Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary


PARTICULATE, to mention, is not in use.

PARTING, ppr. [from part.] Dividing; separating; breaking in pieces.

1. a. Given at separation; as a parting kiss or look.

2. Departing; declining; as the parting day.

P`ARTING, n. Division; separation. Ezekiel 21:21.

1. In chimistry, an operation by which gold and silver are separated from each other by different menstruums.

2. In seamen’s language, the breaking of a cable by violence.

PARTISAN, n. s as z.

1. An adherent to a party or faction.

2. In war, the commander of a party or detachment of troops, sent on a special enterprise hence,

3. By way of distinction, a person able in commanding a party, or dexterous in obtaining intelligence, intercepting convoys or otherwise annoying an enemy.

4. A commander’s leading staff.

5. A kind of halbert.

PARTITE, a. [L. partitus, from partio, to divide. See Part.]

In botany, divided. A partite leaf is a simple leaf separated down to the base.

PARTITION, n. [L. partitio, from partio, to divide.]

1. The act of dividing, or state of being divided.

2. Division; separation; distinction.

And good from bad find no partition.

3. Separate part; as lodged in a small partition.

4. That by which different parts are separated; as a partition of wood or stone in a building.

5. Part where separation is made.

No sight could pass

Betwixt the nice partitions of the grass.

6. Division of an estate into severalty, which is done by deed of partition.

PARTITION, v.t. To divide into distinct parts; as, to partition the floor of a house.

1. To divide into shares; as, to partition an estate.

PARTITIVE, a. In grammar, distributive; as a noun partitive.

PARTITIVELY, adv. In a partitive manner; distributively.

PARTLET, n. [from part.] A ruff; a band or collar for the neck.

1. A hen.

PARTLY, adv. In part; in some measure or degree; not wholly.

PARTNER, n. [from part.] One who partakes or shares with another; a partaker; an associate; as, she is partner of my life, of my joys, of my griefs.

Those of the race of Shem were no partners in the unbelieving work of the tower.

1. An associate in any business or occupation; a joint owner of stock or capital, employed in commerce, manufactures or other business. Men are sometimes partners in a single voyage or adventure, sometimes in a firm or standing company.

2. One who dances with another, either male or female, as in a contra dance.

3. A husband or wife.

P`ARTNER, v.t. To join; to associate with a partner. [Little used.]

Partners, in a ship, pieces of plank nailed round the scuttles in a deck where the masts are placed; also, the scuttles themselves.

PARTNERSHIP, n. The association of two or more persons for the purpose of undertaking and prosecuting any business, particularly trade or manufactures, at their joint expense. In this case, the connection is formed by contract; each partner furnishing a part of the capital stock and being entitled to a proportional share of profit, or subject to a proportional share of loss; or one or more of the partners may furnish money or stock, and the other or others contribute their services. The duration of the partnership may be limited by the contract, or it may be left indefinite, subject to be dissolved by mutual agreement. A partnership or association of this kind is a standing or permanent company, and is denominated a firm or house. We say, A and B entered into partnership for the importation and sale of goods, or for manufacturing cotton or glass.

Partnerships may be and usually are associations of private persons, not incorporated. In other cases, the company is incorporated. Banking companies in the United States are usually incorporated, and are essentially partnerships, but do not bear that name. Manufacturing companies are also frequently incorporated.

1. Joint interest or property.

PARTOOK, pret. of partake.

PARTRIDGE, n. [L. perdix.] A wild fowl of the genus Tatrao. Latham arranges the partridge and quail in a genus under the name of Perdix, and assigns the grous to the genus Tetrao. The partridge is esteemed a great delicacy at the table.

The term partridge is applied in Pennsylvania to the bird called quail in New England, a peculiar species of Perdix; in New England it is applied to the ruffed grous, a species of Tetrao.

PARTURIATE, v.i. [L. parturio, from partus, birth, from pario, to bear.] To bring forth young. [Little used.]

