The Ellen G. White Letters and Manuscripts: Volume 1


Interpreting Ellen G. White's Letters and Manuscripts

Alberto R. Timm* 1EGWLM 32

Ellen G. White was among the most prolific writers of her time. Her classic works have been translated into many languages, reaching an impressive worldwide circulation. Such books tend to deal with universal principles, applicable everywhere and easily understood by the general Christian reader. But when one moves from these books into Ellen White's personal correspondence, the reader encounters particulars of time and place that are foreign to the world we live in today. 1EGWLM 32.1

Therefore, those unaccustomed to reading such material will find the following insights helpful for interpreting Ellen White's letters and manuscripts, including special attention to their thematic scope and focus, inspiration and authority, context, and practical application. 1EGWLM 32.2