The Story of Redemption



Paul and the apostle Peter were widely separated for many years. Peter worked especially for the Jews. Paul preached the gospel to the Gentiles. But God planned that Peter and Paul would witness for Christ in Rome. Rome was the capital city of the world. In Rome, Peter and Paul would die for Jesus. Many people would accept Jesus because of Peter's and Paul's deaths. SRme 1.1424

About the same time of Paul's second arrest, Peter was also arrested and put into prison. The rulers hated Peter. Peter had succeeded in revealing the lies and evil work of Simon Magus. Simon Magus was the magician who had tried to buy the Holy Spirit. Simon Magus was also a false prophet. He followed Peter to Rome. Simon Magus caused trouble for Peter and worked against the gospel. Nero, the ruler of the Roman Empire, believed in magic. Nero believed in Simon Magus and had asked advice from him. Nero was angry at Peter and ordered his arrest. SRme 1.1425

Peter, as a Jew and a foreigner, was sentenced to be beaten and crucified. Peter thought about how terrible crucifixion is. Then Peter remembered his great sin in denying Jesus in the hour of Jesus' trial. Peter had truly repented and had been forgiven. Jesus had given him the great work of preaching the gospel to the people. But Peter had never forgiven himself. Peter thought of his own soon-coming crucifixion. Peter still felt great sorrow for denying Jesus. Peter thought he was not worthy of the honor of dying the same way as his Master had died. So Peter asked the soldiers to nail him to the cross with his head downward. The great apostle, Peter, died upside down on a cross. SRme 1.1426

Nero also hated Paul. During Paul's first imprisonment he had converted members of the royal household to Christianity. Paul also had converted other important people in Rome. For this reason Nero made Paul's second time in prison much more severe than the first. Nero gave Paul little opportunity to preach the gospel. Nero determined to kill Paul as soon as he [Nero] could find a good excuse. SRme 1.1427

During Paul's last trial, Nero was strongly stirred by the power of Paul's words. Because of this Nero waited to make a decision about killing Paul. Nero did not free Paul, but Nero did not make condemn Paul. But soon Nero made the decision and sent Paul to a martyr's grave. Paul could not be tortured or crucified because he was a Roman citizen, so Paul was sentenced to be beheaded. SRme 1.1428