Ellen G. White — Messenger to the Remnant

Chapter 4—The English Bookwork

Of the three important lines of work assigned by Mrs. Ellen G. White to the custodians of her writings, mention will be made first of the care and promotion of her books as they appear in the English language. The instruction to the trustees, as previously noted in her will, provides that “right, title, and interest in the copyrights” be vested in the trustees for the purpose of “administering,” “publishing, and selling said books,” and “conducting the business thereof.” Provision is also made for the “improvement of the books.” This is understood to mean only the mechanical improvement, such as typographical appearance and illustrating, and is not construed as authorization to alter the text. EGWMR 75.1

Thus the trustees stand in the place of the author in arranging for the continuing publication of the E. G. White books. In this work, the closest relationships exist between them and the publishers who carry the burden of printing and distributing these books. EGWMR 75.2

The principal accomplishment, however, which will be mentioned under this division of the trustees’ work, is the issuance of twenty-six important volumes planned and compiled since Mrs. White’s death in 1915. * EGWMR 75.3

For those interested in the detailed record of the developments of this work, we will rehearse briefly the circumstances surrounding the issuance of these volumes: EGWMR 75.4

1. The first Ellen G. White book planned and executed by the trustees, was the little volume, Christian Experience and Teachings of Ellen G. White, which came from the press in 1922. This work, compiled from several published sources, was prepared principally for the use of our evangelistic workers in introducing to new believers a brief autobiographical sketch of her life and work, with stirring articles regarding the dangers and duties of the church. EGWMR 75.5

2. The year 1923 witnessed the appearance of three new books compiled from Mrs. White’s writings. We mention first, Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, which places within the reach of our evangelists, pastors, and others choice instruction assembled largely from articles that had first appeared in pamphlet and periodical article form. The larger portion of the articles found in the eleven pamphlets known as Special Testimonies to Ministers and Workers, issued from 1890 to 1898, comprises the major part of this volume. To these were added articles selected from Special Testimonies, Series B, the old Review volumes, and other early sources. EGWMR 75.6

3. It was in response to an urgent appeal that Special Testimonies on Education and other helpful Ellen G. White articles on education formerly published in the Review, the Signs, and other early sources, be assembled and placed within the reach of our educators, that Fundamentals of Christian Education was authorized and prepared in conjunction with the General Conference Educational Department. This volume bears date of 1923. EGWMR 75.7

4. Grouped together in another volume, Counsels on Health, is much important instruction addressed to our medical missionary workers, selected from various published sources. This helpful collection, placing within the reach of our workers a considerable amount of matter not otherwise generally available, made its appearance the same year as the foregoing. EGWMR 75.8

5. Counsels guiding to all types of missionary endeavor were drawn together in Christian Service in 1925, to make a very useful volume. EGWMR 75.9

6. Another volume which is proving of value, especially to our youth, is Messages to Young People, which came from the press in 1930. This book represents the joint work of the trustees and the General Conference Missionary Volunteer Department in selecting many choice Ellen G. White articles from the past files of the Instructor and other published sources. EGWMR 75.10

7. Medical Ministry was launched on its helpful mission in 1932. This is a book made up largely of selections from special letters and manuscripts bearing upon this subject, which had not before appeared in print. EGWMR 75.11

8. In a recent effort to help our evangelists in all parts of the world in introducing the work of the Spirit of prophecy, especially to prospective new converts, a 128-page booklet, entitled Life and Teachings of Ellen G. White, was compiled from well-known published sources, and came from the press in 1933. EGWMR 75.12

9. In 1937, Bible Sanctification, long out of print, was reissued under the title, The Sanctified Life. EGWMR 75.13

10. Counsels on Diet and Foods, one of the most popular volumes of recent issuance, came from the press in 1938. Constructed topically and compiled from early as well as current sources, this volume presents in one reference work the full range of counsel on the vital topic of diet and foods. EGWMR 75.14

11. Replacing the chronologically arranged Testimonies on Sabbath School Work is the fuller volume Counsels on Sabbath School Work, which presents its vital message in topical order and embodies helpful counsel penned subsequent to the issuance of the earlier work. This was also published in 1938. EGWMR 76.1

12. Counsels on Stewardship, published in 1940, was compiled largely from the Ellen G. White Review and Herald articles and other sources not generally available. EGWMR 76.2

13. Evangelism, issued in 1946, makes available to all today the wealth of counsel which guided to effective evangelistic ministry in the earlier years, as it appeared in published articles, and in personal testimonies addressed to evangelists at a time when they were few in number. EGWMR 76.3

14. Counsels to Writers and Editors, published also in 1946, presents to our worker group generally the Spirit of prophecy counsels addressed to those responsible for the presentation of the message in printed form. EGWMR 76.4

15. The year 1947 marks the publication of The Story of Redemption, which in one modest-size volume presents the full sweep of the high points of the conflict of the ages drawn from the first terse Spirit of prophecy descriptions. EGWMR 76.5

16. Temperance appearing in 1949 provides a handbook of the Spirit of prophecy counsels concerning temperance and the temperance work. Included also are several typical E. G. White temperance sermons. EGWMR 76.6

17. A paper-bound book, The Remnant Church, issued in 1950, serves to meet any and all assertions that the Seventh-day Adventist Church has become Babylon. Its very late statements from Mrs. White’s pen make it of particular value. EGWMR 76.7

18. Welfare Ministry (1952) presents the E. G. White counsels on Dorcas and welfare work, opening to our sisters a vast field of neighborhood service. EGWMR 76.8

19. The Adventist Home (1952) is the first of two companion volumes to come from the press on the home and child training. Its unprecedented popularity is attributed to the detailed, practical counsel drawn largely from periodical articles and manuscripts. EGWMR 76.9

20. The fourth E. G. White devotional book with day-by-day readings, My Life Today, is the first to be drawn largely from sources not currently available. Hence it is listed here. This was published in 1952. EGWMR 76.10

21. Colporteur Ministry (1953) represents an enlargement of the earlier Colporteur Evangelist. Its topical arrangement and its enrichment by additional material make it a very useful volume. EGWMR 76.11

22. In its detailed counsels to parents, Child Guidance (1954) will be found to be one of the most helpful books for the home. Its counsels, drawn largely from counsels directed to various families, have a very practical application. EGWMR 76.12

23. Following the plan of a Spirit of Prophecy devotional book each third year, Sons and Daughters of God was published in 1955. EGWMR 76.13

24 and 25. Selected Messages, Books I and II, published in 1958 in advance of the new enlarged Index, makes available many choice materials, general in nature, formerly available only in early pamphlets, periodical articles, and mimeographed documents. EGWMR 76.14

26. The Faith I Live By, the devotional book for 1959, which deals with the doctrines of the church, makes another valuable addition to the E. G. White devotional books. EGWMR 76.15

27. Following the plan of a Spirit of Prophecy devotional book every third year drawing heavily on E. G. White manuscripts and periodical articles, Our High Calling was published in 1961. EGWMR 76.16

28. That I May Know Him (1964), a particularly Christ-centered devotional book. EGWMR 76.17

29. In Heavenly Places (1967). Akin in plan and format to the preceding two devotional books. EGWMR 76.18