Medical Ministry
Appeal to a Minister
It has been clearly presented to me that God's people are to take a firm stand against meat eating. Would God for thirty years give His people the message that if they desire to have pure blood and clear minds they must give up the use of flesh-meat, if He did not want them to heed this message? By the use of flesh-meat the animal nature is strengthened and the spiritual nature weakened. Such men as you, who are engaged in the most solemn and important work ever entrusted to human beings, need to give special heed to what they eat.
MM 278.6
Remember that when you eat flesh-meat, you are but eating grains and vegetables secondhand; for the animal receives from these things the nutrition that makes it grow and prepares it for market. The life that was in the grains and vegetables passes into the animal and becomes part of its life, and then human beings eat the animal. Why are they so willing to eat their food secondhand? ...
MM 279.1
The thought of killing animals to be eaten is in itself revolting. If man's natural sense had not been perverted by the indulgence of appetite, human beings would not think of eating the flesh of animals.
MM 279.2
Do Not Counterwork Reform
We have been given the work of advancing health reform. The Lord desires His people to be in harmony with one another. As you must know, we shall not leave the position in which for the last thirty-five years the Lord has been bidding us stand. Beware how you place yourself in opposition to the work of health reform. It will go forward; for it is the Lord's means of lessening the suffering in our world and of purifying His people.
MM 279.3
Be careful what attitude you assume, lest you be found causing division. My brother, even while you fail to bring into your life and into your family the blessing that comes from following the principles of health reform, do not harm others by opposing the light God has given on this subject.
MM 279.4
While we do not make the use of flesh-meat a test, while we do not want to force anyone to give up its use, yet it is our duty to request that no minister of the conference shall make light of or oppose the message of reform on this point. If, in the face of the light God has given concerning the effect of meat eating on the system, you will still continue to eat meat, you must bear the consequences. But do not take a position before the people that will permit them to think that it is not necessary to call for a reform in regard to meat eating; because the Lord is calling for reform.
MM 279.5
The Lord has given us the work of proclaiming the message of health reform, and if you cannot step forward in the ranks of those who are giving this message, you are not to make this prominent. In counterworking the efforts of your fellow laborers who are teaching health reform, you are out of order, working on the wrong side.—Letter 48, 1902.
MM 280.1
Medical Ministry
[{"para_id":"75.5","title":"Preface to the First Edition","mp3":"\/mp3\/75\/0002_eng_f_preface_to_the_first_edition_75_8.mp3#duration=320&size=3287400"},{"para_id":"75.20","title":"Preface to the Second Edition","mp3":"\/mp3\/75\/0003_eng_f_preface_to_the_second_edition_75_20.mp3#duration=1325&size=13345153"},{"para_id":"75.95","title":"Section 1\u2014Healing Power and Its Source","mp3":"\/mp3\/75\/0018_eng_f_section_1_healing_power_and_its_source_75_95.mp3#duration=1545&size=15543403"},{"para_id":"75.190","title":"Section 2\u2014The Divine Plan in the Medical Missionary Work","mp3":"\/mp3\/75\/0045_eng_f_section_2_the_divine_plan_in_the_medical_missionary_work_75_190.mp3#duration=1739&size=17482170"},{"para_id":"75.277","title":"Section 3\u2014The Christian Physician and His Work","mp3":"\/mp3\/75\/0068_eng_f_section_3_the_christian_physician_and_his_work_75_277.mp3#duration=3562&size=35722127"},{"para_id":"75.457","title":"Section 4\u2014Our Medical College","mp3":"\/mp3\/75\/0109_eng_f_section_4_our_medical_college_75_457.mp3#duration=4777&size=47870725"},{"para_id":"75.695","title":"Section 5\u2014Warning Against Spiritistic Sophistry","mp3":"\/mp3\/75\/0165_eng_f_section_5_warning_against_spiritistic_sophistry_75_695.mp3#duration=2522&size=25317673"},{"para_id":"75.834","title":"Section 6\u2014True and False Systems of Mind Cure","mp3":"\/mp3\/75\/0197_eng_f_section_6_true_and_false_systems_of_mind_cure_75_834.mp3#duration=1930&size=19397541"},{"para_id":"75.934","title":"Section 7\u2014Fees and Wages","mp3":"\/mp3\/75\/0223_eng_f_section_7_fees_and_wages_75_934.mp3#duration=2589&size=25990994"},{"para_id":"75.1056","title":"Section 8\u2014Counsels and Cautions","mp3":"\/mp3\/75\/0253_eng_f_section_8_counsels_and_cautions_75_1056.mp3#duration=3765&size=37750889"},{"para_id":"75.1250","title":"Section 9\u2014The Management of Sanitariums","mp3":"\/mp3\/75\/0295_eng_f_section_9_the_management_of_sanitariums_75_1250.mp3#duration=3438&size=34477695"},{"para_id":"75.1420","title":"Section 10\u2014Opportunities for Ministry In Hospitals and Sanitariums","mp3":"\/mp3\/75\/0333_eng_f_section_10_opportunities_for_ministry_in_hospitals_and_sanitariums_75_1420.mp3#duration=1596&size=16052749"},{"para_id":"75.1511","title":"Section 11\u2014The Sanitarium Family","mp3":"\/mp3\/75\/0356_eng_f_section_11_the_sanitarium_family_75_1511.mp3#duration=3155&size=31652379"},{"para_id":"75.1672","title":"Section 12\u2014The Prevention of Disease and Its Cure by Rational Methods","mp3":"\/mp3\/75\/0396_eng_f_section_12_the_prevention_of_disease_and_its_cure_by_rational_methods_75_1672.mp3#duration=2155&size=21648887"},{"para_id":"75.1791","title":"Section 13\u2014Medical Missionary Work and the Gospel Ministry","mp3":"\/mp3\/75\/0423_eng_f_section_13_medical_missionary_work_and_the_gospel_ministry_75_1791.mp3#duration=3010&size=30195291"},{"para_id":"75.1948","title":"Section 14\u2014Teaching Health Principles","mp3":"\/mp3\/75\/0466_eng_f_section_14_teaching_health_principles_75_1948.mp3#duration=1848&size=18573867"},{"para_id":"75.2061","title":"Section 15\u2014Diet and Health","mp3":"\/mp3\/75\/0499_eng_f_section_15_diet_and_health_75_2061.mp3#duration=2444&size=24542145"},{"para_id":"75.2208","title":"Section 16\u2014The Worker's Health","mp3":"\/mp3\/75\/0535_eng_f_section_16_the_worker_s_health_75_2208.mp3#duration=949&size=9584006"},{"para_id":"75.2264","title":"Section 17\u2014Medical Missionary Work in the Great Cities","mp3":"\/mp3\/75\/0548_eng_f_section_17_medical_missionary_work_in_the_great_cities_75_2264.mp3#duration=2059&size=20682210"},{"para_id":"75.2384","title":"Section 18\u2014Extent of the Work","mp3":"\/mp3\/75\/0575_eng_f_section_18_extent_of_the_work_75_2384.mp3#duration=3003&size=30129865"}]