Replies to Elder Canright’s Attacks on Seventh-day Adventists



THE readers of the REVIEW EXTRA 1 of Nov.22, 1887, containing the “Reply to the Attacks of Eld. D. M. Canright” upon Seventh-day Adventists, will remember the statement we made therein that we did not intend to publish anything further concerning him or his work. Having been forced by the publicity and virulence of his attacks, after long and patient waiting, on our part, to take up the defensive, notice him and his work, and reply to a few of his arguments and misrepresentations, we intended to leave the matter to the judgment of a discriminating public, and say no more concerning him. RCASDA 179.1

But within the last few weeks we have received a document from him which he demands should be published by us, to correct certain “wrong statements” which he claims we made concerning him in the EXTRA. Of course, we ever hold ourselves ready as honest men to correct every wrong statement we make concerning others which really injures them. And if it be true that we have done Eld. Canright an injury by anything we have said, we would cheerfully correct and acknowledge it. But we will consider that question hereafter. RCASDA 179.2

We make this preliminary statement that the reader may see that the cause of our bringing him again before the public is his own demand upon us to do so. We should not for a moment have thought of doing it, but for his urgent request. Our attitude is still that of the strictly defensive. As we do not care to bring these personal matters into the regular issue of the REVIEW AND HERALD, it is thought necessary to publish a small EXTRA, No. 2. We now give Eld. Canright’s reply to the EXTRA in full. RCASDA 179.3