper the question, “On what grounds was the seventh day changed to the first for our Christian Sabbath?” And the answer of the Outlook is, “Not by commandment, but by perception of the intrinsic fitness of things.” To be sure! Of what use could a commandment of God be to people who have such “perception of the intrinsic fitness of things”? This sort of “perception of the “perception of the intrinsic fitness of things,” is what made all that the papacy has been from the beginning. Indeed, it is the very argument made by Lucifer at the beginning of his unholy career: Such exalted beings as they, beings with such fine perception of the intrinsic fitness of things as had they, needed no law. For such as they, commandments were altogether out of place; their “perception of the intrinsic fitness of things” was all-sufficient to guide them in righteousness. Against the commandment of God as he gave it, there is not “fitness of things.” Disregard of the commandment of God as it is written shows an utter lack of any true perception of the intrinsic fitness of things. God’s commandment themselves express the only true idea of the intrinsic or extrinsic fitness of things. and the perception of the true idea of his commandments is the only true perception of the intrinsic fitness of things. ARSH September 27, 1898, page 618.1
“The Same Old Story” The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald 75, 39, pp. 618, 619.
EVERBODY knows that in the garden of Eden, when God placed his word before the man, Satan placed his word directly against it. ARSH September 27, 1898, page 618.1
When God said to Adam and Eve, concerning the forbidden tress, “In the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die,” Satan presented himself, and set up his word, “Ye shall not surely die.” ARSH September 27, 1898, page 618.2
And Eve believed Satan instead of believing the Lord. She was perfectly free to believe the Lord; yet she chose to believe Satan. Thus she fell into sin, and brought all the woe the world has ever known. ARSH September 27, 1898, page 618.3
Now, though so many people know this, the vast majority of them seem to think that that is the only occasion in the world’s history in which Satan set up his word flatly against the word of the Lord; whereas the truth is that Satan has been doing this same thing ever since, and he does it now, all the time. ARSH September 27, 1898, page 618.4
And what is more, and what is worse, the great mass of the people, even of those who know what he did in Eden, actually believe Satan now, just as Eve did, instead of believing the Lord, as she ought to have done, and as they know they ought to do. ARSH September 27, 1898, page 618.5
It is the plain and actual truth that there are hundreds, yes, thousands, of people who profess to believe the Lord, who profess to be Christians, who are members of the church, and yet believe Satan instead of believing the Lord. They will say that the Lord is the God of truth, that he speaks only the truth, and that his word is the truth; yet when it comes to the actual test, they will, they choose to, believe Satan rather than to believe the Lord. ARSH September 27, 1898, page 618.6
And yet they at the same time hold that Eve did a very wicked, and very inexcusable, thing when she believed Satan rather than the Lord; and they do precisely the same thing. That is not fair. People who continue to do the same thing that she did, ought not to think ill of her. ARSH September 27, 1898, page 618.7
Are you one of these? Do you say, “Of course I am not”? You might be; for there are many of them. Are you willing that we should test it? Suppose we do. Will you stand up straight, and face the test, and not flinch? Surely you ought to; for who would choose to believe Satan rather than to believe God, when they know it? ARSH September 27, 1898, page 618.8
See here: the Lord calls us to confess our sins, and says that when we do confess our sins, “he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unright- eousness.” And against this, Satan sets up his word, “No, he isn’t.” Now which of these do you believe? ARSH September 27, 1898, page 618.9
You have confessed your sins “many a time;” you know you have. When you have confessed them, the Lord’s word stands plainly spoken, “Thy sins are forgiven thee.” Satan says to you, “No, they are not.” Which do you believe? ARSH September 27, 1898, page 619.1
Being simply a matter of free choice, it is just as easy to believe the Lord as it is to believe the devil, isn’t it? And I would rather believe the Lord than to believe the devil. Wouldn’t you? Let us do it. Amen. ARSH September 27, 1898, page 619.2
Then your sins are forgiven, aren’t they? ARSH September 27, 1898, page 619.3
Who says, No? ARSH September 27, 1898, page 619.4
Who says, Yes? ARSH September 27, 1898, page 619.5
Which do you believe? ARSH September 27, 1898, page 619.6
“Back Page” The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald 75, 39, p. 628.
LIGHTS are necessary because of darkness; but to be of value, they must be not only clear and bright, but constant. A light that flames away up like a sky-rocket, and then dies down until almost extinguished, is of little worth in a dark and dangerous place. The Word tells us that “darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people;” but with that the command is, “Arise, shine; for thy light is come.” If ever there was need that the light of Seventh-day Adventists should shine out clear, bright, and constant, that time is now. Brethren, let it shine. ARSH September 27, 1898, page 628.1