The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, vol. 75


June 21, 1898

“Evangelistic Temperance. What Is Not Good Food” The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald 75, 26, p. 392.

OUR previous lesson closed with a statement of the fact that the stimulating properties in flesh-meats cause them to be not the best food; and that these stimulating properties are greatly increased by the multiplication of impurities in them. The fewer impurities, therefore, the less of a stimulant. ARSH June 21, 1898, page 392.1

There was a time when some flesh-meets were eaten without special harm. At the same time there were, and are yet, certain flesh-meats which were not, and are not, to be eaten at all, because they were not, and are not, fit to be eaten. ARSH June 21, 1898, page 392.2

This distinction between flesh-meats which might be eaten and those which must not be eaten, is laid down in Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14. The distinction is made so clear, and by tests so easy to be applied, that everyone who can get hold of the Bible is without excuse in not understanding the subject. As to beasts, the rule is: Whatever is cloven-footed and choose the cut in be eaten. But they must have both of these requirements. Anything that choose the cut only, or is cloven-footed only, or that goes on its paws, is not to be eaten, and never was fit to eat. As to things that are in the sea, the rule is: Whatever has both fins and scales may be eaten. If it has not bowfins and scales, it is not, and never was, good for food. Of winged creatures those that are not good are named, and all others may be eaten. ARSH June 21, 1898, page 392.3

Yet the fact that these things were once eatable does not prove that in all times, and under all circumstances, the same things are good for food. The truth is that the time will come when not a single earthly thing will be good to eat. When the plagues of the wrath of God are poured out upon the earth, and the curse is devouring the earth, death will be in everything that is in the earth; and to eat of any earthly thing then will be only to partake of the elements of death. At that time the Lord himself will supply is people with bread and water, as he did Elijah when he was persecuted and had to flee for his life. ARSH June 21, 1898, page 392.4

As we come nearer to that time, the people of God, under his guidance and instruction, will drawn nearer to the original diet of man. And before probation closes, we shall exclude from our dietary everything that has come into the dietary of man sin entered. And under the influence of this way of living, this people will reach the point, before probation closes, at which, when every earthly thing becomes tainted with death, all can be dropped, and the change made, without inconvenience, to that which the Lord himself will supply. ARSH June 21, 1898, page 392.5

God now gives us instruction and opportunity by which we can fully prepare for this time which we all professed to believe is coming soon, and which is coming soon, whether we profess it or not. Many, at least, of the children of Israel were not prepared for the change from their regular diet in Egypt to that which God supplied in the wilderness. They therefore lusted for the flesh-pots of the Egypt, grew impatient with what they decided was a hard way, murmured against the Lord, and destroyed by the destroyer. And this was written for admonition upon whom the ends of the world are come. Those who will not disregard, all through this time a preparation, the careful instruction that the Lord has so long and so patiently set before us, to fit us for this all-important time that is now so near,—those who will disregard all this, and live on just what they please, expecting to continue so through the plagues, or expecting suddenly to drop it all, and change to the other in a day or an hour, will, as surely as did the children of Israel, long for the flesh-pots of the former time, grow impatient with “the hard way,” murmur against the way in which the Lord is leading and at what he is giving, and will, as certainly as were they, be destroyed by the destroyer, and that irrecoverably. ARSH June 21, 1898, page 392.6

If beef were as nearly pure as it was in the time when it could be taken quietly, and fresh from the herd, as by Abraham, as recorded in Genesis 18:7, 8, it would now, in itself, be no more objectionable than it was then. But this can not be so now with one person in a hundred of those who eat it. On the contrary, the beef that is used, except in very few instances, is put through the market in the way, and with the results, described in a previous article. The Testimony says even as much. Here are the words:— ARSH June 21, 1898, page 392.7

“Could we know that animals were in perfect health, I would recommend that people eat flesh-meats sooner than larger quantities of milk and sugar. It would not do the injury that milk and sugar do.”—Testimonies for the Church 2:369. ARSH June 21, 1898, page 392.8

Instead of meat being of this character, however, it is the opposite. The animal creation is diseased. Flesh-meat is diseased. And even though it was not diseased when in the herd in the field, by the time it has been put through the course of the market, it is laden with impurities. And the nearer we come to the end, the nearer we come to the time when none of it will be eatable, because of the impure and injurious properties that will abound in it. For this reason, and for the further reason that a change will have to be made, and that suddenly, at the beginning of the plagues, it is now time to take up the instruction that the Lord has given in this matter, and apply it faithfully; that is, in a way full of faith. ARSH June 21, 1898, page 392.9

