Replies to Elder Canright’s Attacks on Seventh-day Adventists



“In reply to all these facts, which cannot be denied, seventh-day people say: Is not the first day of the week, or Sunday, just a definite a day as the seventh day, or Saturday? Is it not just as difficult to keep Sunday all around the world as it is to keep Saturday? Do you not claim that you should keep the first day in honor of the resurrection? and will it do, then, to keep some other day? The answer to these questions is not hard to give. The essential idea is that we should devote one day in seven to religious duties. To secure the highest good, all should unite in observing the same day.” RCASDA 55.1

“But it is not claimed that it is absolutely essential that exactly the same minutes and hours, or even the same definite day, must be kept any way and under all circumstances, whether or no. That would be legalism, and contrary to the very nature and freedom of the gospel.”—Canright in Mich. Christian Advocate of Sept. 10, 1887. RCASDA 55.2