Replies to Elder Canright’s Attacks on Seventh-day Adventists



“But it is argued that as ‘the sabbath days’ of Colossians 2:16 ‘are a shadow of things to come’ (verse 17), and the weekly Sabbath is a memorial of creation, pointing back to the beginning, therefore they cannot be the same; for the Sabbath could not point both ways. But is not this a mere assertion without any proof? How do we know that it cannot point both ways? The passover was a memorial of their deliverance from Egypt, and always pointed back to that event. Exodus 12:11-17. Yet it was also a shadow of Christ. Colossians 2:16, 17. ‘Even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us.’ 1 Corinthians 5:7. So all those annual feasts were types of Christ in some way, and yet all were memorials also of past events, as all know.... Paul says plainly that sabbath days are a shadow of things to come; and one plain statement of Inspiration is worth a thousand of our vain reasonings. This is in harmony with Paul’s argument in Hebrews 4:1-11, that the seventh day is a type. For forty years we have tried to explain away this text, and to show that it really cannot mean what it says; but there it stands, and mocks all our theories. The Sabbath is a type, for Inspiration says so.”—Canright in Advocate of Oct. 1, 1887. RCASDA 47.1