Story of Hope


The Close of Probation

When the third angels message was closing, the power of God had rested upon His people. They had accomplished their work and were prepared for the trying hour before them. They had received the latter rain, or refreshing from the presence of the Lord, and the living testimony had been revived. The last great warning had sounded everywhere, and it had stirred up and enraged the inhabitants of the earth who would not receive the message. SH 105.2

Angels were hurrying to and fro in heaven. An angel with a writer’s inkhorn by his side returned from the earth and reported to Jesus that his work was done, and the saved were numbered and sealed. Then Jesus, who had been ministering before the ark containing the Ten Commandments, threw down the censer. He raised His hands, and with a loud voice said, “It is done.” And all the angels laid off their crowns as Jesus made the solemn declaration, “He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still.” Revelation 22:11. SH 105.3

Every case had been decided for life or death. While Jesus had been ministering in the sanctuary, the judgment had been going on for the righteous dead, and then for the righteous living. Christ had received His kingdom, having made the atonement for His people and blotted out their sins. The subjects of the kingdom were determined. The marriage of the Lamb was accomplished. And the kingdom, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, was given to Jesus and the heirs of salvation, and Jesus was to reign as King of kings and Lord of lords. SH 105.4

As Jesus moved out of the most holy place, the bells on His garment tinkled; and as He left, a cloud of darkness covered the inhabitants of the earth. There was then no mediator between guilty humanity and an offended God. While Jesus had been standing between God and guilty humanity, a restraint was upon the people; but when He stepped out from between mankind and the Father, the restraint was removed, and Satan had entire control of those who refused to repent. SH 106.1

It was impossible for the plagues to be poured out while Jesus officiated in the sanctuary, but as His work there is finished and His intercession closes, there is nothing to hold back the wrath of God, and it breaks with fury on the shelterless head of the guilty sinner, who has made light of salvation and hated reproof. In that fearful time, after the close of Jesus’ mediation, the people of God, whom the Bible calls saints, were living in the sight of a holy God without an intercessor. Every case was decided, every jewel numbered. SH 106.2

Too Late!—Then Jesus laid off His priestly attire and clothed Himself with His most kingly robes. On His head were many crowns, a crown within a crown. Surrounded by the angelic host, He left heaven. The plagues were falling on the inhabitants of the earth. Some were denouncing God and cursing Him. Others rushed to the people of God and begged to be taught how to escape His judgments. But the saints had nothing for them. The last tear for sinners had been shed, the last agonizing prayer offered, the last burden borne, the last warning given. The sweet voice of mercy was no longer inviting them. When the saints, and all heaven, were interested for their salvation, they had no interest for themselves. Life and death had been set before them. Many desired life but made no effort to obtain it. They did not choose life, and now there was no atoning blood to cleanse the guilty, no compassionate Savior to plead for them and cry, “Spare, spare the sinner a little longer.” All heaven had united with Jesus as they heard the fearful words, “It is done! It is finished!” The plan of salvation had been accomplished, but few had chosen to accept it. And as mercy’s sweet voice died away, fear and horror seized the wicked. With terrible distinctness they heard the words, “Too late! too late!” SH 106.3

Many of the wicked were greatly enraged as they suffered the effects of the plagues in fearful agony. Parents were bitterly blaming their children, and children their parents, brothers their sisters, and sisters their brothers. Loud, wailing cries came from every direction: “It was you who kept me from receiving the truth that would have saved me from this awful hour.” The people turned on their ministers with bitter hate and blamed them, saying, “You have not warned us. You told us that all the world was to be converted, and you cried, Peace, peace, to quiet every fear that was aroused. You have not told us of this hour; and those who warned us of it you declared to be fanatics and evil people, who would ruin us.” But the ministers did not escape the wrath of God. Their suffering was tenfold greater than that of their people. SH 107.1