PARTURIENT, a. [L. parturiens.] Bringing forth or about to bring forth young.

PARTURITION, n. [L. parturio.] The act of bringing forth or being delivered of young.

PARTY, n. [L. pars. See Part.]

1. A number of persons united in opinion or design, in opposition to others in the community. It differs from faction, in implying a less dishonorable association, or more justifiable designs. Parties exist in all governments; and free governments are the hot-beds of party. Formerly, the political parties in England were called whigs and tories.

2. One of two litigants; the plaintiff or defendant in a lawsuit.

The cause of both parties shall come before the judges. Exodus 22:9.

3. One concerned or interested in an affair. This man was not a party to the trespass or affray. He is not a party to the contract or agreement.

4. Side; persons engaged against each other.

The peace both parties want, is like to last.

Small parties make up in diligence what they want in numbers.

5. Cause; side.

Aegle came in to make their party good.

6. A select company invited to an entertainment; as a dining party, a tea party, an evening party.

7. A single person distinct from or opposed to another.

If the jury found that the party slain was of English race, it had been adjudged felony,

8. In military affairs, a detachment or small number of troops sent on a particular duty, as to intercept the enemy’s convoy, to reconnoiter, to seek forage, to flank the enemy, etc. is used to qualify other words and may be considered either as part of a compound word, or as an adjective; as party man, party rage, party disputes, etc.

PARTY-COLORED, a. Having divers colors; as a party-colored plume; a party-colored flower.

PARTY-JURY, n. A jury consisting of half natives and half foreigners.

PARTY-MAN, n. One of a party; usually, a factious man; a man of violent party principles; an abettor of a party.

PARTY-SPIRIT, n. The spirit that supports a party.

PARTY-WALL, n. A wall that separates one house from the next.

PARU, n. A singular American fish.

PARVIS, n. A church or church porch. [Not used.]

PARVITUDE, PARVITY, n. Littleness. [Not used.]

PAS, n. Right of going foremost; precedence. [Not used.]

PASCH, n. [See Paschal.] The passover; the feast of Easter. [Not used.]

PASCHAL, a. [L. pascha.] Pertaining to the passover, or to Easter.

PASCH-EGG, n. An egg stained and presented to young persons, about the time of Easter. [Local.]

PASH, n. [L. facies, face.] A face. [Not used.]

1. A blow. [Not used.]

PASH, v.t. To strike; to strike down. [Not used.]

PASHAW, n. In the Turkish dominions, a viceroy, governor or commander; a bashaw.

PASHAWLIC, n. The jurisdiction of a pashaw.

PASIGRAPHY, n. [Gr. all, and writing.] A system of universal writing, or a manner of writing that may be understood and used by all nations.

PASQUE-FLOWER, n. pask’-flower. A flower, a species of anemone.

PASQUIL, PASQUIN, n. A mutilated statue at Rome, in a corner of the palace of Ursini, so called from a cobbler of that name who was remarkable for his sneers and gibes. On this statue it has been customary to paste satiric papers. Hence, a lampoon.

PASQUIL, PASQUIN, PASQUINADE, v.t. To lampoon; to satirize.

PASQUILER, n. A lampooner.

PASQUINADE, n. A lampoon or satirical writing.

PASS, v.i. [Eng. pat, and as a noun, a pass, a defile, an ambling, pace; passen, to be fit, to suit; L. patior, whence passion, to suffer, and peto, competo, in the sense of fit; Gr. to walk or step, to suffer; The word pass coincides with L. passus, a step, and this is from pando, L. passus, a step, and this is from pando, to extend; n being casual, the original word was pado.]

1. To move, in almost any manner; to go; to proceed from one place to another. A man may pass on foot, on horseback or in a carriage; a bird and a meteor pass through the air; a ship passes on or through the water; light passes from the sun to the planets; it passes from the sun to the earth in about eight minutes.

