The Story of Redemption



The disciples rested on the Sabbath day. The disciples were sad that Jesus, the King of glory, was lying in the tomb. Night was coming, so soldiers were sent to guard the Saviour's resting place. Angels who could not be seen stayed close above the sacred spot. The night passed slowly. It was still dark, but the angels knew it was almost time for Jesus to arise. The angels waited with deepest feelings of excitement for the moment of Jesus' resurrection. SRme 1.1017

A mighty angel flew quickly from heaven. The angel's face was like lightning, and his clothing was white as snow. The angel's light swept away the darkness before him. Evil angels had triumphantly said the body of Jesus was theirs. But the brightness and glory of this one angel frightened the evil angels and caused them to flee away. SRme 1.1018

One of the angels who had seen Christ crucified and had watched over His tomb joined the mighty angel from heaven. These two angels flew to Christ's tomb. The earth trembled and shook as they came near. There was a great earthquake. SRme 1.1019

The Roman soldiers were terribly afraid. The soldiers forgot their duty to guard the tomb. They did not think about the disciples stealing Jesus' body. The light of the two angels shone brighter than the sun. The soldiers fell to the ground as dead men. Where, now, was the power of the soldiers to keep the body of Jesus? SRme 1.1020

One of the angels rolled away the heavy stone from the entrance to the tomb. The angel sat down on the stone. The other angel entered the tomb and removed the cloth that covered Jesus' head. SRme 1.1021