Miraculous Powers
We are happy to present this work to the public as one of the most valuable issued from the press of the Seventh-day Adventists. The numerous extracts gathered by the untiring efforts of Elder M. E. Cornell, generally breathe the spirit of true piety. These, with the compiler’s clear and pointed introductory remarks, will not fail to interest, instruct and benefit the spiritual condition of the believing reader. MIRP v.1
These testimonies from not only the eminently pious, but from many of the learned, and from some of the most reliable historians fairly represent the faith of the church upon the subject of miraculous powers. We do not rely upon the testimony of men as proof of our position; but after being established in the doctrine of the perpetuity of spiritual gifts from the plain testimony of God’s word, it is a matter of unspeakable joy to find that on this vital doctrine our faith is in harmony with the good, the humble, and the prudent, ever since Christ said to his first ministers, “These signs shall follow them that believe.” MIRP v.2
In some of the extracts in this work there may appear to be a shade of fanaticism, or an appearance of extravagance. Let it be distinctly understood that the great object in presenting them is to show the faith of the church. No one should seek to be guided by the impulses and experiences of those who have lived in the past, and battled with errors and temptations peculiar to the age in which they lived. We may be instructed as we learn their faith and history, but our safety is in coming for ourselves to the word of God, the source of true knowledge, and to the throne of grace for wisdom to understand it, and make a right use of all the blessings in reserve for this time. MIRP v.3
In accordance with the wishes of Bro. Cornell we have given in the first part of this work some of the evidences of the perpetuity of spiritual gifts. We trust the repetition of some points by us both will be excused, and hope the Bible evidences touching the subject will be carefully and prayerfully studied. James White. MIRP vi.1