2. To move from one state to another; to alter or change, or to be changed in condition; as, to pass from health to sickness; to pass from just to unjust.

3. To vanish; to disappear; to be lost. In this sense, we usually say, to pass away.

Beauty is a charm, but soon the charm will pass.

4. To be spent; to go on or away progressively.

The time when the thing existed, is the idea of that space of duration which passed between some fixed period and the being of that thing.

5. To die; to depart from life. [Little used.]

6. To be in any state; to undergo; with under; as, to pass under the rod.

7. To be enacted; to receive the sanction of a legislative house or body by a majority of votes.

Neither of these bills has yet passed the house of commons.

8. To be current; to gain reception or to be generally received. Bank bills pass as a substitute for coin.

False eloquence passeth only where true is not understood.

9. To be regarded; to be received in opinion or estimation.

This will not pass for a fault in him, till it is proved to be one in us.

10. To occur; to be present; to take place; as, to notice what passes in the mind.

11. To be done.

Provided no indirect act pass upon our prayers to defile them.

12. To determine; to give judgment or sentence.

Though well we may not pass upon his life.

13. To thrust; to make a push in fencing or fighting.

14. To omit; to suffer to go unheeded or neglected. We saw the act, but let it pass.

15. To move through any duct or opening; as, substances in the stomach that will not pass, not be converted into ailment.

16. To percolate; to be secreted; as juices that pass from the glands into the mouth.

17. To be in a tolerable state.

A middling sort of man was left well enough by his father to pass, but he could never think he had enough, so long as any had more.

18. To be transferred from one owner to another. The land article passed by livery and seizin.

19. To go beyond bounds. For this we generally use surpass.

20. To run or extend; as a line or other thing. The north limit of Massachusetts passes three miles north of the Merrimac.

To come to pass, to happen; to arrive; to come; to be; to exist; a phrase much used in the Scriptures.

To pass away, to move from sight; to vanish.

1. To be spent; to be lost.

A good part of their lives passes away without thinking.

To pass by, to move near and beyond. He passed by as we stood in the road.

To pass on, to proceed.

To pass over, to go or move from side to side; to cross; as, to pass over to the other side.

To pass into, to unite and blend, as two substances or colors, in such a manner that it is impossible to tell where one ends and the other begins.

PASS, v.t. To go beyond. The sun has passed the age of frivolousness.

1. To go through or over; as, to pass a river.

2. To spend; to live through; as, to pass time; to pass the night in revelry, and the day in sleep.

3. To cause to move; to send; as, to pass the bottle from one guest to another; to pass a pauper from one town to another; to pass a rope round a yard; to pass the blood from the right to the left ventricle of the heart.

4. To cause to move hastily.

I had only time to pass my eye over the medals, which are in great number.

5. To transfer from one owner to another; to sell or assign; as, to pass land from A to B by deed; to pass a note or bill.

6. To strain; to cause to percolate; as, to pass wine through a filter.

7. To utter; to pronounce; as, to pass compliments; to pass sentence or judgment; to pass censure on another’s works.

8. To procure or cause to go.

Waller passed over five thousand horse and foot by Newbridge.

9. To put an end to.

This night

We’ll pass the business privately and well.

10. To omit; to neglect either to do or to mention.

I pass their warlike pomp, their proud array.

11. To transcend; to transgress or go beyond; as, to pass the bounds of moderation.

12. To admit; to allow; to approve and receive as valid or just; as, to pass an account at the war-office.

13. To approve or sanction by a constitutional or legal majority of votes; as, the house of representatives passed the bill. Hence,

14. To enact; to carry through all the forms necessary to give validity; as, the legislature passed the bill into a law.

15. To impose fraudulently; as, she passed the child on her husband for a boy.

16. To practice artfully; to cause to succeed; as, to pass a trick on one.

17. To surpass; to excel; to exceed.

18. To thrust; to make a push in fencing.

To see thee fight, to see thee pass thy puncto.

