The Story of Redemption



Saul was upset because Stephen died with courage and a strong faith. Saul wondered if Stephen was truly guilty. But the arguments of the priests and rulers finally satisfied Saul. He believed that Stephen had spoken against the Most High God. Saul believed that Jesus was a deceiver. The priests also led Saul to believe that the leaders of the nation were right. SRme 1.1219

Saul was a man with a strong will and strong purpose. He decided that the priests and rulers had done no wrong. Saul became bitter in his fight against people who believed in Jesus. His eagerness led him to persecute all Christians. SRme 1.1220

Saul caused holy men to be dragged before the councils. These holy men were put in prison or killed for one reason only--their faith in Jesus. At one time James and John had shown the same spirit of revenge. James and John wanted Jesus to call fire down from heaven to burn the people who were rude to Jesus and laughed at Him. SRme 1.1221

Saul planned to travel to Damascus on personal business. But Saul decided also to look for Christians on the way. He took with him letters from the high priest to be read in the synagogues. The letters gave Saul permission to arrest people who were thought to be believers in Jesus. Saul was to send the believers to Jerusalem to be tried and punished. Messengers were to take the prisoners to Jerusalem. Paul began his trip full of strength and enthusiasm. SRme 1.1222