When the Lord tells us a thing is not good now, and that he does not want us to eat it now, it is not a sufficient answer to say, as many do, “It was eatable once, and was allowed in the Bible, and why is it not now?” This is no answer at all, for the simple reason that what was eatable and allowable once may not be so now; and what is now good will not be eatable in the time of the plagues; in fact, can not then be eaten at all. ARSH June 21, 1898, page 392.10

Whether we can see why these things are not good, or whether the Lord ever tells us why, can have no proper bearing in the case. The Lord says such and such things are not good food in this time; and if we are willing to allow that he knows more than we do, we shall be willing to take his word for it, and drop the use of that which he says is not good, taking, in its place, that which he says is not only good, but the best. ARSH June 21, 1898, page 392.11

And where the reason is given as to why certain things are not good food, do not try to offset it by saying, “If that is so, why does such and such a person use it?” Just leave out all that part of it, and accept it or reject it for yourself alone. Do not try to regulate what the Lord would have you do, by citing what somebody else does. Do not forget that the health reform work is an individual work, and each one is to apply it in his own case, for himself alone. This is what you and I are to do; and whether other people do it or not is for them, not for us, to decide. ARSH June 21, 1898, page 392.12

“Editorial” The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald 75, 26, p. 396.

OF the angels it is written, “Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?” ARSH June 21, 1898, page 396.1

Yet in this ministration the angels go only as they are directed by the Spirit of God; for it is written, “Whither the Spirit was to go, they went.” ARSH June 21, 1898, page 396.2

Now to men is written, “As every man hath received the gift, and even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” ARSH June 21, 1898, page 396.3

Thus men who are partakers of the grace of God, which brings salvation, are engaged in the same ministration has are the angels. ARSH June 21, 1898, page 396.4

And as the angels engaged in this ministration only as they are directed by the Spirit of God, then how can any human being engage in it, except as he is directed by the Spirit of God? ARSH June 21, 1898, page 396.5

As the angels, to perform this ministration according to the will of God, must be directed by the Spirit of God, how much more must we, who are so far less in power, in might, and in holiness, conveyed to perform the like ministration according to will of God,—how much more must be the directed by the Spirit of God! ARSH June 21, 1898, page 396.6

How all-important, then, it is that all who profess to be God’s people shall receive, shall be baptized with, the Holy Spirit! ARSH June 21, 1898, page 396.7

Without this what can we do? How all-important the message which now the Lord sends to is people, “Receive ye the Holy Ghost”! ARSH June 21, 1898, page 396.8

“Ask, and it shall be given you.” “Receive ye the Holy Ghost.” ARSH June 21, 1898, page 396.9

“Editorial Note” The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald 75, 26, p. 396.

IT is promised, “They shall walk with me in white: for they are worthy.” ARSH June 21, 1898, page 396.1

And this promise is just as good for us now, just as true to us to-day, as it ever will be. ARSH June 21, 1898, page 396.2

For “all the promises of God in him are Yea, and in him Amen,” and “now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” ARSH June 21, 1898, page 396.3

Now, therefore, is the time to walk with him in white. ARSH June 21, 1898, page 396.4

And why not now? ARSH June 21, 1898, page 396.5

Is it not written, “Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow”? And is not this now?—Yes, bless the Lord! ARSH June 21, 1898, page 396.6

Is it not written, “He hath clothed the with the garments of salvation; he hath covered me with the robe righteousness”? and is not “the righteousness of saints” declared to be as “fine linen, clean and white”? And does he not cover us with this robe of righteousness now?—Yes, blessed be the name of the Lord! ARSH June 21, 1898, page 396.7

Then is not now the time to walk with him in white?—Yes, glory be to God! ARSH June 21, 1898, page 396.8

Come along, then. ARSH June 21, 1898, page 396.9

Let him just not make your sins as white as snow, that you may walk with him in white. ARSH June 21, 1898, page 396.10

Let him just now wash you so that you shall be whiter than snow, so then you can walk with him in white. ARSH June 21, 1898, page 396.11

Let him just now put upon you the robe of righteousness, as of fine linen, clean and white, that you may walk with him in white. ARSH June 21, 1898, page 396.12

“I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation, he hath covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorneth herself with her jewels.” ARSH June 21, 1898, page 396.13

If we do not walk with him and white now, when shall we ever? ARSH June 21, 1898, page 396.14

If we do walk with him in white here, how shall we hereafter? ARSH June 21, 1898, page 396.15

No, no; now is the accepted time, now is the day of salvation. And now it is that we must walk with him in white. ARSH June 21, 1898, page 396.16

“They shall walk with me in white; for they are worthy.” ARSH June 21, 1898, page 396.17

Bless the Lord, and “blessed be his glorious name for ever and ever”! ARSH June 21, 1898, page 396.18

He says it. And it is so. ARSH June 21, 1898, page 396.19

“Passing Events” The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald 75, 26, p. 396.