To pass away, to spend; to waste; as, to pass away the flower of like in idleness.

To pass by, to pass near and beyond.

1. To overlook; to excuse; to forgive; not to censure or punish; as, to pass by a crime or fault.

2. To neglect; to disregard.

Certain passages of Scripture we cannot pass by without injury to truth.

To pass over, to move from side to side; to cross; as, to pass over a river or mountain.

1. To omit; to overlook or disregard. He passed over one charge without a reply.

PASS, n. A narrow passage, entrance or avenue; a narrow or difficult place of entrance and exit; as a pass between mountains.

1. A passage; a road.

2. Permission to pass, to go or to come; a license to pass; a passport.

A gentleman had a pass to go beyond the seas.

A ship sailing under the flag and pass of an enemy.

3. An order for sending vagrants or impotent persons to their place of abode.

4. In fencing and fighting, a thrust; a push; attempt to stab or strike; as, to make a pass at an antagonist.

5. State; condition or extreme case; extremity.

To what a pass are our minds brought.

Matters have been brought to this pass--

PASS-PAROLE, n. [pass and parole.] In military affairs, a command given at the head of an army and communicated by word of mouth to the rear.

PASSABLE, a. That may be passed, traveled or navigated. The roads are not passable. The stream is passable in boats.

1. That may be penetrated; as a substance passable by a fluid.

2. Current; receivable; that may be or is transferred from hand to hand; as bills passable in lieu of coin. False coin is not passable.

3. Popular; well received.

4. Supportable. [This should be passible.]

PASSABLY, adv. Tolerably. [See Passibly.]

PASSADE, PASSADO, n. A push or thrust.

PASSADE, n. In the menage, a turn or course of a horse backwards or forwards on the same spot of ground.


1. The act of passing or moving by land or water, or through the air or other substance; as the passage of a man or a carriage; the passage of a ship or a fowl; the passage of light or a meteor; the passage of fluids through the pores of the body, or from the glands. Clouds intercept the passage of solar rays.

2. The time of passing from one place to another. What passage had you? We had a passage of twenty five days to Havre de Grace, and of thirty eight days from England.

3. Road; way; avenue; a place where men or things may pass or be conveyed.

And with his pointed dart,

Explores the nearest passage to this heart.

4. Entrance or exit.

What! are my doors opposed against my passage?

5. Right of passing; as, to engage a passage on board a ship bound to India.

6. Occurrence; event; incident; that which happens; as a remarkable passage in the life of Newton. [See the Spanish verb, supra. This sense is obsolescent.]

7. A passing away; decay. [Little used.]

8. Intellectual admittance; mental reception.

Among whom I expect this treatise will have a fairer passage than among those deeply imbued with other principles.

9. Manner of being conducted; management.

On consideration of the conduct and passage of affairs in former times--

10. Part of a book or writing; a single clause, place or part of indefinite extent.

How commentators each dark passage shun.

11. Enactment; the act of carrying through all the regular forms necessary to give validity; as the passage of a law, or of a bill into a law, by a legislative body.

Bird of passage, a fowl that passes at certain seasons from one climate to another, as in autumn to the south to avoid the winter’s cold, and in spring to the north for breeding. Hence the phrase is sometimes applied to a man who has no fixed residence.

PASSAGER, n. A traveler or voyager; one who passes or journeys on foot, in a vehicle, or in a ship or boat. This word is usually written corruptly passenger, and the first vowel is often short.

PASSED, PAST, pp. Gone by; done; accomplished; ended.

1. Enacted; having received all the formalities necessary to constitute a law.

PASSENGER, n. One who is traveling, as in a public coach, or in a ship, or on foot. This is the usual, though corrupt orthography.

Passenger falcon, a kind of migratory hawk.

PASSER, n. One that passes; a passenger.

