Medical Ministry
No Time to Colonize
This is no time to colonize. From city to city the work is to be carried quickly. The light that has been placed under a bushel is to be taken out and placed on a candlestick, that it may give forth light to all that are in the house.
MM 302.2
Thousands of people in our cities are left in darkness, and Satan is well pleased with the delay; for this delay gives him opportunity to work in these fields with men of influence to further his plans. Can we now depend upon our men in positions of responsibility to act humbly and nobly their part? Let the watchmen arouse. Let no one continue to be indifferent to the situation. There should be a thorough awakening among the brethren and sisters in all our churches.
MM 302.3
For years the work in the cities has been presented before me, and has been urged upon our people. Instruction has been given to open new fields. There has sometimes been a jealous fear lest someone who wished to enter new fields should receive means from the people that they supposed was wanted for another work. Some in responsible positions have felt that nothing should be done without their personal knowledge and approval. Therefore efficient workers have been sometimes delayed and hindered, and the carriage wheels of progress in entering new fields have been made to move heavily.
MM 302.4
In every large city there should have been a strong force of workers laboring earnestly to warn the people. Had this been undertaken in humility and faith, Christ would have gone before the humble workers, and the salvation of God would have been revealed.
MM 302.5
Let companies now be quickly organized to go out two and two, and labor in the Spirit of Christ, following His plans. Even though some Judas may introduce himself into the ranks of the workers, the Lord will care for the work. His angels will go before and prepare the way. Before this time, every large city should have heard the testing message, and thousands should have been brought to a knowledge of the truth. Wake up the churches, take the light from under the bushel.
MM 303.1
Our Delay is Satan's Opportunity
Where are the men who will work and study and agonize in prayer as did Christ? We are not to confine our efforts to a few places. “If they shall persecute you in one city, flee ye to another.” Let Christ's plan be followed. He was ever watching for opportunities to engage in personal labor, ever ready to interest and draw men to a study of the Scriptures. He labored patiently for men who had not an intelligent knowledge of what is truth. While we are not awake to the situation, and while much time is consumed in planning how to reach perishing souls, Satan is busy devising and blocking the way.
MM 303.2
In view of the many neglected cities from one end of the United States to another, I am free to say that too much labor has been put forth in the plants in a few favored localities. Let not so large an expenditure of means and of time as has been devoted to ----- be given to other places; for it will be used as an evidence that we do not really believe that the end of all things is at hand. Satan knows how to make use of every inconsistency, and he will influence men to point at us and say, “They do not believe the things they teach.”—Manuscript 21, 1910.
MM 303.3
Medical Ministry
[{"para_id":"75.5","title":"Preface to the First Edition","mp3":"\/mp3\/75\/0002_eng_f_preface_to_the_first_edition_75_8.mp3#duration=320&size=3287400"},{"para_id":"75.20","title":"Preface to the Second Edition","mp3":"\/mp3\/75\/0003_eng_f_preface_to_the_second_edition_75_20.mp3#duration=1325&size=13345153"},{"para_id":"75.95","title":"Section 1\u2014Healing Power and Its Source","mp3":"\/mp3\/75\/0018_eng_f_section_1_healing_power_and_its_source_75_95.mp3#duration=1545&size=15543403"},{"para_id":"75.190","title":"Section 2\u2014The Divine Plan in the Medical Missionary Work","mp3":"\/mp3\/75\/0045_eng_f_section_2_the_divine_plan_in_the_medical_missionary_work_75_190.mp3#duration=1739&size=17482170"},{"para_id":"75.277","title":"Section 3\u2014The Christian Physician and His Work","mp3":"\/mp3\/75\/0068_eng_f_section_3_the_christian_physician_and_his_work_75_277.mp3#duration=3562&size=35722127"},{"para_id":"75.457","title":"Section 4\u2014Our Medical College","mp3":"\/mp3\/75\/0109_eng_f_section_4_our_medical_college_75_457.mp3#duration=4777&size=47870725"},{"para_id":"75.695","title":"Section 5\u2014Warning Against Spiritistic Sophistry","mp3":"\/mp3\/75\/0165_eng_f_section_5_warning_against_spiritistic_sophistry_75_695.mp3#duration=2522&size=25317673"},{"para_id":"75.834","title":"Section 6\u2014True and False Systems of Mind Cure","mp3":"\/mp3\/75\/0197_eng_f_section_6_true_and_false_systems_of_mind_cure_75_834.mp3#duration=1930&size=19397541"},{"para_id":"75.934","title":"Section 7\u2014Fees and Wages","mp3":"\/mp3\/75\/0223_eng_f_section_7_fees_and_wages_75_934.mp3#duration=2589&size=25990994"},{"para_id":"75.1056","title":"Section 8\u2014Counsels and Cautions","mp3":"\/mp3\/75\/0253_eng_f_section_8_counsels_and_cautions_75_1056.mp3#duration=3765&size=37750889"},{"para_id":"75.1250","title":"Section 9\u2014The Management of Sanitariums","mp3":"\/mp3\/75\/0295_eng_f_section_9_the_management_of_sanitariums_75_1250.mp3#duration=3438&size=34477695"},{"para_id":"75.1420","title":"Section 10\u2014Opportunities for Ministry In Hospitals and Sanitariums","mp3":"\/mp3\/75\/0333_eng_f_section_10_opportunities_for_ministry_in_hospitals_and_sanitariums_75_1420.mp3#duration=1596&size=16052749"},{"para_id":"75.1511","title":"Section 11\u2014The Sanitarium Family","mp3":"\/mp3\/75\/0356_eng_f_section_11_the_sanitarium_family_75_1511.mp3#duration=3155&size=31652379"},{"para_id":"75.1672","title":"Section 12\u2014The Prevention of Disease and Its Cure by Rational Methods","mp3":"\/mp3\/75\/0396_eng_f_section_12_the_prevention_of_disease_and_its_cure_by_rational_methods_75_1672.mp3#duration=2155&size=21648887"},{"para_id":"75.1791","title":"Section 13\u2014Medical Missionary Work and the Gospel Ministry","mp3":"\/mp3\/75\/0423_eng_f_section_13_medical_missionary_work_and_the_gospel_ministry_75_1791.mp3#duration=3010&size=30195291"},{"para_id":"75.1948","title":"Section 14\u2014Teaching Health Principles","mp3":"\/mp3\/75\/0466_eng_f_section_14_teaching_health_principles_75_1948.mp3#duration=1848&size=18573867"},{"para_id":"75.2061","title":"Section 15\u2014Diet and Health","mp3":"\/mp3\/75\/0499_eng_f_section_15_diet_and_health_75_2061.mp3#duration=2444&size=24542145"},{"para_id":"75.2208","title":"Section 16\u2014The Worker's Health","mp3":"\/mp3\/75\/0535_eng_f_section_16_the_worker_s_health_75_2208.mp3#duration=949&size=9584006"},{"para_id":"75.2264","title":"Section 17\u2014Medical Missionary Work in the Great Cities","mp3":"\/mp3\/75\/0548_eng_f_section_17_medical_missionary_work_in_the_great_cities_75_2264.mp3#duration=2059&size=20682210"},{"para_id":"75.2384","title":"Section 18\u2014Extent of the Work","mp3":"\/mp3\/75\/0575_eng_f_section_18_extent_of_the_work_75_2384.mp3#duration=3003&size=30129865"}]