The Story of Redemption



All heaven was waiting for the hour of triumph when Jesus would ascend to His Father. Holy angels came to earth to receive the King of glory and take Him back to heaven with them. SRme 1.1054

After Jesus blessed His disciples, He left them and began the trip to heaven. Jesus led the way, and a large number of resurrected people followed Him. Many heavenly angels came to receive Jesus and the people He had resurrected. And in heaven, angels who were too many to number waited for Jesus to arrive. SRme 1.1055

Jesus and the angels with him drew near to the Holy City. The angels who were with Jesus sang praises: SRme 1.1056

�������������������� "Fling [open] wide the gates, SRme 1.1057

����������������������������������� open the ancient doors, SRme 1.1058

����������������������������������� and the great King will come in." SRme 1.1059

The angels in the Holy City were thrilled to answer: SRme 1.1060

����������������������� "Who is this great King?" SRme 1.1061

The angels with Jesus answered in triumph: SRme 1.1062

����������������������� "He is the Lord, strong and mighty SRme 1.1063

����������������������������������� the Lord, victorious in battle. SRme 1.1064

����������������������� Fling [open] wide the gates, SRme 1.1065

����������������������������������� open the ancient doors, SRme 1.1066

����������������������������������� and the great King will come in." SRme 1.1067

Again the waiting angels asked: SRme 1.1068

����������������������� "Who is this great King?" SRme 1.1069

The angels with Jesus answered in beautiful song: SRme 1.1070

����������������������� "The triumphant Lord--He is the great King!" (Ps. 24:7-10). SRme 1.1071

Jesus and those with Him entered the city of God. Then the heavenly angels surrounded their majestic Commander. With the deepest love the angels bowed before Jesus. The angels threw down their shining crowns at His feet. They touched their golden harps, filling heaven with beautiful music. The angels sang songs of praise to Jesus who had given His life for sinners on earth. Now Jesus was living again with power and glory. SRme 1.1072