The Story of Redemption



I [Ellen White] saw Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane with His disciples. In deep concern Jesus asked His disciples to watch and pray that they would not give in to temptation. Jesus knew that the faith of the disciples was to be tested and their hopes disappointed. Jesus knew they would need to gain all the strength possible through earnest prayer and careful watching. SRme 1.923

With strong cries and weeping, Jesus prayed: "'Father,. . . if You will, take this cup of suffering away from Me. Not My will, however, but Your will be done'" (Luke 22:42). SRme 1.924

The Son of God prayed in agony. Great drops of blood gathered upon Jesus' face and fell to the ground. Holy angels watched Jesus struggle. Only one angel was given permission to strengthen the Son of God in His agony. There was no joy in heaven. Angels took off their crowns and put away their harps. With deepest interest the angels silently watched Jesus. The angels wished to be with the Son of God. But the commanding angels would not let them be with Him. The commanding angels feared that when the angels saw Jesus betrayed and hurt, they would want to deliver Him. The angels must not deliver Jesus because the plan of salvation had to be fulfilled. SRme 1.925

After praying, Jesus returned to His disciples. But He found them sleeping. In that terrible hour, Jesus did not have the sympathy and prayers of His disciples. Peter, who was so boastful a short time before, was sleeping deeply. Jesus reminded Peter of his boastful statements. Then Jesus asked, "'How is it that you three were not able to keep watch with Me for even one hour?'" (Matt. 26:40). Three times the Son of God prayed in agony. SRme 1.926