The Story of Redemption



Before sin came into our world, snakes were beautiful creatures with wings. When flying through the air, they were the color of bright shining gold. Snakes did not crawl on the ground. They ate fruit the same as human beings. Satan took the form of a snake when he came into the Garden of Eden. He flew to the tree of knowledge and began to eat the fruit of that tree. SRme 1.64

The angels had warned Eve not to become separated from her husband Adam. But one day, without realizing what she was doing, Eve began to work by herself. When Eve noticed that she was not with Adam, she was afraid that she might be in danger. But then she thought she would be safe by herself. Eve thought she had enough wisdom and strength not to be harmed by temptation. SRme 1.65

Eve noticed she was near the tree of knowledge. She was curious about that tree. The fruit looked beautiful and delicious. Eve wondered why God had told her and Adam not to touch or eat the fruit. Now was Satan's chance to tempt Eve. He spoke to her, giving her the idea that he was able to read her thoughts: "Didn't God say that you could not eat fruit from every tree in the garden?" Satan spoke to her very nicely, with a voice that sounded as music. Eve was surprised that a snake was able to speak. She knew that God had not given snakes the power to talk. But she was pleased that the snake told her she was beautiful and lovely. SRme 1.66

Eve should have run away quickly from that dangerous spot. But she wanted to hear the snake talk. She did not suspect that Satan was talking through a snake as a means of deceiving her. SRme 1.67

If Eve had met a powerful being who looked like an angel, she would have been on guard. But the fact that a strange voice was coming from a snake should have caused her to run to Adam. Eve should have asked Adam why a snake was talking to her. Instead Eve stayed right there and began to argue with the snake. She said, "We can eat the fruit of all the trees in the garden except for one tree. God told us not to eat or touch the fruit of the tree of knowledge. God says that if we eat or touch the fruit we will die." SRme 1.68

The snake replied: "That is not true. You will not die. What God did not tell you is that when you eat this fruit you will be the same as gods. You will understand all about good and evil." SRme 1.69

Satan wanted Eve to think that if she ate the fruit from the forbidden tree she would receive a new and better kind of knowledge than she had. Satan uses the same lie today. That lie has deceived many. He tells people not to be satisfied with what God has allowed them to know. He says that God is keeping secrets from them. Satan also tells people that they do not need to obey God's laws. He wants people to think that they will have a wonderful new knowledge if they disobey God. But that is not true. SRme 1.70

When people do not believe what God says and do not obey His laws, they think they can become wise without His help. They try to understand things that God knows is best for them not to know anything about. They are pleased because they think they know so much. But actually their minds are as dark as midnight because they do not have true understanding from God. They keep trying to learn, but they are not able to know the truth. SRme 1.71

God did not want Adam and Eve to know about evil. God had generously given them everything good and had chosen not to give them anything evil. But Eve thought that the words of the serpent were wise. She believed Satan's words: "You certainly will not die. God knows that if you eat this fruit you will be as gods. You will know both good and evil." Satan wanted Adam and Eve to believe that God was a liar. Satan told Eve that God did not want her and Adam to be equal with Him in knowledge. God said, "If you eat, you certainly will die." The snake said, "If you eat, you certainly will not die." SRme 1.72

Satan promised Eve that as soon as she ate the fruit she would receive new and higher knowledge. Then she would be equal with God. The snake told Eve to look at him. He had eaten much of the fruit. The fruit had not hurt him. Instead, the fruit was delicious. The fruit made him feel great. Something in the fruit had given him wisdom and power. The snake said that God did not want Adam and Eve to have such wonderful powers. That was the reason God commanded them not to eat or touch the fruit. The snake said that he could talk because he had eaten the fruit. SRme 1.73

Satan suggested that God would not keep His word. Eve would not die if she ate the fruit. God had threatened Adam and Eve with death because He did not want them to have a better life. Satan said that because Adam and Eve had eaten the fruit from the tree of life they could not die. They would live forever. God was deceiving them because He did not want them to have greater happiness. SRme 1.74

The snake picked some fruit and gave a piece of the fruit to Eve. Eve held the fruit in her hand. Satan pointed out that God had said Adam and Eve would die if they touched the fruit. But Eve had touched the fruit and she did not die. Satan said that eating the fruit would do no more harm than touching the fruit. Eve felt that because God had not punished her at once, He would not punish her. SRme 1.75

She believed that the words Satan had spoken through the snake were wise and true. Eve ate the fruit and thought the fruit was delicious. She believed she was being filled with the exciting power of a new, higher knowledge. SRme 1.76