Replies to Elder Canright’s Attacks on Seventh-day Adventists
“The Lord commands his servants all around the world to keep the seventh day. Each one is to keep it when it comes where he is, not when it comes where some one else is. When it comes to those in Asia, they can keep it, Several hours later it comes to England, and then they keep it; and so on around the world. This is sufficient to show that there is no such difficulty as this objection supposes.”—Id. pp. 84-87. RCASDA 56.1
“Another says, We agree that one-seventh part of time should be set aside as sacred to God; but it makes no difference which day it is, provided all are united upon it, which is the important idea. Here, again, they unwittingly admit all that we claim. They admit that it is a moral duty of man to devote one day in seven to the service of God. Thus they give it a moral basis -just that for which we are contending! Again, they strongly urge the great importance of all uniting to keep the same day. They dwell upon the inconvenience to society, where one keeps one day and another some other day, and so on; how this interferes with business; how each one annoys the other; how it breaks up society, etc. Thus they readily name a long list of evils which follow where men keep different days for the Sabbath. RCASDA 56.2
“Do they not see that these very facts overthrow their own position? They maintain that it is no matter which day you keep, provided you keep one day in seven, and that every man has the liberty to choose for himself. Then they turn square about and show how very important it is that all keep the same day! Why, then, do they advocate the very principle which, if carried out, would produce the very division, discord, and confusion which they deprecate so much? Did not the Lord have as much wisdom as man? Did he not know that it was important that all should keep the same day? Did he not see that, if he left it to every man to choose what day he would keep, confusion would inevitably follow, as all men would not be likely to choose the same day? Is God so unwise as to leave his laws in this slack manner? Is this not charging God with folly? What is gained to God or man by leaving every man thus to choose what day he will keep? The only way that union could be secured in observing the Sabbath, would be for the Lord himself to designate the definite day which all must keep; Then all would keep the same day, and all confusion would be avoided. We say, the, that reason and the nature of things teach us that if God should give man a Sabbath at all, it should be a definite day, selected and appointed by God himself. That this is just what God has done in the Sabbath precept, we will now show.”—Id. pp. 31,32. RCASDA 56.3