Prophetic Expositions, vol. 2



Verse 14: “The second wo is past, and behold, the third wo cometh quickly.” PREX2 223.2

The second wo ended with the fall of Ottoman supremacy in 1840. At that period the word of God had gained its ascendancy in the world, and is now high in the moral heaven, flying as on the wings of the wind, borne by a mighty angel through the midst of heaven; and the enemies of the Bible see the triumph of the cause; and great fear falls on the infidel world. While the witnesses of Christ lay dead, the nations of Christendom did not suffer them to be buried up out of sight. They at length stood up and ascended up to heaven, or an elevation they never before attained. PREX2 223.3

In 1801 the British and Foreign Bible Society was formed; and from that example, the American Bible Society, and all the innumerable auxiliaries of both. The Bible has since been published by them in about 180 different languages and dialects. In 1799 the Society in England for the promulgation of Christian Knowledge was organized; the Wesleyan Missionary Society about the same time; the London Missionary Society in 1795; Church Missionary Society in 1800; Religious Tract Society in 1799; Sunday School Union in 1803. PREX2 223.4

Having passed through the six trumpets, and the darkness, death, resurrection, and triumph of the witnesses, we stand at the present time on the verge of the great crisis when the seventh trump must sound. That trump is a wo to the world, and a blessing to the saints of God. It introduces the time, not when the world will be converted, and the spiritual reign of Christ be introduced, but the time when the dead shall be judged, all God’s servants rewarded, and the destroyers of the earth destroyed. Under the seventh trumpet the seven vials are to be poured out. PREX2 224.1

Will the reader carefully examine the following passages, and ask himself if an eternal reign of Christ over the kingdoms of this world, and an eternal exaltation of the saints of God, can be more distinctly and forcibly announced? PREX2 224.2

Verses 15-18; “And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign forever and ever. And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshipped God, saying. We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come; because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned. And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.” PREX2 224.3

Is there any millennium and return of the Jews here predicted, as the world has been taught to expect? There is no place found for it! But ETERNITY cometh quickly! PREX2 225.1

More than two years have now elapsed since the second wo passed away, and the voice from heaven, by the mouth of Christ’s witness, proclaimed, “the third WO cometh QUICKLY.” That period of delay must soon expire, and the seventh angel sound. Then he that is filthy, will be filthy still!! And he that is holy shall be holy still!!! There will be no more change in the moral characters of men. That trump will come with awful suddenness on the world. It will be a twinkling of the eye, and all will be over!! The want of instant preparation and watchfulness will be an awful calamity when that day arrives. PREX2 225.2

Revelation 3:3: “Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shall not know what hour I will come upon thee.” PREX2 225.3

Does the Savior mean nothing by this? Does he not plainly say that those who will watch for it shall not be taken by surprise? While those who will not believe, and be on their watch-tower, shall be surprised, and not know when he is coming. “But ye, brethren,” said the apostle, “are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.” Why will ministers of the gospel, and professed Christians, join hands with infidels of all grades, with the profane, licentious, intemperate and abominable of all classes, to plead, “Of that day and hour knoweth no man?” “That it shall come as a thief? “That the world can know nothing about the time?” etc., while they throw away entirely those positive declarations, that at the time of the end the wise shall understand; that the Christian is not in darkness that it should come on him as a thief; that the saints may be as certain, when they see the foretold signs, that it is at the door, as they are that summer is near, when they see the trees put forth! Why will they not believe these declarations? I write these things with strong emotions of grief, not with a spirit of anger or hardness. But I say it in truth and love, but with all plainness, for the purpose of making my dear and beloved brethren, both of the ministry and laity, feel their true position-that they are doing up the work of infidels and devils, in their opposition to this doctrine; for both the one and the other go with them, and use just their weapons. Will they not look at this fact? PREX2 225.4

Unconverted reader, prepare! O prepare for that great event, lest you lie down in everlasting burnings!! Take refuge in Christ without delay, that you may escape all those things which are coming on the earth, and stand before the Son of man. PREX2 226.1