PASSERINE, a. [L. passer, a sparrow.] Pertaining to sparrows, or to the order of birds to which sparrows belong, the Passeres.

PASSIBILITY, n. The quality or capacity of receiving impressions from external agents; aptness to feel or suffer.

PASSIBLE, a. Susceptible of feeling or of impressions from external agents.

Apollinarius held even Deity to be passible.

PASSIBLENESS, the same as passibility.

PASSING, ppr. Moving; proceeding.

1. a. Exceeding; surpassing; eminent.

2. Adverbially used to enforce or enhance the meaning of another word; exceedingly; as passing fair; passing strange.

PASSING-BELL, n. The bell that rings at the hour of death to obtain prayers for the passing soul. It is also used for the bell that rings immediately after death.

PASSINGLY, adv. Exceedingly.

PASSING-NOTE, n. In music, a note introduced between two others for the purpose of softening a distance or melodizing a passage.

PASSION, n. [L. passio, from patior, to suffer.]

1. The impression or effect of an external agent upon a body; that which is suffered or received.

A body at rest affords us no idea of any active power to move, and when set in motion, it is rather a passion than an action in it.

2. Susceptibility of impressions from external agents.

The differences of moldable and not moldable, etc., and many other passions of matter, are plebeian notions. [Little used.]

3. Suffering; emphatically, the last suffering of the Savior.

To whom also he showed himself alive after his passion, by many infallible proofs. Acts 1:3.

4. The feeling of the mind, or the sensible effect of impression; excitement, perturbation or agitation of mind; as desire, fear, hope, joy, grief, love, hatred. The eloquence of the orator is employed to move the passions.

5. Violent agitation or excitement of mind, particularly such as is occasioned by an offense, injury or insult; hence, violent anger.

6. Zeal; ardor; vehement desire.

When statesmen are ruled by faction and interest, they can have no passion for the glory of their country.

7. Love.

He owned his passion for Amestris.

8. Eager desire; as a violent passion for fine clothes.

PASSION, v.i. To be extremely agitated. [Not used.]

PASSION-FLOWER, n. A flower and plant of the genus Passiflora.

PASSION-WEEK, n. The week immediately preceding the festival of Easter; so called because in that week our Savior’s passion and death took place.

PASSIONARY, n. A book in which are described the sufferings of saints and martyrs.


1. Easily moved to anger; easily excited or agitated by injury or insult; applied to persons.

Homer’s Achilles is haughty and passionate.

2. Highly excited; vehement; warm; applied to things; as passionate affection; passionate desire; passionate concern.

3. Expressing strong emotion; animated; as passionate eloquence.

PASSIONATE, v.t. To affect with passion; to express passionately. [Not used.]

PASSIONATELY, adv. With passion; with strong feeling; ardently; vehemently; as, to covet any thing passionately; to be passionately fond.

1. Angrily; with vehement resentment; as, to speak passionately.

PASSIONATENESS, n. State of being subject to passion or anger.

1. Vehemence of mind.

PASSIONED, a. Disordered; violently affected.

1. Expressing passion.

PASSIONLESS, a. Not easily excited to anger; of a calm temper.

1. Void of passion.

PASSIVE, a. [L. passivus, from passus, patior, to suffer.]

1. Suffering; not acting, receiving or capable of receiving impressions from external agents. We were passive spectators, not actors in the scene.

The mind is wholly passive in the reception of all its simple ideas.

God is not in any respect passive.

2. Unresisting; not opposing; receiving or suffering without resistance; as passive obedience; passive submission to the laws.

Passive verb, in grammar, is a verb which expresses passion, or the effect of an action of some agent; as in L. doceor, I am taught; in English, she is loved and admired by her friends; he is assailed by slander.

Passive obedience, as used by writers on government, denotes not only quiet unresting submission to power, but implies the denial of the right of resistance, or the recognition of the duty to submit in all cases to the existing government.

