Prophetic Expositions, vol. 1



1. It is used in the Bible in the sense of a trial according to law and evidence; the idea being drawn from a civil or criminal court. The term is used in this sense in Luke 19:22, in the parable of the nobleman and his servants. “Out of thine own mouth will I judge thee, thou wicked servant.” This is clearly a trial. PREX1 49.2

2. It signifies a penal judgment; or the execution of judgment; and is so used, Acts 7:7. “And the nation to whom they shall be in bondage will I judge, saith God.” This judgment on the Egyptians, when God delivered Israel, was clearly a penal judgment. PREX1 49.3

The terms are both used in reference to the judgment of the human race. 1. All men will be brought to trial, or into judgment, and all their deeds and their moral characters will be examined, and their everlasting states will be determined by the evidence produced from God’s books, including the book of life, which will decide the moral character and everlasting destiny of each individual of Adam’s race. If their names are found in “the book of life,” they will be saved; and if not found there, they will be cast into the lake of fire, the second death. But the degree of reward or punishment will be graduated by what each one has done. If they have built on Christ, they will have their names in the book of life, and will be saved; if not, they will be lost. If they have built on Christ, of gold, silver, precious stones, they will receive a rich reward; if of wood, hay, stubble, they will have their work burned up, and suffer a great loss, but themselves be saved, so as by fire. PREX1 50.1