This Day With God


The Elmshaven Years, 1900-1915

When Ellen White settled at Elmshaven, her new home near St. Helena in northern California, she hoped to give most of her time to writing her books. She was 72 and still had a number of volumes that she wished to complete. She little realized how much traveling, counseling, and speaking she would also be called upon to do. The crisis created by the controversies in Battle Creek would also make heavy demands on her time and strength. Even so, by writing early in the morning, she was able to produce nine books during her Elmshaven years. TDG 380.2

1900, OctoberSettled at Elmshaven.
1901, AprilAttended the General Conference session at Battle Creek.
1902, February 18Battle Creek Sanitarium fire.
1902, December 30Review and Herald fire.
1903, OctoberMet the pantheism crisis.
1904, April-SeptemberJourneyed east to assist in the beginning of the work in Washington, D.C., to visit her son Edson in Nashville, and to attend important meetings.
1904, November-DecemberInvolved in securing and establishing Paradise Valley Sanitarium.
1905, MayAttended General Conference session in Washington, D.C.
1905The Ministry of Healing published.
1905, June-DecemberInvolved in securing and starting Loma Linda Sanitarium.
1906-1908Busy at Elmshaven with literary work.
1909, April-SeptemberAt the age of 81 traveled to Washington, D.C., to attend the General Conference session. This was her last trip east.
1910, JanuaryTook a prominent part in the establishment of the College of Medical Evangelists at Loma Linda.
1910Gave attention to finishing The Acts of the Apostles and the reissuance of The Great Controversy, a work extending into 1911.
1911-1915With advancing age, made only a few trips to southern California. At Elmshaven engaged in her book work, finishing Prophets and Kings and Counsels to Parents and Teachers.
1915, February 13Fell in her Elmshaven home and broke her hip.
1915, July 16Closed her fruitful life at the age of 87. Her last words were “I know in whom I have believed.” Testimonies, volumes 6-9, were also published in the Elmshaven years.