The “Abiding Sabbath” and the “Lord’s Day”


FATHERS OF THE Catholic Church

History repeats itself, because human nature is the same in all ages of the world. Hence, he who would know how to avoid error in the future, must know how errors have developed in the past. The “Fathers of the Catholic Church” shows the condition of the heathen world at the time of Christ, briefly states the principles of ancient heathen philosophy, and shows how the adoption of these principles by prominent men in the church, and the incautious lowering of the standard of pure Christianity, developed the papacy, which was simply a new phase of paganism. It shows that by the time of Constantine every phase of the papacy was fully developed, and was only waiting for supreme power.

The chapter on sun-worship and sunday Is alone worth the price of the book. Fine English cloth, substantially bound, contains about 400 pages, and will be sent postpaid at the nominal price of $1.00. Address all orders to the Pacific Press Publishing CO., Oakland, Cal.

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