The Story of Redemption



Adam and Eve were very happy in the Garden of Eden. They were given full control over everything. Lions and lambs played together in peace around them. Sometimes they slept at the feet of Adam and Eve. Birds with feathers of every color flew among the trees and flowers and around Adam and Eve. Birds' songs could be heard everywhere as they sang praises to the Creator. SRme 1.34

Adam and Eve were delighted with the beauty of their home in the Garden of Eden. They loved hearing the bright-colored birds sing their cheerful songs. Sometimes Adam and Eve joined the birds in singing songs of love and praise to the Father and His dear Son. They thanked God for the beauty and blessings that were all around them. SRme 1.35

Adam and Eve could see the harmony and order of creation. This showed them that there was no limit to God's wisdom and knowledge. Each day Adam and Eve saw new glory and beauty in the things God had placed in their Eden home. Each new thing they found made them love God more. Each discovery influenced them to praise God, thank Him, and worship Him more for being their wise and wonderful Creator. SRme 1.36