Ellen G. White in Europe 1885-1887


Temperance Lecture in Baptist Chapel

On Sunday Mrs. White spoke on the subject of temperance to approximately 200 people in the National Baptist church. The National minister opened the meeting with prayer and singing. For two hours she spoke to an audience who listened with respect to this earnest little mother from faraway America. “There was not one who was asleep or uneasy,” she could testify (Ibid.). EGWE 269.1

This was Sister White's third visit to Tramelan, and it came only a few weeks after the Christmas Day dedication of the church in 1886. In spite of her brief stay, she spoke four times and wrote 50 pages of notepaper to church members who needed counsel. EGWE 269.2

She returned to Basel, Monday morning, February 7, leaving at eight o'clock in a sleigh. At the station she took a little train with only two compartments, in which she rode six miles to Tavannes. Then she stepped on board the regular train, which took her without change to Basel. EGWE 269.3