Spalding and Magan Collection


Appeals for Means

You ask me what you shall do in view of the fact that so little help is given to that department of the work in which you are working. SpM 498.2

I would say, “Trust it with the Lord. There is a way opened for you in regard to securing help for the Southern field. Appeal to the people. This is the only course you can pursue, under the circumstances. SpM 498.3

Send no statement of the situation through our religious papers; because it will not be honored. Send direct to the people. God's ways are not to be counterworked by man's ways. There are those who have means, and who will give large and small sums. Have this money come direct to your destitute portion of the vineyard. The Lord has not specified any regular channel through which means should pass.” Addenda.—In a conversation with Mother today she definitely stated to me that the instructions I have received in regard to the work have not been revoked. SpM 498.4

J. E. White

(Sent from California by J. E. White in Jan. 1905.)