The Story of Redemption



Martin Luther was the leading reformer whom God called to guide the church from the darkness of heresy into the knowledge of a purer faith. Luther was zealous for truth. He served God, and was not afraid of people. Luther's religious faith was based only on the Holy Scriptures. God used Luther to do a great work in reforming the church and bringing Bible truths to the world. Luther was the man for his time. SRme 1.1514

One day as Luther was searching for books in the library of the university, he discovered a Bible written in Latin. Luther had heard parts of the Gospels and the Letters of Paul read at public worship. He thought the Gospels and Letters were the whole Bible. Now for the first time Luther saw the whole Bible. He turned the sacred pages with reverence and wonder. Luther's heart beat faster as he read for himself the words of life. Often he stopped reading and said, "Oh, if God would give me such a book for my own!" Angels of heaven were by Luther's side. Rays of light from the throne of God helped Luther understand the important truths that he read. SRme 1.1515

Luther was always afraid he would not obey one of God's laws and thus make God angry. Now more than before he realized what a great sinner he was. Luther had an earnest desire to be free from sin. Hoping to find peace with God, Luther entered a school for monks. SRme 1.1516

Luther found a Bible chained to the wall. Every minute Luther could take from his daily work, he spent studying the Bible. Luther robbed himself of sleep and hated to stop studying to eat his humble meals. More than anything else, Luther loved to study God's Word. SRme 1.1517

After a while Luther was ordained as a priest. Then he was a professor at the University of Wittenberg. At Wittenberg Luther was able to study the Bible in the original languages. Luther began to give talks about the Bible. Crowds of delighted listeners began to understand the book of Psalms, the Gospels, and the Letters of Paul. Luther preached the Bible with power, and the grace of God rested on him. His beautiful use of words attracted the people who listened to him. With clearness and power Luther presented the truth. People listened and understood, and their hearts were touched with Luther's warmth and zeal. SRme 1.1518