Passive prayer, among mystic divines, is suspension of the activity of the soul or intellectual faculties, the soul remaining quiet and yielding only to the impulses of grace.

Passive commerce, trade in which the productions of a country are carried by foreigners in their own bottoms. [See Active commerce.]

PASSIVELY, adv. With a passive nature or temper; with a temper disposed to submit to the acts of external agents, without resistance.

1. Without agency.

2. According to the form of the passive verb.

PASSIVENESS, n. Quality of receiving impressions from external agents or causes; as the passiveness of matter.

1. Passibility; capacity of suffering.

We shall lose our passiveness with our being.

2. Patience; calmness; unresisting submission.

PASSIVITY, n. Passiveness, which see. [Little used.]

1. The tendency of a body to persevere in a given state, either of motion or rest, till disturbed by another body.

PASSLESS, a. Having no passage.

PASSOVER, n. [pass and over.] A feast of the Jews, instituted to commemorate the providential escape of the Hebrews, in Egypt, when God smiting the first-born of the Egyptians, passed over the houses of the Israelites, which were marked with the blood of the paschal lamb.

1. The sacrifice offered at the feast of the passover.


1. A written license from a king or other proper authority, granting permission or safe conduct for one to pass through his territories, or to pass from one country to another, or to navigate a particular sea without hindrance or molestation.

2. A license for importing or exporting contraband goods or movables without paying the usual duties.

3. That which enables one to pass with safety or certainty.

His passport is his innocence and grace.

PASSY-MEASURE, n. An old stately kind of dance; a cinque-pace.

PAST, pp. of pass. Gone by or beyond; not present; not future.

1. Spent; ended; accomplished.

PAST, n. Elliptically, past time; as indemnity for the past.
PAST, prep. Beyond in time. Hebrews 11:11.

1. Having lost; not possessing; as, he was past sense of feeling.

2. Beyond; out of reach of; as, he was past cure or help.

Love, when once past government, is consequently past shame.

3. Beyond; further than; as past the boundary.

4. Above; more than.

The northern Irish Scots have bows not past three quarters of a yard long. [Not now used.]

5. After; beyond in time. The company assembled at half past seven, that is, at half an hour after seven.

PASTE, n. [L. pistus, or Gr. to sprinkle, or some root which signifies to mix and knead.]

1. A soft composition of substances, as flour moistened with water or milk and kneaded, or any kind of earth moistened and formed to the consistence of dough. Paste made of flour is used in cookery; paste made of flour or earth, is used in various arts and manufactures, as a cement.

2. An artificial mixture in imitation of precious stones or gems, used in the glass trade.

3. In mineralogy, the mineral substance in which other minerals are imbedded.

PASTE, v.t. To unite or cement with paste; to fasten with paste.

PASTEBOARD, n. A species of thick paper formed of several single sheets pasted one upon another, or by macerating paper and casting it in molds, etc. It is used for the covering of books, for bonnets, etc.

PASTEL, n. A plant, the woad, of the genus Isatis.

1. A coloring substance.

PASTERN, n. The part of a horse’s leg between the joint next the foot and the coronet of the hoof.

1. The human leg; in contempt.

PASTERN-JOINT, n. The joint in a horse’s leg next the foot.

PASTICCIO, n. A medley; an olio.

PASTIL, n. [L. pastillus.]

1. A roll of paste, or a kind of paste made of different colors ground with gum-water in order to make crayons.

2. In pharmacy, a dry composition of sweet smelling resins, aromatic woods, etc. burnt to clear and scent the air of a room.

PASTIME, n. [pass and time.] Sport; amusement; diversion; that which amuses and serves to make time pass agreeably.

P`ASTIME, v.i. To sport; to use diversion. [Little used.]

PASTOR, n. [L. from pasco, pastum, to feed.]

