Notebook Leaflets from the Elmshaven Library, vol. 1

Workers in Many Lines to Blend

The Lord has a variety of workers who must impress the people in various lines. One man's mind and one man's manner or ways are not to be regarded as perfect, to be imitated exclusively. Christ is our model. 1NL 129.2

This Scripture is to be understood: “And He gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers.” These different workers are each to do a special work; but are they to separate themselves from their fellow laborers, confining their labors to a few whom they think they have succeeded in bringing to a knowledge of the truth? Shall one say to another of the instrumentalities of God, Leave these souls to me to work with, and to bring to perfection of the faith? Let me work for them and train and educate them to perfection of faith and character? 1NL 129.3

No, this is not the way the Lord works. The one who thus thinks and thus acts is himself deficient in character. He has some strong points, and can work in certain lines; but in other lines he is weak. Other human agencies are needed whom the Holy Spirit shall guide to act their part in completing the work. No man is complete in or through any other man. It is not any one man's gift that accomplishes the work essential. It is the Holy Spirit that works the man. Human agents of diverse gifts are needed. 1NL 129.4