The Light Still Shines

Chapter 1—Ten Contributions from Ellen G. White to the Seventh-day Adventist Church

As I have listened to the crescendo of calls for us to abandon Ellen White, I have sometimes wondered what Adventism might be like today were it not for God’s guidance and counsels through her. Although not exhaustive, let me mention several things she contributed, none of which, I assume, any of us would want now to give up: LSS 2.2

1. The Great Controversy Theme. Her insights not only help define for us the essence of Adventism, including our emphasis on the Three Angels’ Messages, but that theme also impacts almost everything else that we teach and do.

2. Her strong emphasis on the centrality of the Bible in the life and witness of our church, as well as her insights regarding inspiration that spare us the challenges faced by those who believe in the inerrancy of prophetic writings.

3. Her emphasis on righteousness by faith—without her influence it is doubtful that Elders A. T. Jones and E. J. Waggoner’s views would have gone anywhere.

4. Her emphasis on Christ and His eternal pre-existence, as well as her teaching of the full personhood of the Holy Spirit.

5. Her emphasis on health, and healthful living, including the establishment of our worldwide health work.

6. Her emphasis on education, resulting in the establishment of church schools, academies, and colleges around the world—and now full universities; not to mention her deep interest in young people.

7. Her call for publications, resulting in our worldwide publishing ministry. Couple with that the impact of her own classics, including Steps to Christ, Christ’s Object Lessons, the Conflict of the Ages series, plus many others.

8. Her impact on our church’s organization, as well as the unifying effect that her writings have had on Adventism, both theologically and organizationally.

9. Her emphasis on religious liberty and human rights, including her strong support for the Black work here in America. Included also were her calls to help the poor, resulting in the worldwide work of ADRA and our Community Services workers.

10. Also her call for worldwide evangelism, coupled with her call to witness to our own neighbors who live nearby. Included also is her reminder that God has many outside our church, plus her appeals for interaction with pastors of other faiths.

At the beginning of my list, I mused regarding how Adventism might look today were it not for Ellen White. Besides all these theological and organizational contributions, one doesn’t have to look far to find another difference. The Advent Christian Church—Sundaykeeping Adventists who trace their origins back to the Millerite movement—shortly after the Great Disappointment in 1844 had an estimated 30,000 to 50,000 followers. Today, they have about 75,000 members in 19 countries! Back then, Sabbathkeeping Adventists totaled somewhere between 50 and 150. The Advent Christians rejected Ellen White’s prophetic ministry, and the results are obvious. Today, instead of our approximately 13.5 million members worldwide in over 203 1 countries, we, too, might be “enjoying” 100,000, or less, members had we also rejected God’s loving gift to our church. LSS 2.3

In 1907 Ellen White wrote, LSS 3.1

“Abundant light has been given to our people in these last days. Whether or not my life is spared, my writings will constantly speak, and their work will go forward as long as time shall last.”—1 SM 55. 2

For most Seventh-day Adventists, that prediction has proved true. However, tragically, especially in recent years, an increasing number have been turning from the special messages God has given us. Some are outright rejecting everything bearing the name “Ellen G. White.” Predicting this, Ellen White warned: LSS 3.2

“There will be a hatred kindled against the testimonies which is satanic. The workings of Satan will be to unsettle the faith of the churches in them, for this reason: Satan cannot have so clear a track to bring in his deceptions and bind up souls in his delusions if the warnings and reproofs and counsels of the Spirit of God are heeded.”—1 SM 48. 3

A second group views Ellen White as a devotional writer, but they are unwilling to give her any real authority. These people also miss the blessing God intended for us. Though they claim to retain her writings devotionally, they disregard the counsels God has given through her. LSS 3.3

And there’s a third group who also puzzle and trouble me. These individuals thrive on misinterpreting God’s messages found in Ellen White’s writings. They find a quote or two and turn these into their entire religion. In their missionary zeal, they try to force their narrow views upon everyone else. For whatever reason, they have overlooked the fact that God’s plan for His church, as found in Ellen White’s writings, is balanced; it is not one-sided. LSS 3.4