Ellen White: Woman of Vision


A Transition Evidencing The Maturity Of The Church

There were a number of men of good judgment in both Vermont and Michigan capable of assuming most of the responsibilities of which James White felt he must divest himself. WV 65.2

At this time Ellen was “shown” that “no longer should those connected with the office bear burdens they have borne.... They must be free in mind, and then their health will improve” (Manuscript 3, 1855). WV 65.3

They spent most of May in Michigan attending and assisting in the tent meetings. Returning home, James reported: “My health gradually improves, and my spirit is getting perfectly free while freed from the cares of the office” (Ibid., May 29, 1855). WV 65.4

In mid-June they took off by carriage on an 11-week trip through New England. As James interviewed leading workers in Vermont he found them eager to move the Review office to Vermont and have the responsibility and burden of conducting it, unless the friends of the cause in some more central position would assume this responsibility. WV 65.5