An Appeal for Self-supporting Laborers to Enter Unworked Fields


Learning by Experience

Every one must be a learner, not a graduate; he must engage in the work with a humble heart, wholly dependent upon God. He may make mistakes, but errors in judgment will be corrected by education. Defeats may be turned to victories. As he advances, he can learn wisdom through failure, caution from imprudence. But learn, not let go. Keep the dear Saviour by your side; pray always; ask counsel of Jesus. PH005 21.3

There are thousands who, if they would give themselves to the Lord without selfish reservation, might go with their families into new regions where the truth is not known, and establish themselves as citizens, and then watch for souls as they that must give an account. They might speak to the young, telling them of the love of Jesus. They could visit families, and in a pleasant manner introduce some excellent reading from our papers or publications. Let these silent messengers speak to them; and when the opportunities seem to be favorable, suggest a season of prayer, and the reading of the Bible. Angels of God will open ways for all such workers; they may become channels of light. Let them be constantly learning, constantly receiving, and constantly giving.... PH005 21.4