IN connection with the present difficulty between Spain and the United States, there are matters of greater interest than the war itself. There are incidents of the controversy, developments from the main issue, which really mean more, and which, in the end, will be found of greater moment, than the main question, in itself. ARSH June 21, 1898, page 396.1

Already there have been developments which, to the student of the third angel’s message, are deep interest; and others of no less importance may be expected. It is our province to call attention to these, and to the best of our ability we shall do so, and so keep our readers informed upon the matters which really most concern the people of God, who are looking for the coming of the Lord. ARSH June 21, 1898, page 396.2

Every one acquainted with third angel’s message, with the truth of God for the last times, knows that the papacy is to perform no small part in the affairs of the United States. And every one knows that in this direction great strides in and made both by the nation and by the papacy in a few years past, especially in the World’s Fair times. And now, and this time, scarcely had the question between Spain and the United States become really serious before the papacy appeared upon the saloon, and executed a stroke which she has had steadily in view for years. This movement is an interesting study. ARSH June 21, 1898, page 396.3

It will be remembered by all that early in May a message was expected from the president of Congress and the country, that would mark the crisis on the Spanish-Cuban question. It will be also remembered by all this expected message was promised and postponed several times. And it will be remembered that at last that expected, and promised, and postponed message was promised certainly on a certain day; that Congress assembled in full expectation of receiving the message, the galleries also being packed in expectation; and that Congress sat there in silence and in a strained expectation that was almost unbearable, and in which the whole country joined, for a full hour or more of, only to be informed, finally, the message with and be presented that day. ARSH June 21, 1898, page 396.4

The explanation that was offered in behalf of this most remarkable performance was that at the last moment General Lee in Havana had requested that the message be delayed, because the presentation of it would endanger the lives of American citizens in Havana. ARSH June 21, 1898, page 396.5

But in the United States Senate, only a few days afterward, Senator Turner, of Washington, standing in his place, “charged that the delay was not due to the request of General Lee, but to the fact that Archbishop Ireland had cabled to the Vatican in the hope that the holy father might be able to bring about a peaceful solution of the difficulty. The President was waiting upon the pope to secure that which American diplomacy had failed to obtain.” ARSH June 21, 1898, page 396.6

That a United States senator, speaking upon a question so grave as to be known by all to involve war between nations, would say such a thing as this at random, is not to be believed. ARSH June 21, 1898, page 396.7

The truth of the charge is favored by the fact that though the message was withheld professedly because the publication of it that day “would endanger the lives of American citizens in Cuba,” yet when it was made public, unaltered, a week later, there was not in it a single sentence that could, by any conceivable construction, stir up any spirit that would in any way endanger the life of any American citizen. The World asked the President or anybody else to point out in that message any single sentence that would have endangered the lives of Americans in Cuba had it been published the day it was promised, and Congress and the country sat in suspense waiting for it. ARSH June 21, 1898, page 396.8

Another pointer in favor of Senator Turner’s charge is the statement of the Washington correspondent of the Chicago Times-Herald, April 14, that “Archbishop Ireland was again active to-day in the cause of peace, rushing from one embassy to another and from legation to legation, spending much time at the French minister’s house, and an hour with the envoy of Austria-Hungary, in one last effort to preserve peace.” ARSH June 21, 1898, page 396.9

Another strong point in favor of the truth of Senator Turner’s charge is the fact that no denial of it was made at the time, nor has there been since. ARSH June 21, 1898, page 396.10

It is well known that no effort was ever made by either the pope or Archbishop Ireland to secure peace between Spain and the Cubans: and also that there would have been no such effort at this time were it not for the strong prospect of Cuba’s being lost to Spain. Under Spanish rule, the Church of Rome has governmental support and a practical monopoly in Cuba. The moment Cuba is lost to Spain, and is free,—that moment Rome finds her governmental power there vanished. ARSH June 21, 1898, page 396.11

Thus it was not peace for the sake of peace, but peace for the sake of power and revenue, that Archbishop Ireland and the pope were so busily working for just as Cuba was about to be free. ARSH June 21, 1898, page 396.12

That, through the President, Archbishop Ireland and the pope should, in such a cause, or in any other, be able to play pitch and toss and peek-a-boo with the Congress and people of the United States, is sufficiently suggestive to cause any thinking person most seriously to think. ARSH June 21, 1898, page 396.13

There is much more to this: but one thing more just now is that it can be remembered in this connection that Archbishop Ireland dictated to the St. Louis Convention, two years ago. ARSH June 21, 1898, page 397.1

And all this shows the power of Rome in the United States. ARSH June 21, 1898, page 397.2