Prophetic Expositions, vol. 1



The transfiguration. Luke 9:27-36. The Lord Jesus had just told his people of their sufferings and self-denial, if they would follow him, and also the consequence of being ashamed of him before men; viz., that he will be ashamed of them “when he shall come in his own glory, and in his Father’s, and of the holy angels.” Then, that they might have the assurance of his so coming, and know that it was not a fable, he told them, “I tell you of a truth, there be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the kingdom of God.” This promise he fulfilled about “an eight days after,” in his transfiguration on the mount, in the presence of Peter, John and James. PREX1 33.1

1. Jesus Christ appeared there in his own personal glory. His countenance shone like the sun, and his raiment was white as the light. PREX1 33.2

2. The glory of the Father was there; it was “a bright cloud” of the divine glory, out of which came the Father’s voice, saying, “this is my beloved Son; hear him.” PREX1 33.3

3. The glory of the holy angels, (messengers,) was there. Two men, which were Moses and Elias; the one from the dead, the representative of those saints who shall be raised at Christ’s coming, and clothed with glory; the other, Elias, the representative of those who will be alive and be changed at the appearing of Christ. PREX1 34.1

4. This scene was revealed on earth, not in heaven: thus teaching the disciples that the kingdom of God will be revealed on earth at the appearing of Christ. PREX1 34.2

5. The use the apostles made of the scene. The apostle Peter was one of the witnesses; and in view of the importance of the kingdom of Christ, he, in his 2nd Epistle, has given the church of all coming ages instruction how they may ensure an abundant entrance “into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ.” “For we have not followed cunningly devised fables when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eye-witnesses of his majesty: 2 Peter 1:16. This he says was “when we were with him in the holy mount.” The scene was a demonstration of the reality of Christ’s second, personal and glorious appearing, to reward every man according to his works.” PREX1 34.3

When this kingdom is set up, then it will be true that the least saint who shall enjoy its glories will be greater than ever John the Baptist was in this world of temptation, sufferings, sorrow and death. Then Peter-when in Christ’s kingdom, with his fellow apostles, he shall set on his throne with his master, to judge the world-then Peter can with safety be entrusted with the keys of the kingdom of heaven. But it does appear to me, that, in this world of passion and prejudice, it would be rather hazardous to entrust the keys of the kingdom of heaven either with Peter or the Pope. There, under the immediate eye of the great Master, and with passion and prejudice removed, and a rectified judgment, it will be safe, if it so seem good to the Lord, to place Peter at that post. PREX1 34.4