The Story of Redemption



Jesus, the precious Son of God, was given to the people to be crucified. The disciples and many believers joined the crowd that followed Jesus to Calvary. Mary, the mother of Jesus, was there. She was helped by John, the beloved disciple. Mary's heart was filled with terrible sadness. Mary and the disciples were hoping that the situation would change. They were hoping Jesus would use His power to appear before His enemies as the Son of God. Mary lost hope as she remembered Jesus speaking of the very things that were happening to Him. SRme 1.963

The cross that had been made for Barabbas was near the gate of Pilate's house. Barabbas' cross was put on the wounded, bleeding shoulders of Jesus. Two thieves who had joined Barabbas in crime also had to carry their crosses. These men would be crucified with Jesus. Jesus carried His cross only a short distance before He fell fainting to the ground. Jesus was weak from loss of blood, pain, and lack of rest. SRme 1.964

When Jesus was able to stand up, the cross was put on His shoulders again. He was forced to continue with His heavy load. Again Jesus went only a few steps, then fell as a dead man to the ground. The soldiers thought Jesus was dead. But after awhile Jesus was able to get up again. SRme 1.965

The priests and rulers felt no pity for Christ, but they realized He could not carry the cross farther. While the priests and rulers were talking about what to do, a man named Simon appeared. Simon, who was from Cyrene, was coming from the opposite direction when he met the crowd. Someone grabbed Simon and made him carry the cross of Jesus. The sons of Simon were followers of Jesus, but Simon had not accepted Jesus. SRme 1.966

A great crowd followed Jesus to Calvary. Many of the people were laughing and making fun of Jesus. But some people were weeping. People whom Jesus had healed and raised from the dead told of His wonderful works. These people demanded to know why Jesus was being treated as a criminal. SRme 1.967

Only a few days before, many of the people had joyfully sung praises to Jesus. They had waved palm branches and had welcomed Jesus as their King when He rode into Jerusalem. Many of the people had shouted praises to Jesus, because it was the popular thing to do. Now they shouted, "Crucify Him! Crucify Him!" SRme 1.968