1. A shepherd; one that has the care of flocks and herds.

2. A minister of the gospel who has the charge of a church and congregation, whose duty is to watch over the people of his charge, and instruct them in the sacred doctrines of the christian religion.

PASTORAL, a. [L. pastoralis.] Pertaining to shepherds; as a pastoral life; pastoral manners.

1. Descriptive of the life of shepherds; as a pastoral poem.

2. Relating to the care of souls, or to the pastor of a church; as pastoral care or duties; a pastoral letter.

Piety is the life and soul of pastoral fidelity.

P`ASTORAL, n. A poem describing the life and manners of shepherds, or a poem in imitation of the action of a shepherd, and in which the speakers take upon themselves the character of shepherds; an idyl; a bucolic.

A pastoral is a poem in which any action or passion is represented by its effects on a country life.

PASTORATE, n. The office, state or jurisdiction of a spiritual pastor.

PASTORLIKE, PASTORLY, a. Becoming a pastor.

PASTORSHIP, n. The office or rank of pastor.

PASTRY, n. [from paste.] Things in general which are made of paste, or of which paste constitutes a principal ingredient, as pies, tarts, cake and the like.

1. The place where pastry is made.

PASTRY-COOK, n. One whose occupation is to make and sell articles made of paste.

PASTURABLE, a. [from pasture.] Fit for pasture.


1. The business of feeding or grazing cattle.

2. Grazing ground; land appropriated to grazing.

3. Grass for feed.

PASTURE, n. [L. pasco, pastum, to feed.]

1. Grass for the food of cattle; the food of cattle taken by grazing.

2. Ground covered with grass appropriated for the food or cattle. The farmer has a hundred acres of pasture. It is sometimes called pasture-land.

3. Human culture; education. [Not used.]

Common of pasture, is the right of feeding cattle on another’s ground.

P`ASTURE, v.t. To feed on grass or to supply grass for food. We apply the word to persons, as the farmer pastures fifty oxen; or to ground, as the land will pasture fifty oxen.
P`ASTURE, v.i. To graze; to take food by eating grass from the ground.

PASTY, a. Like paste; of the consistence of paste.

PASTY, n. [from paste.] A pie made of paste and baked without a dish.

PAT, a. Fit; convenient; exactly suitable either as to time or place. [Not an elegant word, but admissible in burlesque.]

PAT, adv. Fitly; conveniently.
PAT, n. A light quick blow or stroke with the fingers or hand.
PAT, v.t. To strike gently with the fingers or hand; to tap.

Gay pats my shoulder and you vanish quite.

PATACA, PATACOON, n. A Spanish coin of the value of 4s. 8d. sterling, or about $1.04 cents.

PATACHE, n. A tender or small vessel employed in conveying men or orders from one ship or place to another.

PATAVINITY, n. The use of local words, or the peculiar style or diction of Livy, the Roman historian; so denominated from Patavium or Padua, the place of his nativity.


1. A piece of cloth sewed on a garment to repair it.

2. A small piece of any thing used to repair a breach.

3. A small piece of silk used to cover a defect on the face, or to add a charm.

4. A piece inserted in mosaic or variegated work.

5. A small piece of ground, or a small detached piece.

6. A paltry fellow. This use is sometimes heard in vulgar language; as a cross-patch.

PATCH, v.t. To mend by sewing on a piece or pieces; as, to patch a coat.

1. To adorn with a patch or with patches.

In the middle boxes were several ladies who patched both sides of their faces.

2. To mend with pieces; to repair clumsily.

3. To repair with pieces fastened on; as, to patch the roof of a house.

4. To make up of pieces and shreds.

5. To dress in a party-colored coat.

6. To make suddenly or hastily; to make without regard to forms; as, to patch up a peace.

PATCHED, pp. Mended with a patch or patches; mended clumsily.

PATCHER, n. One that patches or botches.

PATCHERY, n. Bungling work; botchery; forgery.

PATCHING, ppr. Mending with a piece or pieces; botching.